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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Become a Vampire
  2. Temporary Strength
  3. Wraith Casting
  4. Stomach Ache!
  5. Dark Core Increase
  6. Summoning an Undead Slave
  7. Calming Princess Milk Potion
  8. Cleanse nearby Air
  9. Cleansing of an Item
  10. Rid yourself of Minor Pain

#2721 - Become a Vampire

This spell transforms you into a vampire. I wouldn't recommend performing it unless you truly are serious about Turning. This spell is to be performed on the night of a New moon.
You may need:

  • Sterilized Needle
  • White Candle
  • New Moon
  • Items to Represent the Elements
  • Something to make a circle on the floor with (chalk, rope, string, etc.)
  • Salt
  • Cup of Dirt
  • Picture of Yourself( can be drawn or a photo, old or new)
  • Wand (Optional)
  • Athame or just a plane knife
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    You may need:

  • Sterilized Needle
  • White Candle
  • New Moon
  • Items to Represent the Elements
  • Something to make a circle on the floor with (chalk, rope, string, etc.)
  • Salt
  • Cup of Dirt
  • Picture of Yourself( can be drawn or a photo, old or new)
  • Wand (Optional)
  • Athame or just a plane knife
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    First, you need to cast a circle. If you don't know how to do this, then Google it. You can use a wand to help control your energy. Place an item in each direction of the circle as you call the elements and invoke the God and Goddess. You can use salt to purify your circle by sprinkling it around the perimeter. Now that all of that is done, we can begin the spell.
    Sit in the center of the circle, staring down at the photo of yourself. All of your ingredients should be inside of the circle. Light the white candle and sit it next to the photo. Say:
    ''Humanity, Humanity, inside of my soul. For you, I have paid the ultimate toll. My humanity is like my life- It is like a flame. But I am tired of this boring game. Everything is always the same.''
    Pick up your athame/knife and hold it above the photo of yourself. Say:
    ''I no longer want to live or ever tire. I want to die and be reborn. Not as a human, but as a vampire.'' Stab the photo of yourself with the knife and then pick up the dirt and sprinkle it over the photo. Say:
    ''With this dirt that is part of this world. May my humanity be buried and never return. There's no going back from this new torment. No longer shall I know humanity. No longer shall I live like others. No longer shall I breathe or eat. I thirst for blood. I live for blood. I breathe for blood. Gods and Goddesses, please fulfill my transformation.''
    Pick up the needle and prick your middle finger (it hurts less on this finger) and then use your blood to put out the flame. Say:
    ''I am reborn. The transformation is complete.''
    Drink the rest of the blood from your wound and then clean everything up. It is best if you do this before bed. The transformation differs from person to person. Okay, hope this spell works for you. Blessed Be )O(

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    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
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    #2722 - Temporary Strength

    Use this to increase your strength temporarily.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Tighten your muscles. Say "Ascerinianonas" (pronounced "as-carini-a-no-nas"). This spell will work for a couple of minutes to give you boosted strength. You may feel tired afterwards.

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    #2723 - Wraith Casting

    This is more of a technique than a spell. It is used to replenish your life force by depleting another's. I dont recommend using this is excess, if at all.
    You may need:

  • Focused Mind
  • Third Eye
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    You may need:

  • Focused Mind
  • Third Eye
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    To use this, you must invision their life force or aura being transfered into you. Visualize their aura growing weak, but not the person. This is a way to re-energize yourself, but at the cost of another. I would NOT recommend using this is excess.

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    #2724 - Stomach Ache!

    If someone is trying to hit you or he is very irritating you can try this spell DON'T DO THIS BECAUSE YOUR BORED
    You may need:

  • None
  • (optional)Talisman for protection or something
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    You may need:

  • None
  • (optional)Talisman for protection or something
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    Turn your forevinger nine times round. and wen you are doing that visualize a rope is turning nine times around the persons belly.
    Now visualize that the rope is making a knot and that the ropes end is falling in you hands.
    After that pull the ''vizualized'' rope
    and say:

    What you've done to me i hate,
    I'm gonna hurt you,
    For sorry it is too late!

    Visualize at the last sentence that the rope is tightening, and that the person is sinking of the pain.

    Sorry for my bad english but i hope it will work for you
    blessed be,

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    #2725 - Dark Core Increase

    This spell is only for long-time practitioners of the death arts, as it will increase your dark powers tenfold.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go to a magically focused place (Stonehenge, Any old site of a great battle, etc). Prepare and open a death portal, demand of the guardians to meet the death god and wait.

