I'm cursed and I needhelp

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I'm cursed and I needhelp
Post # 1
Hi I feel like I'm cursed when I was in middle school I used to mess around with spells in the site then my life turned bad I was good looking and funny everyone loved me (including the chicks) but then the cursed activated and these started to happen
1. I gained weight and started to look ugly
2. I developed depression and I was out of control because of my anger
I hate myself now pls help me fix this I want to go back to my old self also btw I'm in 12th grade now
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Re: I'm cursed and I needhelp
Post # 2
And every time someone compliments me bad stuff happens
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Re: I'm cursed and I needhelp
Post # 3

i would recommendyou start up on your protections and doing meditations for not only having the calmness to ease your mind but also to connect with yourself and further strengthen your protections. Usually when im feeling scared or attacked or stuck i like to mediate and imagine a white enclosed bubble around me and nothing may cross the bubble unless i allow it to. If something bad has possibly come your way the worst thing you can do is feed it, try and find an outlet and even the littlest thing like doing affirmations everyday can slowly help you regain self confidence and self assurance. I hope this helped < 3

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Re: I'm cursed and I needhelp
By: / Novice
Post # 4
When bad things start to happen in life, it is easy to put the blame and responsibility on things outside of yourself. Too see yourself as a victim. It is a path of least resistance, it means you can avoid change, or avoid looking at yourself with a reflective awareness. After-all, how can you have done wrong if something else is to blame?

Not to make you feel put on or belittled, mind you. Sometimes it is circumstance. Sometimes it is luck. And sometimes it is consequences of choices. Rather, this is a way to return power to yourself. After all, a victim has no power. No ability to make change. Taking ownership and beginning with some Self-awareness brings that power back.

Gaining weight isn't unusual, especially during puberty. Eating changes, food cravings change. Hormones and attitudes make the body crave energy, sugars, sweet and starchy things to fuel activity and growth. Moods become more prone to rapid change with adrenaline and testosterone and even estrogen hitting the system harder. It takes conscious observation and effort to learn your moods all over again, and exercise willful temperance to form new habits. Even study and practice to learn healthy outlets that work well for you

(not to mention a good bit of trial and error sometimes.)

I would not say you are cursed, those come with specific feelings of oppression and negativity. A presence of specifically external malevolance or pressure. Not just bad luck but a tangible counteracting force. But I would agree that you are in a series of transitions in life that are presenting a lot of challenges you are not used to. I would recommend finding people you can talk to, whi can give some advice and help you find some tools and practices to be more self observant as time goes on. To regain a sense of self and a Centerpoint of personal authority. Maybe look in to local support groups, a good and accredited psychologist, or even a local chapter of people that share in your personal religion/faith. Otherwise read books. As many as you can get your hands on. Talk to people. Start with information on meditation, reaching calm, and self reflection. That would be a good place to begin.

My inbox is always open, as are those of others on the site I am sure. (Though I can sometimes take a while to respond) I can try to come up with some specific ideas for you, or put together a list of some of my favorite books to try and get/read.
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Re: I'm cursed and I needhelp
Post # 5
Do the banishing ritual of the pentagram every day for a year. Read the Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie. To solve this problem you have to take extreme measures. You'll find everything you need to know in that book, but I must warn you, it is a book to be studied - not read.

The banishing ritual of the pentagram will cast away any evil vibrations and energies every day for a year. Once a year has passed, those vibrations will not surface due to the habituation of the energy that emerges from the ritual.

You shouldn't have done those spells as a kid, man. Magic is fun if you know how to pratice it, but before you can pratice it, you have to do intensive digging on what path might suit you the most and how to pratice the art.

I spent two years without a philosophical spiritual system so I could learn and see what system suited me the best. Two years just meditating, lucid dreaming and perfecting my chakras. Then after I learned, I picked a system and I'm stuck with the system until I decide a few years from now if I want to maintain it or switch to another one.

I hope my words can help you in the hell you're going through, and, I hope you find your path and a better life.

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