A Gentle Curse

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► A Gentle Curse
This isn't mine, I just saw it online on a different website. This should push someone in to the right direction. It worked for me.

Casting Instructions for 'A Gentle Curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A jar (any size w/ lid)
  • Vinegar (Preferably white vinegar)
  • A harsh pepper (I used a dried hot pepper)
  • Salt (I used kosher salt)
  • Paper
  • The person's name (First and last, add the middle if you can)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A jar (any size w/ lid)
  • Vinegar (Preferably white vinegar)
  • A harsh pepper (I used a dried hot pepper)
  • Salt (I used kosher salt)
  • Paper
  • The person's name (First and last, add the middle if you can)
1) Get your jar and fill it quarter way (25%) with vinegar
2) Add your pepper and salt
3) Write the person's full name on the piece of paper
4) Drop the paper into the vinegar while stating the intentions for the 5) person. The stronger the intention, the better
6) Seal the jar tightly with the lid and store.
I permanently sealed the jar shut with hot glue, but you don't have to.


Added to on Oct 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This seems like a simplified version of Four Thieves Vinegar from Voodoo. Unless you follow Voodoo/Hoodoo or a similar closed practice which creates this blend, do not make it. Voodoo works with specific spirits, and if you do not, you have combined a number of cleansing and protection herbs together so it will have the opposite effect. As for the glue comment, you can seal a jar with glue. Wax is traditional, but traditional witchcraft was using what was on hand. The point is to seal the jar. Use whatever you have for that task.

What if you only have balsamic vinegar?

Oct 27, 2023
Should be fine, though regular white-vinegar is pretty inexpensive most places (typically costing less than balsamic), and you don't need much. A typical small bottle at the grocery store is 5 or 6 dollars.

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