Witch's Book Of Shadows and Journal

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This is information regarding a Witch's Book of Shadows and Magickal Journal

A Witch's Book of Shadows is a place where they record prayers, spells, devotion, altar diagrams, information on the Sabbats, important dates (ie: birthdays, handfastings, deaths), information on their God and/or Goddess, herb lore, and other information they consider important to their craft.

A Witch's Magickal Journal is a where a witch keeps information on her life. Some things that might be included in a Magickal Journal include dreams, results of meditations, feelings about their practice, etc.

The following are some suggested outlines for material that you might want to include in your Book or Shadows or your Magickal Journal.

What can be in the Magickal Journal:

  • Day, Date, Time
  • Daily Horoscopes
  • Emotions of the Day
  • Important parts of the day
  • Divination results
  • Spell Outcomes
  • Dreams

Book of Shadow Set up

  • Cover page
  • Dedication Page
  • Reference Tab
  • Prayer/Song Tab
  • Ritual Tab
  • Spell Tab

Herbal Book of Shadows Set Up

  • Cover Page
  • Herbal Lore Tab
  • Cooking & Baking Tab
  • Drink Making Tab
  • Potion Tab
  • Incense & Oil Tab

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Part of the Gypsy Witchcraft Library.


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May 08, 2019
this is very helpful i shall start right away!

Jun 15, 2019

Jun 24, 2019
very helpful thank you and blessed be!

Jul 10, 2019
This is great thank you.

Jul 28, 2019
What goes on a cover page

Jul 28, 2019
You can decorate the cover, and the book itself, however you like or not at all. It's entirely up to you, and what you feel is appropriate.

Aug 10, 2019
How interesting! I have some strange dreams, but I write down in my dream journal. Nice organizing!

Sep 07, 2019
Thanks,this is helpful

Oct 18, 2019
I have a book of Shadows I started this is great information to help me make it great

Nov 25, 2019
Love this,thank you for the inspiration

Jan 12, 2020
I like to add an autumn leaf from every year. I just tape it in :) but living in Canada you have to be quick...you may only get 3 days of autumn haha 😜

Feb 15, 2020
Great info for organizing..something i have to work on! My stuff is all over the place! Lol Really must find the time to put things in an orderly fashion..been runnin & gunnin with my notes,spells,rituals and such..thanks

May 04, 2020
very helpful thank you! blessed be :)

Jun 09, 2020
I love the way you organised this, thank you!

Aug 12, 2020
Hello. I am just starting and hope this isn't a dumb question. Can I combine my magical journal and BOS in one? Or is it best to keep them separate?

Aug 12, 2020
You can combine the.

May 14, 2021
I- I myself, I keep them separate, just so I have individual books... but you can do your own- I have Book of Shadows for every type of magick there is, as well as one for herbs and wands and woods and witchcraft paths- and one thick one for my personal coven > I just joined Spell Casters on here so I can share my knowledge with everyone

May 18, 2021
Your BoS is a record of your personal witchcraft journey. If you want to combine them, you can, if you want them separate, that's fine too. I have dozens of journals and BoS, but unlike my journals, my BoS has themes. One is spells, one is rituals, one is all about my experience with the divine, another is primarily shadow work with notes on things like meditation and chakras along with my code of ethics and morals. Some witches have a book with all of that together, others have a specific ''this is for divination, that is for my daily journal'' view. Whatever feels best for you is the right answer.

Sep 29, 2021
I keep everything in one book, entered in the order that they occur on my time line. It makes it hard to find one particular thing but browsing through looking for something is often very inspirational.

Nov 28, 2020
what should i include on a dedication page? im new to witchcraft and i dont want to mess up!

Mar 26, 2021
Sure if you want!

Mar 27, 2021
As WightWizard said, your Book of Shadows [or Grimoire] is your personal journal on your journey. Create it however you feel best. There are no wrong answers in your craft. I have several Books of Shadow, my very first one has a dedication as does my Draconic, but the others I use for specific things and didn't feel they needed dedications. It is good to have something to reflect back on to ground yourself when you feel lost and a dedication is perfect for that.

Sep 02, 2021
is there a certain way i should make my BoS or would a regular journal do?

Sep 05, 2021
Nope. Find a book you like and use that. You can bless it if you wish, and design it however you desire. It's your personal notebook on your craft. Some witches use a computer document, others use a three-ring binder, most buy a journal and use that. Whatever you want.

Sep 13, 2021
thank you nekoshema this helped a lot

Sep 18, 2021
I love this idea!! By any chance does it help get in touch more with my spiritual side?

Sep 19, 2021
Technically, yes. Your Book of Shadows is a witches' journal. You can put anything you want into it. Some will write dreams and meditation sessions down. Personally, I loved working on my first BoS. It made me feel connected to my path. It's your personal record of your path, so do what feels right for you. As you work on it, you should feel more spiritual.

Oct 08, 2021
I use a three ring binder with sheet protectors and labels on them. I also have a folder in my binder for just separate notes and a note book in it in it to write down Dreams and such. I have it very organized. But I also have a separate journal for my Egyptian and Greek studies and work too.

Aug 10, 2023
Helpful, but I'm doing my own setup.

Oct 19, 2023

Feb 02, 2024
Thank you! I hope it's acceptable to use OneNote for this.

Feb 03, 2024
You can use anything you like. There are no regulations. It is your personal journal of the journey you are walking, as you walk it.

Feb 07, 2024
Please use what makes you feel comfortable. I use my tablet, and a few journals.

May 29, 2024
Thank you. Blessed Be!

Jul 10, 2024

Kind of. A Book of Shadows is basically a cookbook. You can record spells and useful information, but also any notes regarding the spell/ritual. Grimoires are similar, usually seen as more aesthetically pleasing, but basically identical to a Book of Shadows. A Magikal journal is also a Book of Shadows, only it is more about your journey and the Book of Shadows or Grimoire is the guide you would use in your practice. Book of Mirrors is another type of Magikal journal some utilize in shadow work. Book of Dreams is for dream interpretation.

All of these and more are just the place you write information for your path. The Book of Shadows or Grimoire can contain anything listed above and more. Astrology, astronomy, crystal, correspondences, definitions, divination, herbs, spells, rituals and whatever else. It can be in any order, any format. It can be physical or digital. It is your personal guide. You could use a Book of Shadows and include things typically found in a journal or Book of Mirrors. The key is you have a place to reflect on things. You could have one, you could have a hundred. Whatever resonates with you.

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