A simple plea

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A simple plea
Post # 1
Hello everyone,

Many of us who are attracted to the esoteric paths hold a fundamental love and attraction to the natural world. To many it is the core of their spirituality. Well I believe it would be wise for us all to come together in a united cause to set our energies towards helping and healing the natural world we care so deeply for. I know many of you probably already perform works like this, but I also know that it is a bad habit in our community to only work selfishly. Here are just several ideas of things you could do to help in this cause.

Place blessings of life and fecundity upon the species that need it most, the birds, bees, dolphins, and fish come to mind, as record numbers of these wonderful animals die each year.

Place fields and wards of protection over the forests that are in constant threat. The trees used to be our closest allies, and we used to hold them in the most profound reverence. Well now they need our help.

If you believe it is justified to try and manipulate the thoughts of others for a better future then set your energies towards opening the eyes of politicians and CEOs, whose policies and practices have enabled the continued destruction of our mother earth.

If you are experienced in rituals designed to attract wealth, then send wealth to the trustworthy organizations designed to protect our wildlife. Money is strong power in this world and we should not be hesitant to use it in this cause

If you are acquainted with any spirits, guardians, totems or angels who you find trustworthy, then try to enlist their help. I’m sure many of them would be happy to join.

If you at all believe in the power of the mind to have some effect on our physical world, then simply spend five minutes a day imaging a healing light washing over the world, repairing the damage that has been done and restoring life to equilibrium.

If you are on board with this path of action please comment below, and if you have any other ideas for individuals who are new then I’m sure we’d all be happy to hear. If you believe this message at all worth sharing then by all means, post it on other esoteric message boards. If you are a part of a coven, lodge or any other spiritual group then talk to them about working together in a group setting towards these goals. Above all do not lose hope. It is not too late, and if we all put our minds to it then we CAN help.

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Re: A simple plea
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I appreciate the sentiment of this post, but also keep in mind that practical actions need to back up the magical.

Volunteer at local nature centers or wildlife rehab centers, get involved in local issues, go to park or river clean-ups, learn how to properly interact with wildlife (learn how often to clean bird feeders, how to do bee baths without poisoning the insects, etc), plant natives, etc.

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Re: A simple plea
Post # 3
I couldn't agree more. I think in order to make a real long-lasting change there needs to be a profound movement on many different levels, including spiritual, political, structural and personal.
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