Candle Magick Question

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Candle Magick Question
Post # 1
Regarding candle magick, I have several old colored candles available to me which are fully intact but they have been burned off just a little bit. I was curious about using them in candle magick, because I am uncertain of when you might want to use a brand new candle and when you might be fine using a 'used' one, as it were.

Is there any condition under which a brand new candle should be used in place of a used one? If so, can you tell me what types of spells these are?

In fact, it would be helpful for me and others, I think, if the people responding could list any type of spell requiring a brand new candle and any in which a used candle will suffice. (Or maybe it will be simple as "Unless the spell asks for a brand new candle, you can use a used one.") But even then, a list of the type of spells wherein a new candle should be used would be useful for those constructing their own candle spells.

I ask because I have come across many candle magick spells and articles, but in few have the state of the candle in such terms ever been mentioned.

Thanks for your help! :)
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Re: Candle Magick Question
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Magic Items from General Info.
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Re: Candle Magick Question
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

If you haven't used them for works of magic previously, I wouldn't see any reason why you couldn't cleanse them and put them to use. Personally, the only time I don't re-use a candle is if it was used for a different purpose. Ex: I wouldn't use a candle from a luck in finances spell for something for love or friendship, etc.

As I've always said, they (candles or any other magical tool) are just another component to help you send your will out into the universe. You are probably one of the greatest tools you have when it comes to magical practice. It's your intent, your will, energy, emotions, etc that help make your spellwork a success.The candle is just another tool to help you manifest your intent, thus, I suppose you're only limited by your own personal preferences.

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Re: Candle Magick Question
Post # 4

To add on what Misanthropy said, it's quite alright to reuse the candles once you cleanse them to get rid of the energy left behind them and reprogram them for another reason. It'll be like a clean blank slate that's been erase or erasing what has been already there and rewriting something new.

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Re: Candle Magick Question
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

In my personal practice, I will reuse a candle that has been used in a magical working over again if it is to further that working or to conduct a working on the same type of spell. For instance, if I used a candle for healing magic, I would be likely to reuse it for another working focused on healing. As an example, I had a 7-day candle in a jar that I used for health and protection of family and friends during the first stretch of Covid.

On the other hand, I don't like to reuse a candle for a completely different purpose. So I would not reuse a candle I used in a healing spell for a new spell, say for getting a job. One can cleanse a candle and reuse it, but I would rather start with a totally new one. This would absolutely be the case if I had used a candle in any sort of what might be perceived as baneful magic and now I wanted to use a candle for a blessing, etc. I wouldn't want to risk any taint of the one seeping into the other.

Because I prefer to not reuse candles for totally separate workings: and because I like to let the candle burn completely down when I am using candle magic, I prefer to work with smaller candles such as the Chime candles as you can see here: The other nice thing about the Chime candles is that they come in a wide variety of colors so I can add a color correspondence to my workings, such as using green for money spells.

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Re: Candle Magick Question
Post # 6
If the candle hasn't been used for magical purpose then it would be perfect to use for a spell, ie: my mom lights this candle sometimes because she likes the scent, but it's also a white candle so I can use it for any spell. You should cleanse it and then go through what ever method of casting your using for the candle magick in question. Like if your going to charge the candle with energy , add herbs and spell oil , burn it down to release the energy then it doesn't matter if the candle has been burned before. If your going for the second kind of candle magic where your using the fire element to add extra power to spell work and ritual, kind of like channeling the fire element through the candle where the candle it self is not being using to hold power and then burned down to release that power then I would say you can still use a candle that has been lit before in a non magickal way without an issues. I would still cleanse it of course though. The only instance where I would say you should use a brand new candle (never been lit) is if it's a part of candle magick number one and for a different purpose. Like if I do a money spell with a candle using candle magick number one I burn it down. I can't really use it for a say a hex by taking the candle remains and turning it into a new candle. You see what I mean? I would say use what you have available and depending on your situation such as your a witch in a house of christians or people that just will not accept your practice, go with using the candle as a vessel for the fire element and channel power that way, always remembering to cleanse the candle. And of course, the candle is just a tool , your the spell caster, your where the power comes from. Please let me know if you have any confusion.

Thank you
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