To Stop Someone From Harming

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► To Stop Someone From Harming
To stop someone from harming themselves or others spell.

Casting Instructions for 'To Stop Someone From Harming'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

As soon as you get the person in sight. Say 1-10 times: "Oh spirits of peace spirits of help gods and goddesses listen to me. Please make this person stop. Don't let them harm themself or others. So mote it be."


Added to on Sep 11, 2014
Last edited on Jul 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is fake, I am sorry to say. There is no spirit of peace and spirit of help, which leads me to conclude, while well intentioned, it is fake. You might influence the person to stop and think, but something like self harm is a compulsion, it is a coping mechanism, so simply saying ''don't do it'' will not stop it. It might make the person contemplate seeking help, so try it if you want, but there are better options.

At least if your going to use this spell don’t say “spirits of peace” call upon your highest deity. Though I agree with Tadashi I’d suggest another method.

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