Chakra Opening

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Energy  ► Chakra Opening
This article will explain to you how to open your chakras and what color are they.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Concentration

Casting Instructions for 'Chakra Opening'


First im going to show you what color are they and where they are located.
Crown - Top of the head - White
Third Eye - Middle of Forehead - Purple
Throat - Throat - Blue
Heart - Chest - Green
Solar Plexus - Solar Plexus - Yellow
Sacral - Right below your belly button - Orange
Root - Base of Spine - Red
Hand/Feet - Palms - White

And now we continue to our lesson.

Opening The Chakras: Sit in a quiet room.Relax and clear your mind. Once you are fully relaxed take a moment to center yourself then visualize each chakra spot starting at the crown of your head slowly opening like a flower.So you would start at the crown or top of your head visualize it slowly opening like a flower of the appropriate color then move to your 3rd eye, throat charka, heart, solar plexus etc. When doing this exercise it is ok if the charkas don't open fully on your first try, in fact don't force them to open. If one doesn't wish to open skip it and go to the next then try again tomorow. One reason for this is because they have been dorment if you force them to open you can actually experience psychic shock. Which means because they were in a dorment stage and you open them fully you go form feeling virtually nothing to full use which your body/soul and chakras aren't used to. They pick up all the different types of energy which causes an over load. If it helps, you can think of it as being in a dead silent room all your life and then all of a sudden music with the volume all the way up comes on. It would hurt your sensitive ears and shock you that's for sure. Some people experience psychic shock as a stabbing in there 3rd eye, bad head aches, dizzines, acting drunk among other things. This is usually followed by your charka's shut down and you
literally have to let them rest and recover which can take anywhere from a week to a month to a year depending on how bad they are. They have not been used so you want to slowly work up to them being open.Once you start this techniques you might start noticing certain chakra's tingling when you get near things. This is from your chakras sensing objects energies. You'll also notice that when your chakra's are opened you recieve psychic information easier, your energy flow is increased etc. If the flower technique is not to your liking or you would like to add a safety feature you can change the visualization a little and see a white light focusing on each charka center until they glow slightly. Each time you do this they should glow a little brighter. I recommend doing either exercise no more than twice a day and it should take at least a month before they are fully open.

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Last edited on Jul 01, 2019
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Very helpful

You begin with the root. You are a part of the physical, you need to strengthen your connection with the physical, moving up to the crown. Beginning at the crown opens you up to the universe without a tether it can have negative results. You could get lost in the spiritual and be overwhelmed by the energy. Each chakra opens to us as we age and go through the stages of life. While we can open them at any time, they naturally go from the root up. Meditating, bringing energy into your body, focusing it on the chakra, and visualizing it becoming clean is a valid way to balance them, but please, start from the root.

Oct 08, 2022

I like the variety of methods for opening up chakras this one most resonated with me so far. There are factors to take into account when picking a method. did to strain from occupation I find myself unable to open my chakras another way because I am too high energy.

crown of the chakra is purple not the third eye third eye is indigo

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