Bigger Boobs
Get big boobs in a flash! Will take effect in one day.
CAUTION: Do not cast more than once!!
Casting Instructions for 'Bigger Boobs'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Voice
- Mind
- Breasts
I want some more! More woman! I want bigger boobs. Bigger breasts. Im longing for some more. Please give me more woman. Please grant my wish!
Once you have casts this spell rub your breasts.
BiggyMaddie has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Aug 09, 2013
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Aug 09, 2013
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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Does it work
Breasts cannot be increased in size with magick; it cannot change our physically appearance.
holy i think it worked a bit
if you are still going through puberty [in your teenage years] it's less the spell and more your body naturally changing. you could be seeing what you want to, or wearing certain clothes can make you look better [there's a reason people claim a form fitting black dress is a must, and stripes should be avoided, it's a trick of the eye]
Honestly i think when a person asks does this work shes talking to the spell writer
i think they are too, but this is an open forum/conversation, so anyone [provided they're following the rules] can comment. if they want to speak to the person directly, they can click on their username and mail them directly if you don't want another person commenting. [if you can't click on their username, it means their account was deleted and they're no longer on the site]
Has any male tried this?
More woman? Lol.
When reading, anyone else thought of this:-
Random witch: ''More Woman! More Woman! I want more woman!''
And some random business person passing by made up some weird new product called ''More Woman!''.
Just me? Alright
This spell will not work. If you want bigger breasts i will tell you you will need to go talk to a plastic surgeon.
what happens if you cast it twice.
I, Relu, also state these facts on certain spells, Galaxiistars, so I agree with you.
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