
SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Awaken
Keeps whomever is the target awake for short periods of time.

Casting Instructions for 'Awaken'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.

As you fall asleep say 2 times: "Although I(or name of target) sleep sound as a dog.
I/he/she wish/s to be awake for an hour more that is plain to see, to be still active like a churning fog. I( name of target) bend my will to grant some sleepless rest, so mote it be."
only say last line on the second time.


Added to on May 12, 2015
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not work. Saying ''I want to be awake'' does nothing. Your body needs rest, but if you insist on staying awake, have some coffee and charge it with Magikal energy.

Mar 04, 2022
well,this spell is not working. Sleep-Awaking-Sleep-Awaking always in cycle, why don't we just make one between sleep and awake, so there is no cycle?

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