Magic Water

SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Magic Water
Use this spell to create magically charged water.

Casting Instructions for 'Magic Water'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Bottle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Bottle

Be completely CLEAR about what you want to achieve. That is the core of working with energy magic anyway, because any form of confusion will throw the vibration out of whack and the potion will become unstable. So, for example, if you want to make a healing potion for Auntie Betty, make a strong image, a movie, in your mind of Auntie Betty being well, being healed, laughing, walking in a garden or something that really denotes your target and your aim - for Auntie Betty to be well.

Let go of ALL DOUBTS and concentrate on what you want to achieve so that becomes the only thing on your mind, the ONLY thing that is being imprinted.

Now, and holding this goal firmly in your mind, the whole energy of it running through your own body, either hold the container and let this energy flow into the water; or write on a piece of paper, "Aunty Betty's healing remedy" and affix it to the bottle. You can also do both but remember that you need to HOLD THE INTENTION both when physically imprinting the water, as well as when you are writing the label.

Get Aunty Betty to drink the potion. It doesn't matter if you tell her and hand it over officially; or if you pour some of the magic water potion into her orange juice so she doesn't know it's being served. This has nothing to do with placebo type wishful thinking healing, it's strictly energetic and magical in nature and will work either way


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Last edited on May 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is in the realm of plausibility. Yes, how this user outlined making a healing potion is correct. However, I would simply enchant her orange juice, medicine, or other beverage.

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