Has magic worked for you?

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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 2
I dont know if this counts but a friend once help me cast an exam spell for a very difficult exam i needed desperately to pass and it worked. my pen didnt magically start writing stuffs but after we wrote the exam we heard that the exam scripts got missing we were all award according to our average grades in CA.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 3
It's been about 3 years now since I discovered my interest in magic at first I was sceptical to say the least
I started with easy money spells which people presume they will get rich I know I did at first lol they would return a steady little trickle which then makes you want to learn more and do more adventurous project s
A few weeks ago our car got taken by the police as my landlord had added me too the insurance after there accident as a result they had it 5 weeks I tried everything to get it returned in the end I got a spell book out found what I hoped would work within 2 days we were allowed to fetch it and never had to pay one penny I was relieved to get it back especially for free plus the feeling of success was priceless
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Magick is the energy, spell casting is a way to focus and direct that energy. I could talk about how I feel the energy when I make psi balls or within a circle, but that wouldn't be a spell. If people wish to feel the energy, a simple thing you can do is make a psi ball. gently rub your hands together slowly to "wake up" the energy, then pull them apart slightly, cupping your hands as if you're holding a tiny ball. [i usually close my eyes and visualize a glowing blue ball, but you don't have to. I just find it easier to close my eyes] imagine the ball expanding, so open your hands a bit more as it grows, then slowly close your hands as if you're crushing the ball down to its original size. As you do this [it might take a few tries] you should feel a warmth and a slight push against your hands.

As for successful spells, I have cast many working ones. I follow the belief "to know when to be silent" so unless a spell is complete, I avoid talking about it [bragging about a spell you either cast or are thinking about could end negatively for you. Not that it would backfire, but say a person heard you, they could unconsciously shield themselves from your influence] One of my earliest spells was a good luck charm for someone. They called me a few days later to tell me they found 50$ on the street and if they didn't stop to pick it up they would have been hit by a car coming out of the underground parking who didn't see them.

Another issue my coven has when we get together is the fire candle. Most of us are either fire signs, work with fire deities, or have an affinity for fire, so whenever we cast a circle, we put too much energy in the fire section and the candle burns down too fast. Once we were having a ritual with a skeptic observing [we do that. We let people in our circle provided they're respectful] We cast the circle and begin out meditation. 10 minutes later I feel a breeze on my back [I was sitting in the Southern half of the circle] I glance over and the fire candle hand burned out and there's wax all over the carpet. I freak out, causing everyone to get up grumbling about that darn candle, switching out for a new one, questioning why we didn't get a larger dish. All the while, the skeptic is staring at us stunned and goes "That candle was twice as big as the other two." and we paused and went "yeah, happens all the time." We didn't make him a believer that night but we blew his mind. He told that story for years and would end it with "I don't know if they've got powers or not, but I wouldn't mess with them to be safe." [we don't use candles anymore]
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 5
I am genuinely intimidated by what people already know about magic on here.. How long will it take me to amase such experience and knowledge? I guess time will tell
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 6
hello.. can you share castinf info of that good luck charm you wrote about?
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 7

Magic has helped improve my life, to its own physical limits. I practice dream magic mainly, as I love dreams!

I used to create good luck spells that mainly consist of bothgreen and white candles, green parsley leaf stems, and a new moon. They worked wonders, helped me realize good in universe. Of course, it took a while to work but worked notheless.

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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 8
Yes, absolutely. After doing a ton of research and learning what path i wanted to go on, I did my first spell on the most recent full moon. I cast a banishment of bad energy spell. For a very long time, I've felt that my home was a bit heavy with bad energy. I was even having night terrors, something I never had in my 40+ years of life. I was also having some wild vivid nightmares that would wake me up. After that spell was cast, I immediately felt the place just lighten up. I've been able to sleep uninterrupted since casting that spell. I feel better, feel more energetic and a more comfortable in my home. So, it definitely worked.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 9
Yes it has. I practice mostly candle magic and for me personally my energy seems to be more focused and stronger with this technique.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 10
Of course!
my first spell I did, did not work. ( enchanting ) how do I know? I woke up and the thing I tried to enchant was broke, right where I left it.
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Re: Has magic worked for you?
Post # 11
I feel the same way. I'm just beginning my journey, even though I've felt something deep inside me for years now. But I don't really know anything, and I'm hoping it won't take too long before I can actually do something. People keep saying patience is key, but I'm naturally not a patient person, so I can see this time of learning and getting my footing being hard for me. I also believe if something is achieved after working hard for it, it's appreciated more. So, I'll try not to complain too much lol.
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