Invocation of Lycanthrope

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SpellsLife  ► Immortality  ► Invocation of Lycanthrope
Summons Lycanthrope

Casting Instructions for 'Invocation of Lycanthrope'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
Say this
''Lycanthrope, I invoke you.
Lycanthrope, I summon you.
Lycanthrope, I conjure you.
Come forth, Lycanthrope, and manifest yourself.
Turn me into a werewolf like you I ask
Of you. So I can become one with the
Moon Goddesses
Come forth, Lycanthrope, and manifest


Added to on May 17, 2017
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does this work is it for reals

Apr 25, 2020
idk does it?

Apr 25, 2020
No. It claims it will transform you into a Lycanthrope, which you cannot physically transform into anything, you're human and magick doesn't contradict nature on the physical. However, take that line out, elaborate on it a little, and you could turn this into an invocation for those who work with the astral beings. You won't become one, but you can work with them and they could help with transformation [personal development]

You cannot physically become a werewolf.

I thought this spell was to summon a werewolf, not turn into one.

Nov 27, 2020
The spell says ''Turn me into a werewolf like you I ask/Of you.'' I'm assuming that's what Nekoshema and Tadashi are referring to. Either way, any physical werewolves don't exist so it wouldn't work either way. Some people believe in astral spirits like werewolves, but that is a different matter.

Nov 28, 2020
Correct. If this was an invocation for the spiritual being, then it could potentially work. The line ''turn me into a werewolf like you'' is where it gets questionable. Maybe omit the line, or change it to be something like ''make my spirit like you'' it becomes a dedication or spiritual thing, then I don't see a problem with it. Try it for yourself, but be aware physical transformation won't happen.

Physical shapeshifting doesn't happen, but you can shapeshift astrally.

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