2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Darkness Become
- The Magickal Witch
- Spirit Fusion
- Summon A Dragon
- Ball of Lightning Fritch
- Bladder Magic
- Nose Cripple Curse
- Healing From a Distance
- Everlasting Immortality Two
- Mental Attack
#2701 - Darkness Become
Place the cup of water on top of the pentagram and say, "Darkness comes to this land, bring it upon us. Open doors to turn the land black and grey, white and blue. Let death beyond the gates of Hell". Repeat this five times. To finish, dump the water onto the pentagram and wait.
#2702 - The Magickal Witch
''I am a Witch, and the air around me is magickal.''
Stop walking and point the wand at your eyes, touch each eye with the tip. say:
''I am a Witch, and everything I see is magickal.''
Point your wand at your mouth and tap your lips, saying:
''I am a Witch, and everything I breathe is magickal.''
Now point the wand at your heart, imagine a glowing pink or purple light glowing into your chest, say:
''I am a Witch, And I am Magickal.''
Do not abuse your power.
#2703 - Spirit Fusion
To Fuse with your selected spirit, Hold your hand out to them with all of your energy focused on the center point of your palm. When you feel a tremendous increase in the energy focused in your palm, bring your hand to your mouth and in one long breath inhale the energy. You should feel it course through you. Then close your eyes and let go of half of your being. The spirit will come over that half. Then merge once again with the other half of your being. Once you open your eyes you will fell a strong force exerting from you. You have completed a fusion.
While in a fusion, you will take on characteristics of said spirit, usually in behavior but over time you may subconsciously change yourself to better suit the spirit your fusing with. For Example, my partner is a tiger spirit and I keep long nails and eat mostly meats.
Now, defusing with the spirit is simple. There are two methods. One, Force the spirit out of your contentiousness and exhale it out. Two, Relax and let go, and the spirit will leave in time.
1-This may NOT work for every person, especially the first time.
2-Letting a spirit hold more than half of your contentiousness is dangerous and can potentially rip you out of your body or destroy your body.
3-Be EXTREMELY selective in your choice in spirit. Once again, I suggest using your guardian or totem.
#2704 - Summon A Dragon
1: Place the black candles at north and south
2: Place the element colour candles at eats and west
Sit in the middle of the candle range.
Concentrate on locked gates. Imagine a key in your hand and chant:
''I have the key, I have the power,
The gates shall open at the (seventh) hour,
A dragon shall rise, and be my friend,
We shall both live until the end''
Seventh is in brackets because it is changeable. This is just when you want your dragon to come through. That is the time when you need the protection. This is also an immortality spell.
#2705 - Ball of Lightning Fritch
rub it on the mat
then touch your enemy
#2706 - Bladder Magic
If you really need to go to the bathroom, but can't, just chant this simple spell: "Ooh, ahh! I need to pee! I must stop and cross my knees! Oh, Gods above, I call to thee: help me please to stop this pee". Tap your leg with your hand.
#2707 - Nose Cripple Curse
Stare at the target's nose for ten seconds while you chant, quietly, "Monstrous bully, leave me alone. For now you will have no nose!". The targets nose may begin to bleed.
#2708 - Healing From a Distance
Light the 7 white candles in a circle. Think of the person whom you want to heal. Envision them getting better while chanting the following 9 times: "Wrap in cotton, bind with love. Protection from pain. Thou art cared for. Healing thoughts sent in flight".
#2709 - Everlasting Immortality Two
Blend amounts of rice water and morning dew. Using the metal mortar and pestle, grind up some jade and blend it in into the concoction. Then boil it in a metal pot if you don't have a copper pot. Cool, strain, and drink. To make extras for your loved one, do the same for him/her and let him/her drink.
#2710 - Mental Attack
The Attack
What you need to do is visualize entering their mind. This can be done in a couple of different ways find what works best for you. Me I will visualize me just in their head but with out my body there. Then see a ball of electric energy getting bigger and bigger as it gets more energy. Then let it explode blasting their mind. Then do it again as much as you wish. This may hurt your head a little bit but not to much.
Blocking This
A way to block this would be to visualize an electric shield building in your mind spreading out until it covers your whole mind. As long as you hold it it will protect you. Plus you can add more shield of possibly metal or something else.