Simple Magick Practice

SpellsSpiritual  ► Protection  ► Simple Magick Practice
Simple practice for beginners.

Casting Instructions for 'Simple Magick Practice'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Focus on your space. Without moving feel yourself touch the floor with your hands if your hands are on your lap or vice versa. When you are confident with that you can branch out. Do this until you can leave the room. Once that has happened you are ready to try Astral Projection or any other complicated things!


Added to on Oct 31, 2019
Last edited on Aug 23, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This needs an edit. Becoming familiar with the energy in ones space is wise. You will notice shifts in the flow and notice sooner when the energy is stagnant. Declutter your space. Clean your space. Especially your bedroom, the space you dwell is a reflection of yourself. Energy can linger in dark corners and undisturbed spaces. If you have a lot of clutter, energy can stagnate and negatively effect you. Try combining cleansings with your cleaning to clean the clutter and the energy so it always flows freely. You might also wish to research things such as minimalism, feng shui or even the KonMari method to combine magikal and non-magikal activities to improve your space.

Oct 10, 2022
Sorry. I wrote this before I had actually done research on astral stuff etc.

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