A spell to break a protection spell casted by another.
Casting Instructions for 'Anti-Protection'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Holy Water
Sandalwood Oil
Patchouli Incense
Object of the person the spell is to be cast on
You will need the following items for this spell:
Holy Water
Sandalwood Oil
Patchouli Incense
Object of the person the spell is to be cast on
Mix the herbs into a paste and apply to the object of person whom you are using this towards. Chant:
'' Let your barriers cease. Let my mind overpower, your will shall decrease. Let the boundries fall, and my magick shall enter; let yourself be unprotected,and let my magick be brought to your center. So Shall I will it, so shall it be k es tagad runju, Jsu aizsardzba ir samazinjies '' (The last line is in Latvian and it is: As I now speak, your protection has fallen. )
This does not work. I question the chant, since Latin is not an automatic power boost to a spell. As long as you understand the language, it does not matter what language a spell is in. More importantly, this would only work for a very basic shield protection. Most Witches who have completed a beginners guide knows protections need to be personal. You need multiple protections, to add your own twist and to keep your protections secret. If you know how these protections work, you can dispel them. But if you do not know what type of protection the Witch has, trying a spell like this could result in triggering one of their ''no casting on me'' protections and you could be hit with a trap. Witches bottles for example are designed to be like shrapnel hitting who broke the bottle by trying to cast on the Witch or their family.
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