Chakra Healing Bag
This is one of many herbal bags you can create to improve the health of your chakras.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- All herbs are listed along with their effects below.
Casting Instructions for 'Chakra Healing Bag'
New Beginnings ritual kit

New Beginnings ritual kit
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1. Marjoram - Root Chakra - comfort, security Sacral Chakra - connections Heart Chakra - healing, love, relationships Third Eye - healing, psychic abilities Crown Chakra - consciousness
Other issues addressed by Marjoram - The after life, attraction, calm, comfort, community, concentration/focus, connections, family, grief, happiness, healing, hexes (to protect from), innocence, loneliness (to ease), love, black magic, defensive magic, marriage, memory (to support/ access), money, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships, release, security, sleep, sorrow (to ease), stress (to relieve), unity, warmth, well-being, witchcraft
2. Sage - Root Chakra - comfort, grounding, stability Heart Chakra - balance, healing, love release truth Third Eye - clairvoyance, visions, wisdom Crown Chakra - consciousness, knowledge, spirituality
Other issues addressed by Sage - balance, business, clairvoyance, comfort, concentration/ focus, consecration/ bless, consciousness, divination, energy, fear, fertility, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmony, healing, insight, introspection, knowledge, life, longevity, love, magic, memory, the mind (clear), money, negativity, obstacles, peace, power, prophecy, prosperity, protection (psychic), psychic ability, purification (general/ ritual), quests, release, reversal, secrets, the senses (strengthen), spirits, spirituality, stability, stimulations, strength, stress, truth, visions, warmth, wealth, well-being (mental), wisdom, wishes
3. Chamomile - Root Chakra - grounding, emotional stability Sacral Chakra - creativity Solar Plexus - Energy, sensitivity Heart Chakra - balance, healing Throat Chakra - communication, creativity Third Eye - healing, insight
Other issues addressed by Chamomile - anger, anxiety, attraction, balance, beauty, blessings, calm (emotions), communication, creativity, determination, dream work, energy, gentleness, grounding, growth, harmony, healing, hexes (break), insight, introspection, intuition, justice, love (attract), luck, manifestation, money, moods, nightmares, patience, peace (inner), problems, prosperity, purification, security (emotional), sensitivity, sleep, stress, success, support, visions, wealth, wishes
4. Valerian - Root Chakra - fulfill needs Sacral Chakra - creativity Throat Chakra - creativity
Other issues addressed by Valerian - anger, anxiety, blessings, calm, challenges, communication, creativity, endings, happiness, harmony, healing, learning, longevity, love, the mind (peace), money, needs (emotional), peace, pleasure, problems, protection, purification, reconciliation (after quarrels), romance, self-work, sensitivity, sleep, spirits, stress, truth
5. Angelica - Root Chakra - security, stability Heart Chakra - balance, healing Throat Chakra - Inspiration Third Eye - healing, insight, visions Crown Chakra - Spirituality
Other issues addressed by Angelica - acceptance, attraction, balance, banish, beauty, beginnings, bind, calm, community, consecrate/ bless, defense, divination, dream work, energy (spiritual), friendship, growth, harmony, healing, hexes (break, protect from), insight, inspiration, introspection, longevity, magic (angel), messages/ omens (from angels, dreams), negativity, peace, power (female), problems, protection (divine), purification, security, self-work, the senses (listening), sorrow, spirits (holy), spirituality, stability, stimulation, strength, stress, support, visions, witch craft (protect from)
6. Jasmine - Root Chakra - emotional stability, Sacral Chakra - sexuality Heart Chakra - affection, beauty, healing, relationships Throat Chakra - communication, inspiration Third Eye - healing, intuition, wisdom
Other issues addressed by Jasmine - anxiety, astral realm, attachments, attraction, balance (emotional), beauty, bind, calm, clarity, communication, consecrate/ bless, defense, dream work, grace, happiness, harmony, healing, imagination, inspiration, justice, light, pregnancy/ childbirth, problems, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships (romantic), romance, self-work, sensuality, sexuality, sleep, spirits, spirituality, stimulation, stress, support, visions, wealth, well-being
