physical demons/angels

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physical demons/angels
Post # 1
Hello...can angels or demons or other spirits appear as physical human form and transfer human soul in their physical body?...or switch human body with their physical body to have a new body?
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Re: physical demons/angels
Post # 2

Yes it’s a possibility never do an ouija board drunk or high you’re 50x more likely to get possessed by something that’s sometimes a demon, if it’s a spirit or an angel it will show itself in very timid ways, while demons will outright stalk you and you start to feel sudden fear.

That’s one way to know also if there are demons around it will smell like ‘rotten egg’ smell like someone had farted or something.

Hope to hear more from you.

From: Sabrina101
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Re: physical demons/angels
Post # 3
but i dont want possession...i mean they appear as physical human form like materialize...and then transfer my soul in that body or switch our bodies to have a new appearance...
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Re: physical demons/angels
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Unfortunately no, that is not something that can be done in the real world. Such things as angels can appear to us (as Gabriel did to Mary) but they are an apparition, not a physical body, merely a reflection of their spiritual self. And for this lifetime your soul is linked to your physical body and cannot transfer into another body.

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Re: physical demons/angels
By: / Novice
Post # 5
As Lark said, these beings don't have physical vessels but they can appear like spirits [it's similar to astral projection for them] They can manifest and appear before you, but they won't be physical. It's also highly unlikely you'll be possessed by anything. Your spirit is tethered to your body and any danger locks it in for safe measure. You would need to be incredibly worn down [physically, mentally, spiritually] before one of these beings could attempt to possess you. They can't create a physical body and they can't take yours. You can work with these beings and you might choose to dedicate yourself to one, but that still won't give them the power to possess or control you.

Also, the claim it's dangerous to use a Ouija board intoxicated is false. I've used it in altered states no problem. This can pose a risk to you being easily persuaded or tricked, but using substances in your craft is a legitimate thing and not a gateway for demons. It's believed to turn off your ego and open your mind to the divine thus making it easier to connect with your higher self and receive messages and visions. Ouija boards are tools like tarot and pendulums. Depending on how you're using it, it can act as a spiritual magnet, but that's why you put up a circle. Drunk or high, it doesn't matter because the circle will protect you from any negative beings trying to get through the board. [you can also use the board not to speak with spirits. You could use it to speak with your higher self or shadow. Be specific when you begin the session] With any magick, be sure you know how to protect yourself.
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