Wonderland Spell
This is a spell that could take you to your own personal wonderland... I've yet to test it but it's worth the shot, because when you truly believe in magic you can accomplish most anything.
Casting Instructions for 'Wonderland Spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Paper
- Coloring Supplies
- True Belief in Magic
- Imagination
- Voice
- Knowledge of Alice in Wonderland
- Pencil
- Dreams
2). Draw each on a separate sheet of paper( loose leaf or notebook), and color each in.
3). With every sheet include a:
4). Write a story including you, the people, places, and thing you found, how you got to Wonderland, what you did, and how you got home.
5). Roll up the story and character sheets and bound it with string or a rubber band.
6). Keep this scroll under your pillow and chant for one night:
In a world of my own, I can be most anyone...
Instead of being lonely, I talk to _______.
There is/are one_______ every year, but there is/are 354 _______ a year.
I can call this place home... In a world of my own, where I can be most anyone.
When I'm in Wonderland, seconds in the real world are hours in wonderland.
Anything brought out of Wonderland will look like it came from this world, and visa versa.
I CANNOT DIE IN WONDERLAND NOR WILL I OR ANYONE OR ANYTHING BE HURT OR INJURED. NO ONE IN WONDERLAND WILL ATTEMT TO HURT ANYBODY. What I write in my story is not relevant, I may do any activity written in my story in any order and i can stay as long as I want, any time. How I get there and leave is the only thing that happens exactly as I write it. Everyone/thing speaks english. Nothing in Wonderland exists unless I write about it. I may add people places and things at any time. My Wonderland does not collide with anyone else's. Nobody may enter my Wonderland unless I willingly bring them to my domain.
7). Add any other details to the chant that you think are important.
8). This spell works best if you try to dream about your trip, or make your entrance/exit realistic
* This Is The First Spell I've Posted So Thank You So Much For Reading I Wish You Luck And Good Intensions!*
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on Apr 04, 2015
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
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Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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No. Just cause you believe don't mean it works. I believe two plus one is 100 see not possible.
Have you at least tried? Besides they didn't say they can accomplish anything. They said most meaning some stuff is not possible.
people believe the earth is flat, but it doesn't make it true. you cannot contradict nature with magick on the physical plane. it's just a fact of magick. if this is a meditation or you are doing an astral projection and shaping a world similar to wonderland on the astral or other plane of existence, then it could be possible, but physically going there, no.
You guys do realize this is a DREAM spell, right? It's got nothing to do with the physical realm, so who knows? Maybe it actually IS possible!
That wasn't made clear. Since I did notice a few mentions of dreams, this could be used to create a space in the astral realm for yourself, or as a very detailed guide for a dream. It won't create a separate reality. Also, please watch the caps, you can get gagged if you abuse them.
True, if this person is referring to astral projection or some form of non-physical wonderland, it could be possible. It's when people claim you can physically enter a fantasy realm they enter impossible territory.
A lot of people here feed their ego by gatekeeping and speaking with absolute authority in spirituality. It's very silly to observe. Contradictory to the boundless possibilities held within our power as creator beings.
Nobody is doing that, Faeye. People are discussing the validity of a spell and clarifying misinformation, but nobody's gatekeeping. [also, if you're referring to my comment, I'm not fueling my ego. I want to help people, so I comment]
You cannot physically enter other planes with Real Magik. While realm creation and astral travel is possible, this is not how it is done. It does have some elements of truth, but you do not need a chant. You also cannot physically die during astral travel, however, this does not mean no harm could come to your astral. If this is a realm you have created, the odds are very low, but there is always a chance.
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