7. Bergamot - Sacral Chakra - Emotions Solar Plexus - confidence, courage Heart Chakra - balance
Other issues addressed by Bergamot - anxiety, assertiveness, authority, awareness, balance, calm, concentration/ focus, confidence, control, courage, discipline, dream work, emotions, encouragement, energy, goodness, grief, happiness, harmony, hexes (break), love (open to), stress, success, support, wealth, youth
8. Mugwort - Sacral Chakra - emotions Solar Plexus - authority Heart Chakra - empathy, healing Throat Chakra - release Third Eye - clairvoyance, healing, psychic abilities
Other issues addressed by Mugwort - animals (protect from), astral realm, authority, awareness, banish, beginnings, blessings, clairvoyance, community, consecrate/ bless, danger, defense, divination, dream work, empathy, energy (psychic), fertility, guidance, happiness, love, magic, messages/ omens (dreams), power (general, magical), protection (psychic), psychic ability, purification, release, reversal, skills, sleep, spirits (general, see), strength, travel, visions, weather (lightning), witch craft
9. Hibiscus - Sacral Chakra - freedom, passion, sexuality Solar Plexus - sensitivity Third Eye - clairvoyance
Other issues addressed by Hibiscus - clairvoyance, concentration/ focus, consecrate/ bless, determination, divination, energy (sexual), freedom (sexual), harmony, love (attract), lust, obstacles, passion, peace, power, psychic ability, sensitivity, sensuality, sexuality, unity, warmth
10. Basil - Sacral Chakra - fertility Solar Plexus - confidence, courage Heart Chakra - balance, healing, love, relationships Throat Chakra - release Third Eye - clairvoyance, clarity, psychic abilities
Other issues addressed by Basil - the after life, assertiveness, attraction, balance, banish, business, calm (inner), cheerfulness, clairvoyance, clarity, concentration/ focus, confidence, courage, defense, discipline, divination, energy, family, fertility, fidelity, friendship, goodness, grief, happiness, healing (relationships), hexes (break), the home (peaceful), honesty, influence, love (reconcile), luck (attract), magic (angel, defensive), memory, messages, omens, the mind (clear), money, negativity, peace, power, problems, prosperity, protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships, release, the senses (smell), sexuality, sorrow, stimulation (mental), strength, stress, success, sympathy, trust, wealth, wishes, witchcraft
11. Lilac - Heart Chakra - love Throat Chakra - creativity, inspiration Third Eye - clairvoyance
Other issues addressed by Lilac - adaptability, attraction, balance, banish, beauty, business, clairvoyance, community, concentration/ focus, creativity, divination, dream work, emotions, friendship, happiness, harmony, hexes (break), the home, inspiration, life, light, longevity, love, luck, magic (defensive), memory (past life), the mind (clear), peace, problems, prophecy, protection, purification, rebirth/ renewal, security, spirits (attract, contact), spirituality, well-being
12. Lavender - Root Chakra - grounding, stability Sacral Chakra - connections, creativity, emotions, sexuality Solar Plexus - courage, sensitivity Heart Chakra - beauty, relationships Throat Chakra - creativity, inspiration Third Eye - clarity, intuition, psychic abilities
Other issues addressed by Lavender - anger, anxiety, attraction, awareness, balance (emotional), beauty, calm (emotions, inner), challenges, clarity, communication, concentration/ focus, connections, consecrate/ bless, courage, creativity, divination, dream work, emotions, fidelity, friendship, gentleness, goals, grief, grounding, harmony, healing (general, emotional), heartbreak, inspiration, intuition, loneliness, longevity, love (attract), luck, lust, magic (elf), manifestation, marriage, negativity, peace (attract, inner ), problems (general, emotional), protection, psychic ability, purification (general, ritual), rebirth/renewal, relationships (peaceful), release, romance, sensitivity, sexuality, sleep, stability, strength, stress, support, well-being, wish
Terrisue has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 05, 2013
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