    When the death god appears simply bind him by using a symbol of necromantic energy, ('Nex vox captus' recommended) and Speak in an commanding tone: "Ego to order vos , Tribuo mihi vox nex deus!"

    If you survive the power surge, you will have an astronomical amount of death energy coursing through your veins.But you MUST have only evil in your heart, and NO world domination goals or the death god will take all your power from you.

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    #2726 - Summoning an Undead Slave

    A slave fueled completely by the masters power.
    You may need:

  • Large underground chamber
  • Corpses
  • Core of power
  • Core of dark energies alone
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    You may need:

  • Large underground chamber
  • Corpses
  • Core of power
  • Core of dark energies alone
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    The undead (anything from a skeleton to a 1 hour old corpse) requires no direct link to the master after it is created. All you need is a quick but powerful burst of power directed by your words, and if you are powerful enough, you can raise several slaves. It is recommended that you have done several power gaining rituals if you plan to keep the slave long-term, as it will decay if you do not rejuvenate it's flesh (does not concern skeleton.)

    Raise your hands above the corpses head and chest and say loudly:" licentia mihi vox , quod operor meus bidding huic vultus!"

    And in 2-3 days it shall be up and about! If it does not work you are not powerful enough, it took my teacher over 300 years to gain such power.

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    Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
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    #2727 - Calming Princess Milk Potion

    This is a potion that when drank, toattaly calms you and puts you in a peaceful and relaxing mood. Best used when fired up over a frusterating situation.
    You may need:

  • Milk
  • Brown sugar
  • Honey (or banana)
  • White sugar
  • A pot
  • A stove
  • A wooden spoon
  • A cup for afterwards
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    You may need:

  • Milk
  • Brown sugar
  • Honey (or banana)
  • White sugar
  • A pot
  • A stove
  • A wooden spoon
  • A cup for afterwards
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    Set the pot on the stove and fill it with 1 & 1/2 cups of milk (you can use more or less, you'd just have to equal out the ingredients). Turn the stove on LOW Let the milk start to just slightly bubble a little bit. Then you poor 1/3 of a cup of brown sugar into the pot and stir for about 15 seconds. Now pour 1/4 cup of white sugar in and stir for another 15 seconds. Then you pour in some honey (however much you want or think you need)or if you don't have honey, you can substitute for 1/3 of a banana. (If you use the banana, make sure it's mushed up and stirable, but still just a little chunky)

    Let it sit for about a minute and then turn the stove off and let the potion cool, just as you situation will cool after drinking the potion. After it's a little cooled off but still warm, pour it in a cup and say this spell before drinking: "Calm me down, safe and sound. Bring me peace, so my mind's at ease. As I say so Mote it Be."

    Before taking a sip, be sure to thank the God and the Goddess. After you swallow, imagine pure peace flowing through your body. (I always keep this stuff with me just in case I get angry and can't meditate at the time)

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    #2728 - Cleanse nearby Air

    Cleanses the nearby contaminated air in a given area.
    You may need:

  • Contaminated Air
  • Voice
  • Staff enchanted by Air: (not needed, but increases the range and purification of the spell)
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    You may need:

  • Contaminated Air
  • Voice
  • Staff enchanted by Air: (not needed, but increases the range and purification of the spell)
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    Hold your staff (again, not needed) on your lap. Next, chant the following:

    ''Air around me, may you be poisoned no more.
    Your body shall be cleansed by mine.
    Our minds linked, our souls pure.
    Now be cleansed.''

    This should make the air around you able to be breathed in with ease.

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    #2729 - Cleansing of an Item

    If an item has been tainted, here is a way to cleanse it.
    You may need:

  • Patchouli oil
  • An item that needs cleansing
  • A Voice
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    You may need:

  • Patchouli oil
  • An item that needs cleansing
  • A Voice
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    Put a drop of patchouli oil on the item that needs cleansing and repeat the following:

    From the power of the gods in the heavens above,
    i ask of thee to relieve the taint from this ______,
    a drop of patchouli for sacricity,
    and let the taint be broken and purity be regained.
    So mote it be!

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    #2730 - Rid yourself of Minor Pain

    Gets rid of pain (minor pain) such as a scratch or a cut.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant the following three times: "This pain I feel is not so real. So let it go away today". Focus on the wound and visualize it healing.

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    Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
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    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters