Strange Spirit

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Strange Spirit
Post # 1


Something has been bothering me for quite a long time.

When I was around 7 or 8 I began seeing, feeling and hearing spirits. There is one in particular that would tell me things. He at one time talked to me about people who used to worship the sun. One time he led me to a piece of amber with an insect inside that was sitting where two branches of a tree converged, like where the trunk had split.

What bothers me is the spirit would always call me by a name not my own, and in fact was a name of the opposite gender of myself entirely.

Later on at the age of 14 my coven and I were practicing a guided meditation led by my father. We were to enter a meditative state and bring information back with us. During the meditative state I met a spirit whom looked like the shadow of a person. No detail, just a black shadow. The spirit told me something accurate about a friend, but when he first addressed me to speak he called me by a name. It was the same name I was called years before by the spirit of my childhood.

This always bothered me.

I was wondering if anyone knows what this means?

I'vebeen wondering about this for years.

Why would a spirit call me by a name that isn't my own?

It isn't even a name of my gender.

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Re: Strange Spirit
Post # 2

This is a matter where you need to trust your gut because some spirits can and will lie to get what they want. However, in saying this there is a reason on why a spirit would call you by a different name and that's to do with past lives. Maybe past lives might be something you need to look at. Some spirits will call you by the name that they had known you as in that current life if the spirit is also some sort of God, maybe look into that and see what you can find. I do feel like you are fairly safe around this spirit though more like a protector. It is also possible that this spirit might've known someone that looked and act like you that they had like, but that said person is now long gone.

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Re: Strange Spirit
Post # 3

I am not very certain whether this is past life related or not as this spirit while not actually demonic sounding did not sseem to be a human spirit either but I am not certain.

I do know he was tricky and didn't always say very good things. Maybe he was lying then.

He I do know, referred to himself as a gatekeeper and would also constantly say he was God.

I know he was not a God, but a tricky spirit.

I have no idea what a gatekeeper is.

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Re: Strange Spirit
Post # 4

A gatekeeper is someone that protects the doors between worlds, or any large source of energy. Their spirits that normally keep to themselves and some mediums tend to ask them for permission, if they need to do work on that area. They normally never call themselves a God, but do demand high respect they also don't typically follow other people around or even take interesting in one person.

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Re: Strange Spirit
Post # 5

I can understand why they would call themself a 'god'. A Gatekeeper, is equal to the great "I am" or "Of Course, I am." These type of beings are not "the" god, but they are most often the closest one gets to commune with, granted their yet undeveloped vibration. It simply refers to itself as god, because nearly everyone else,accept them as such. Considering their stature, they are not wholly wrong.

In respects to calling you out of your name; It is understood in older beliefs, foremost, that a spirit does not have a specific gender. Also, the fact that both the simpler spirit, and that one, both called you by the same name, it auggests that the name simply describes your specific vibration. We must remember as well, that timeless spirits, especially such as the Gatekeepers, do not liken names to a specific sex. Names are merely labels used to specify a person or thing, relative to other similar things. The chances are great that the name they called you by, is in fact your spiritual, or "Magical" name..

When I finally gathered the courage to ask a spirit my magical name, it sounded funny to me as well. I didnt understand its meaning, so I endeavored to search out the phonetic spelling in all the languages I could. After a while, I discovered a very close phonetic equivalent, in the language of Ifugal. Turns out, the name they gave me was a dead ringer in this language. . So, in fact, the name you were called by could very well be in a technically "dead language", and thata why it sounds funny. Happy hunting. :)

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Re: Strange Spirit
Post # 6

Thank you for your thoughts Mad.

The name didn't sound funny to me. I don't think I stated that.

It is a name in a language I understand just fine.

I don't need to look for it.

I thought a magical name is something practitioners gave to themselves or are given to them by their coven.

I have never heard of spirits attributing names to people.

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Re: Strange Spirit
Post # 7

I would still suggest a broad search for the name in other languages. A definiton that defines your personality is what you should easily stumble upon, if your search is serious.. Other than that, Im curious to know what purpose a magical name has, if not for you to be called by it?

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Re: Strange Spirit
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Sometimes, one's magical/spiritual name can be a name that has been carried or recognized by an individual across multiple lifetimes, in addition to their name given at physical birth. I guess you could think of it as a way of recognizing your continuing nature from life to life by giving that part of your identity/self a likewise continuing name.

It is like how an actor takes on many names for the roles he/she plays, but they still have their own 'actual' name that is theirs both during and between movies.

For some, it is a name held on to as recognition of their first living incarnation... or in recognition of a particular lifetime that holds personal significance. Or, sometimes it ties a name chosen as a representation of one's overall goals and path.

For example, my own spiritual name was initially inspired by the single most major event that brought me onto my current path. However as I explored what I could when it came to past-lives and between, I have come to learn that I have frequently found some reason to take on the monicor of 'spiritrunner'. It is a name I seem to have long ago come to take on as a personal label.

Your situation may be something similar, where these spirits are recognizing you by a name you used to hold as a personal label or possibly one you still hold on some other level you haven't connected with yet.

I agree that it would be worthwhile to explore the possible meanings behind the name being used. Even modern, common names have a story behind them. Some sort of old roots in history or some trait it is based from in the originating language.

For example, my own first name has roots as the anglicized version of the gaelic 'Cinaed' (born of fire). A neat meaning that boils down to references of growth through trials, from a super common name.
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Re: Strange Spirit
Post # 9

Thank you Spirit76.

Essentially this name is possibly past life related?

I will have to look into it more.

The name this spirit used by the way is biblical. Which is entirely why I have some doubts.

But, it isn't as if I have any control over things said by spirits.

Spirit76, Do you have any possible information you can share on what a "gatekeeper" is supposed to be? I understand if you may not have the time.

Thank you for the responses everyone. It's been helpful.

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Re: Strange Spirit
By: / Novice
Post # 10
It could be past-life indeed. Though bear in mind that even if the name is biblical in origin, it doesn't necessarily mean you lived as the biblical person. Many of those names could have been common for those times. Heck, just consider how popular the names are today. Michael, Muhammad (with a variety of spellings), Jesus, they were probably as popular then as John, Robert, and Brian are today.

That said, names still have meaning. And that is what I would say is being applied. In some past life you may have held this particular name, and the meaning behind that name resonated strongly with your learning and goals. So much so that perhaps on some level you have adopted it as a more 'true' personal identity on a spiritual level. A name that may be significantly representative of your nature when applied beyond the limits of the current life you are living.

As for the Gatekeeper, I think that MadOsu demonstrated more knowledge than I have when it comes to what it might mean for this beings title. I call it a title, because 'gate keeper' is a descriptive of the sort of thing that is a person's job, not a definition of what/who a being might be. And to me a gate keeper is any being that manages some form or place of transition. Be it going from one room to the next, or from one level of enlightenment to the next, you are moving into a new place.

Though, esoterically, I suppose that would make a gate keeper a form of guide. Like an usher or door-man. There to show you the way into something new. To that end, my own intuition on this particular being is that it might be present to help you get access to new personal knowledge. Considering the gate keeper is referring to you by a past-life or otherwise likely spiritually significant and personal name, I am leaning towards it being there to grant/help you gain access to knowledge related to those things.

I would expect that if you were to choose to work with this being that it would bring about some sort of personal awakening.
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