Astral shifting

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Astral shifting
Post # 1
What’s astral shifting
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Re: Astral shifting
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

It's the practice of transforming your astral body. I've heard different ways of doing it depending on one's belief of the spiritual plane, but it's basically the idea of traveling into the spiritual realm and shifting there. The physical body wouldn't change, but the appearance of one's spirit would.

Some people believe that their spirit doesn't look like their physical body in the first place, such as beliefs that one's spirit will take the form of an animal during flight.

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Re: Astral shifting
By: / Novice
Post # 3
My understanding is similar to Rhododendron. Travelling astrally is an act of separating your awareness from a physical level while shifting towards a spiritual one. The further you journey from the physical levels/vibrations the less influence it has.

For example merely travelling out of body but still in awareness of 'earthly' locations (like in remote viewing or out-of-body projecting), your perspectives remain also more rooted in ideas of space, distance, direction, objects, etc. Meanwhile travelling to 'higher' levels leaves that physicality behind and in it's place things become more and more formless and governed by consciousness, emotion, color, and impression.

As you move away from the physical, your own consciousness has more governing power on things like Self image, so will and perspective take over where physics and genetics leaves off. Things become more about who you are in mind and spirit over what you are in flesh and bone.
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