Creeper Demon

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Re: Creeper Demon
Post # 11
I agrea with Magickor5, im not saying all demons are evil but there is a very good reason why they have gotten that reputation besides Christina teachings. Ofcourse, some people work well with demons just as some people work well with angels. However, there is more of chance that a demon would desieve you and trick you for its own gain than a angel would.

Also a Christian-wiccan can exist, theres an entire thread on it somewhere on here, look it up.
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Re: Creeper Demon
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
Ricayn witch and a Wiccan are two different things. A witch is a term used for those who practice magick and a Wiccan is someone who follows the Wiccan religion. I'm also not the only member who follows this personal path.
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Re: Creeper Demon
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 13
You should study the keys of Solomon instead of looking for random spells. It isn't wise to call on any deamon without researching them completely. Most that are labeled "demons" were in fact ancient pagan gods. Even Belzebub was originally Baal, who has ties to Hubal, that was the original pagan "Allah". When religions feud, the "winner" writes the history. Christianity tries to paint a grim look on any deities that are not their god, other religions are not innocent either. As times changed and people continued to rewrite mythology, much of it was lost. But historians and archeologists have been awesome at uncovering the links and piecing things back together.

Astarte, queen of the heavens in Sumeria is another great example. Jewish translators depict her as a demon of lust. She is far from "evil" in her original depictions as a supreme goddess.
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Re: Creeper Demon
By: / Beginner
Post # 14

She said Christian witch not wiccan its not the same thing. Not all witches are wiccan! Christians have magic in the sense of prayer (everything else would be considered against god) but I think everybody knows just how lax christians have gotten when it comes to dogma. If you think Jesus is the messiah who will return when the world ends, you're a Christian and you get to cast spells till your blue in the face.

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Re: Creeper Demon
By: / Novice
Post # 15
k, appart from some movies i've never come across a 'creeper demon' before. if you want a demon minion or helper, then that's possible. don't call it a creeper demon though, it wouldn't end well. while not all demons are evil i'd advise against asummoning one if you don't know what you're doing, are new to the craft, or generally have ill-intents. each demon is different as to what they like or want. typically, meat, something like raw veal, but as i said it's hard to say one typical offering because there isn't one. for spirits there's incense, for elemental dragons each one's different, like a feather for air dragons. i'm reminded of a house nome from Norway, who dresses in shabby cloths, they enjoy hay and warm milk, but offering it fresh cloths is how you banish them forever.

there's also kitchen faeries. they keep your kitchen clean and safe, but in return you pay them with one baby a year. they're dumb though, so they can be tricked, however that's ill-advised as if they discover you've cheated them out of pay, they will turn there anger on you.
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Re: Creeper Demon
Post # 16
There's no such thing as a 'creeper demon'.. .Nor would you 'want' to summon one as they are NOT helpers, they are NOT truthful.. they are NOT pretty looking and will say or do whatever it takes to take 'advantage' of you and the situation...ONLY an experienced caster knows what to do, what to say,and how to 'hold' it without harm....
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Re: Creeper Demon
Post # 17
You'd want to be careful at any rate. Everyone takes being forced into things differently, although the usual emotion to pop its head up first is irritation. And people wonder why dae'mons do not often comply to their every demand without the force of magickal control.

Offerings are a good place to start. And not to mention into many different sources on the particular 'type' you wish to appear.
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Re: Creeper Demon
Post # 18
** research into... Sorry
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Re: Creeper Demon
Post # 19
i don't trust anything any of the 3 main religions say...
demons are "gods" of knowledge as the church likes it
that's why demons are "bad" in the eyes of the religion.
i know some of them are harmful but there is a ritual to
avoid them...
before demon "gods" i want a simple one...1st a fairy, then we'll see and then a demon...
after that a demon god.
you get experienced from mistakes^^
i believe demons are respectful and truthful as long as are respected.
from all the sources i look' specific Offering...
so i came here...
i will be careful.
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Re: Creeper Demon
Post # 20
I believe most demons are bad not because of any religous teachings but because of my experences with them. However, thats just my personal experence and may not be yours. You may also remember I said "some people work well with demons" and that very well may be you.
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