2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Demigod
- Half Demon Spell
- Help You Sleep
- Blood
- Undo Spell
- The Healer's Purge
- Ancient Powers Rising
- Lemon-based Weight Loss
- Elemental Meditation
- Absent Healing
#1051 - Demigod
Laydown on your bed say this 3-5 times with your eyes closed: "I invoke thee heckingson jumbo, take over my body, spirit, mind, and soul. Give me the power of a god that will change my life forever, make me a demigod. I will be the son of (put the god name here) for this is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1052 - Half Demon Spell
"Deep in my heart, I give the desire to enhance the inside of me as to if I suddenly change myself into this devilish creature that will suddenly come to me, jumping, running, overcoming will soon to become more of an advantage! Give me the power of a demon that will change my life forever, give me the power to transform into this halfway, make me half demon and create me a better soul!"
Say one time (X1) night time works best now mail me side effects because I can't remember sorry.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1053 - Help You Sleep
Lay in bed or where ever your going to sleep. If you could clear your mind that would be best and try not to think about anything. Now close your eyes and breath in 1, out 2, in 3, out 4 , in 5 , out 6 , in 7, out 8, in 9, out 10 and then say/whisper (your choice)
"Oh gods and godesses help me tonight, help me sleep, oh gods and godesses close my eyes and put me to sleep"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1054 - Blood
Light all of the candles in a circle and sit in the middle. Touch the blood of the victim and chant "Blood is red water is blue and wish to hurt someone like you!"
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1055 - Undo Spell
Think about the spell and chant:
"Reverse the curse
before it makes things worse."
Make sure you imagine the spell reversing itself as you chant.
Side Note:
Also if you're undoing a spell that involves visualizing a person or looking at them (picture or in person), do that and imagine your initial spell on them reversing itself.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1056 - The Healer's Purge
Once again, this is more of a ritual. Basically, you take two weeks away from life. No media. You only drink the purest water, only eat the purest foods. You Meditate. When you wake up and before you fall asleep. No curse words escape your mouth. This is a basic cleanse, but I've found it extremely helpful with healers.
Things I would recommend:
- Epsom salt baths every night
- Pure white silk clothes 24/7
- Tending a garden to keep you occupied
- A tibetian singing bowl
- Incense for your home
- Occasional company (lest you go mad)
You will come out of those two weeks a better healer than you came in as (and probably with better skin)
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1057 - Ancient Powers Rising
In a quiet place, close your eyes. No distractions! Imagine the area just above your abs and below your heart...the solar plexus. Envision a bright, glowing ball of light. The ball grows larger until it fills your belly, and traveling to your sacral and base chakras that are below the belly button.
Now, imagine the ball of light shooting into your central nervous system like bolts of lightning. I call this "revving up". With eyes closed, say firmly but in a low tone:
"Ancient powers within me rise. Rise, rise rise like the incoming tide,tide tide. In and out and in you flow, from my head and down to my toes. Inward and outward and inward you go, flowing freely, go go go! Ancient powers within me rise, rise rise rise with might...this is my will, so mote it be."
Repeat chant until it is said three times. It will focus your entire being on magic and your abilities.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1058 - Lemon-based Weight Loss
Focus on it and visualise you losing weight and/or being your desired figure while visualising the mixture in the bottle glowing a yellow light.
Let it rest on a window sill for 3 days, then apply it to wherever you wish to lose weight. Also apply to your neck or wrists so you smell it occasionally.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1059 - Elemental Meditation
Find a certain spot outside. I suggest sitting near water, or on grass. It needs to be a quiet spot, but calming noises like birds or crickets are fine.
When you find your spot, sit Indian-Style (criss-cross, applesauce) on the spot you've chosen. Keep your back straight. Place your arms on your legs and rest your hands face-down on your knees.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
Visualize a white mist going inside of you, energy. Picture it slowly traveling from your head, to your neck, to your shoulders, down your spine and arms, to your elbows and hips, to your thighs and buttock, to your shins and calves, to your ankles and feet and stopping at your toes.
Picture the mist going through a cycle, going back up from your toes to your head. Breathe deeply through out the process.
Repeat 3 times:
When you are finished, imagine a yellow butterfly landing on your shoulder. Breathe again.
Hum for a few seconds.
Slowly get up, shake your hands, arms, and feet. Roll your neck.
You are done!
If you want to, you can place 2 white candles in front of you, but this is optional.
Blessed Be,
Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1060 - Absent Healing
Heal someone while you are not there physically.
1. Choose a quiet place that you can use as your healing sanctuary.
2. Stand or sit facing east if you can.
3. Raise your hands up, with your palms facing outwards.
4. Be very still and go within.
5. Using your powers of concentration, visualize a white light flowing from the palms of your hands and from your heart center, which is situated just in front of your breastbone.
6. Then say a simple prayer to the Creator, asking that you may be used as a channel for healing power to flow through you.
7. When you start to see the energy flowing, as a white light, or even feel it flowing through you, then say out loud the name of the person who is sick. The energy will then flow to that person to bring about balance within that person's aura (the subtle envelope surrounding our physical body), which will reflect back onto the physical body.
8. Let the power flow through you, your hands and your heart center, for a minute or two. Realize that this healing power is an aspect of true Love and really feel this love and compassion filling you and flowing through you. You may then carry on sending healing to more people, or you may finish.
9. When you have finished, end with a simple prayer, thanking the creator for using you as a channel and asking that if it be the creator's will, the person or people may be healed.
10. Then place the right hand over the left hand in a sweeping motion. This is the mudra of detachment. You have now finished this magical ritual and are ready to continue with other tasks.
Detachment is the key to success.
Absent healing can also be sent to the following:
1. To an ambulance with flashing lights: it could mean the difference between life and death. In this case, just quickly visualize white light surrounding the ambulance and the person inside.
2. To victims of natural disasters. It can help those who are suffering and also those who have died, as it will ease their passage onto the other realms.
3. To rescue workers at natural disasters. The healing power will give them greater strength and inspiration to continue with their fantastic work.
Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.