Has magic worked for you?

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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 10
Of course!
my first spell I did, did not work. ( enchanting ) how do I know? I woke up and the thing I tried to enchant was broke, right where I left it.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 11
I feel the same way. I'm just beginning my journey, even though I've felt something deep inside me for years now. But I don't really know anything, and I'm hoping it won't take too long before I can actually do something. People keep saying patience is key, but I'm naturally not a patient person, so I can see this time of learning and getting my footing being hard for me. I also believe if something is achieved after working hard for it, it's appreciated more. So, I'll try not to complain too much lol.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 12
I have only used magic once and it was to get rid of my abusive boyfriend at that time...

the ritual required 1 hot pepper, 1 piece of small pure white paper paper, a large sheet of paper like a newspaper, black pen, black thread, matches or lighter and your first and last name and the spouse's first and last name

Won't go into much details but the ritual required I burn the hot pepper in a large sheet of paper once a day everyday until it comes to complete ashes... when it do the relationship Will end

Let's say the pepper turned to ashes yesterday, today we were over... however it did came with some backslashes

That year I started undergoing sleep paralysis and shadow people attack once every three days for a few months well. It was scary as he'll but yea that's my experience
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
By: / Novice
Post # 13
Merry Meet,

I have many tales of Magic working for me. Did you want tales of spell work, energy work, or my craft in general? I assume you desire more fantastical tales over simple prayers or meditations.

There was a time when I was much younger, I gave an offering of candy to The Fae, and I was told by a Pagan friend the candy would taste sour, or less sweet, if The Fae had visited, so I tasted it the next day and it did taste sour. I learned two things that day, one, the taste was different, and two, you should not eat an offering after you gave it away. The Fae saw my actions as an insult and I got cursed. Thankfully, my parents helped me atone for my crime, but that was a miserable week for me.

I think the first spell I cast successfully was for good luck. I was in middle school, and I remember my homeroom teacher decided to have a fun day instead of a work day, so we got to watch videos instead of work. My math teacher did a pop-quiz and I got perfect. When I went to the store for lunch, I got the last slice of pizza, the owner gave me a free can of pop, and I found $20 on my way home that day.

Currently, my spells are scaled back, so a spell for health is proven to work by not getting sick. A spell to protect my home is proven to work by my house not being vandalized. I leave offerings on my fireplace mantel for the brownie who lives in my home and they keep my home tidy. I still have to clean it, but I find there is rarely any dust or major cleaning required.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 14
Hmm. Now I'm a little puzzled.

It's said time and time again on this site that magic itself can't affect the physical directly. It only works with energy. In this thread however, we have an account of fire energy causing candles to burn down faster. If magic doesn't affect physical fire (no pyrokinesis), what's going on here? A burning candle is physical fire, so by that logic magical fire energy shouldn't be making it burn faster. Fire needs fuel and oxygen to burn. Am I missing something?

Similarly, I assume spiritual beings don't actually affect the physical world directly either. However, we have a post also in this thread that says:

"I leave offerings on my fireplace mantel for the brownie who lives in my home and they keep my home tidy. I still have to clean it, but I find there is rarely any dust or major cleaning required."

How does this work? I don't understand how a non-physical entity can help keep a house clean.

Basically, is there some kind of gray area? Some line between the real and the fluffy?
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 15
Yep, many times. I'll first share the experience of my first spell, which I cast when I was around 10 or 9 years old. There was a bully at my school, and I cast a Bury and Banish spell on him. Without any sort of training or even a bit of research on casting spells, I had cast a spell and it worked! He moved to a new school 2 months after casting. Another time, a nice rainstorm had ended, but I didn't want it to end. So I cast a rain spell, and another shower of rain came! Another time was when I cast a rain go-away spell that worked in minutes. I also used to cast spells to make sure I get the swings in the park every time. And whenever I left the swing, I would put up wards to deter others from going near it, only I would get it in the end, and I did! I would also use magick to keep my brother inside the park and they usually worked. I found that the magick I used for my brother worked when there was no repetition of words, while in others spells, phrases had to be repeated. I summed it up to energy flow. In some cases, repetitions can aid the flow of energy, and in other cases, it would stop the energy flow entirely. And while this isn't directly involved in spells, I once asked the Goddess to help my mother and father's marriage and it worked! The Goddess helped save my mother and father's marriage! I thank her for that.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 16
absolutely! I did the tarot love spell for my boyfriend four days ago (everything was fine, I just wanted us to text more- we can't see each other because of the pandemic) . it was night time and I was about to sleep. after casting the spell, I cleared my mind from any negative thoughts and I simply banned the feeling of doubt from my head. so i went to sleep but I wasn't tired so I got my phone to chat with a friend and I saw that my boyfriend sent me a song and also texted a lot of messages. he has never sent me a song before so I definitely think the spell has worked perfectly. we've been texting all day ever since. if you have a tarot deck I would %100 recommend this spell.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
By: / Novice
Post # 17
@ Draq, it's charging the energy. You're putting more energy into the fire's energy. You can influence elements, but you can't control them. That's the issue. When people think of pyrokinesis, they're usually talking about creating and/or manipulating fire, when in reality, it's nothing more than putting energy into a flame to make it grow and shrink [I've done that plenty of times] You can combine the magickal and the mundane to affect the physical. Lighting a candle and saying you want clear skin won't do much, but infusing that energy into a face wash and keeping a routine will enhance the results.

As for Tadashi's comments about his brownie keeping his home tidy, I have no idea how that works, but I've been to his house and it's rather clean, though he could just be lying and doing it all himself [but knowing him, he's not] From personal experience, I've dealt with spirits who move objects [normally something little like a ring, but they've slammed doors too] I have no clue how they do it, but I feel it has something to do with the spiritual beings energy and the thickness of the veil [when it's thin, like at Samhain, they can interact easier with the physical] It's something that's always interested me, but I chalk it up to ancient beings choosing when they want to interact with us. When you go to the astral, you can interact with it, so I assume it's the same when astral beings visit us. [so, maybe we're spirits in their world? I've always wondered about that]

I've been on this site long enough to know if you say "there is a rare exception where this can happen" you'll get hundreds of people going "I'm the exception to the rule!" simply because they want to be. I've heard of legends of people after decades of spiritual practice, living a very spiritual path, they gain certain impossible feats. This is the result of a lifetime of practice, and not reading a few words you found on a site [a spell won't make you control fire, but working with it over years, you'll gain a deeper connection with it, and maybe discover a unique talent] Weather spells come to mind as a grey area. Some argue it's too much power for mortals, others claim it's totally possible because you're working with natural forces, which is what magick is, a force of nature. Personally, I believe it's possible, but we shouldn't mess with natural forces like weather patterns because we don't fully comprehend what negative results could occur. [you don't want it to rain in your area, so you move it elsewhere, resulting in a flood]
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 18
yes it worked on me
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 19

It depends what you mean by magic? You mean spiritually?

I generally hate the term magic for my outcomes. I work hard for something, i get what I worked for, its not magic. I think luck and coincides happen but yet again, not magic. Karma I know is not real, as you could do so much good but still have horrible things happen. I think of it as life.

As far as spiritual work goes, yes it has worked.

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