Meditation : Void

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A step by step void mediation

Sit comfortably, relaxing the body as much as possible without slumping or allowing the spine to curve. Help loosen tight muscles by doing the following exercises:

1: Allow the head to fall forward on the chest. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.

2: Allow the head to tip fully backwards. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.

3: Tip the head as far as possible to the left. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.

4: Tip the head as far as possible to the right. Breathe deeply in and out three times. Return to the upright position.

5: Allow the head to fall forwards, then move it in a circle, counterclockwise, three times.

6: Repeat the last exercise, moving the head clockwise three times. Return to the upright position.

7: Breathe in, through the nose, with a number of short, sharp intakes until the lungs are full. Hold it a moment, then suddenly exhale through mouth with a "Hah!" sound. Do this three times.

8: Breathe in slowly and fully, through the right nostril (hold the left one closed if necessary), feeling the stomach balloon out as you do so. Hold it a moment, then exhale slowly through the mouth, flattening the stomach as you do so. This exercise moves all the stale air from the bottom of the lungs. Do this three times.

9: Repeat the last exercise, this time breathing in through the left nostril and out through the right nostril. Do this three times.

Now, with your body relaxing and breathing normally but deeply, concentrate your thoughts until you can imagine your whole body encased in a globe of white light. Feel the luminous energy charging your whole body.

Now focus your attention on your toes. Command them to relax. Let the tension and tiredness melt away from them. Repeat the process with the balls of the feet, the arches, the heels, the ankles and so on. Completely relax the entire body, section by section. Calves, knees, thighs, groin, buttocks, spine, stomach and chest cavity, shoulders, upper and lower arms, wrists, hands, neck, throat, chin, jaw (let the jaw sag and hang slightly open if you feel a tendency for it to do so), eyes, cranial area and scalp.

Relax every muscle, vein, nerve and fiber as you move up your body. Finish your relaxation technique at the forehead.

Then you need only to focus inward to your third eye. With your attention focused at the third eye, let your eyes roll up, if you can. Go deeper and ever deeper into the third eye. Abandon the unreal material world; the ego self. It is only when the materialistic ego self is transcended that you can find the door to the inner kingdom and your higher self.

Give yourself to it... yield to the magnetic pull from above. You don't need to pray or visualize to make anything happen. Just relax and let yourself flow inward and upward toward the higher power. Whatever sensation, inner light or sound, comes your way, move into it and through to the source from which it comes.

Don't become fascinated or frightened by the phenomena. Don't become deluded into thinking you are "becoming psychic". Whatever you see, give yourself to it and move ever upward, ever inward, into and through.

You may have a difficult time keeping the conscious mind still at first. Your consciousness is like a spoiled child, constantly demanding attention. Once it begins to become disciplined you will begin to notice positive results.

You may not have dramatic, earth-shaking experiences, but you will begin to notice a deepening of intuition. You will begin to "know" things that you have not known before. This is proof that your meditation is working and the power of the Kundalini is waking.

When you first begin to meditate you will find it difficult to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. Your mind wants to wander, your body wants to fidget and may even develop a great itch demanding to be scratched!

It will take a little time but you will discover that you are the master of your body and mind. Ignore the itch. Tell your conscious mind to sit down and shut up! YOU are very busy with more important business. The itch will go away and your conscious mind will become disciplined to sit quietly aside as you attune to your higher nature


Remember, you let your mind and your emotions run your affairs all of your life. Now your mind and emotions must learn that they work for you. It may take a few lessons, but they will learn. Stay with it. You are embarking on the greatest voyage of your life.



For your physical well-being it is important that you end each meditation period with a re-awakening of the physical and conscious selves.

This should be done in the reverse order to the method for relaxation. As your consciousness begins to pull away from the third eye, direct it to expand up the forehead to the top of the head. Then, step by step, proceed down through the body: cranial area, eyes, back of the head, face, jaw, tongue, neck, throat, etc..

Command each in succession to awaken refreshed, vibrant and healthy. Shoulders, upper and lower arms, wrists, hands, upper back, chest, chest cavity, stomach, sides, lower back, groin, awaken refreshed, relaxed and vibrant with life. Buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, heels, arches, balls of the feet, toes.

Go through all parts of the body. Command each and every muscle, vein, fiber and nerve to awaken healthy, refreshed and vibrant.

You will be pleasantly surprised at how much better you will begin to feel after your meditation. You will feel an immediate inner satisfaction and a tremendous peace of mind.

Through meditation you will discover that not only is your spiritual consciousness awakening, but you are also revitalizing the physical self, as you begin to tap the great cosmic forces that are your birthright.

Any questions feel free to ask Nithinboy

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Mar 29, 2019

Apr 20, 2019
Beautiful and thank you for sharing this.

May 05, 2019
Very helpful.

May 27, 2019
How do you end a hungry energy vampires

Feb 15, 2020
Reversal & protection rituals & spells also cleansings

Jul 22, 2019
And there is no magic in our country and no practioner also...that sooo sad😩😩😩

Jul 13, 2020
so does mine

Oct 02, 2019
this was so nice, I loved it!

Oct 17, 2019
Very good. Definetly going to add this into my meditations. Thanks for sharing.

Feb 15, 2020
Great instructions in layman's terms especially for those new to the crafts

Feb 26, 2020
Yeah this is a yummy ritual

Jul 13, 2020
i feel no energy inside me ! Is that normal?

Jul 14, 2020
If this is your first couple of times, it's normal. It could be a blockage somewhere, or you need to try different energy techniques. Keep practicing on a regular basis and it should work. It took me a long time before I could feel energy.

Jul 13, 2021

Jul 26, 2021
This helped a lot thanks.

Jul 28, 2023
Once you reach the void, you can conjure whatever you want to your heart's desires

Jul 28, 2023
Once you reach the void, you can conjure whatever you want to your heart's desires

Dec 21, 2024

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