I want magic to control f

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Re: I want magic to control f
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

No matter what you may read on some internet sites or in some, less than accurate, books, none of the forms of kinesis are real. People claim to have been able to do various types of kinesis, but no one has proved that their claims are real.

As others have already told you, it is possible to work with the essence of the Elements to aid in magical workings. That is solid magic based on the ancient Greek concept that everything was made up of the four Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These are not physical elements, but the energies of the Elements. http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/webprojects2002/tubb/elements.htm You can learn to work with these energies in your magic, such as in casting a circle by invoking the Elements.

But you cannot control the greater Elements, the actual energies of the Universe. You will not be able to summon a storm at will, or point a finger and have something burst into flame. That is the stuff of Hollywood and fantasy novels.

People frequently first come to magic because of something they have read, like the " Last Airbender ". So they have a mistaken idea of what magic can do. If you'd like to learn about real magic and begin learning how to practice it, I would recommend the book " Modern Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig . You can find it to read for free at http://www.sacred-magick.com/PDF.php?cid=6.256

Re: I want magic to control f
Post # 12
Truely is tragic when professionals in name step on a helpful collegue yet ask the professor sometimes for the exact information and get the same answer, controlling elements is offensive and not possible, but possible to a much lower extent, is weilding such.

Re: I want magic to control f
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13

Kinisis is movement or motion which exists all around us from the undirected movement of a cell, organism, or part in response to and external stimulus to the range of mobility of the bones of the skull as in some birds and reptiles. This is where physics laws are demonstrated because nothing moves without energy behind it.

No one can control the elements physically or their essence however one can utilize their energy and as well as influence or manipulate them is minor ways. We are all made of energy and this energy encompasses us. Our energy, often referred to as our aura, is interacting with the energy around us in the universe. It can protect us from other energy as well as influence the energy from other sources. Like one person leading their energy to make another smile, we interact with and influence the energies surrounding us all the time. It may not be possible to start a fire out of thin air but with the right tools and applied physics a little bit of air may be what feeds the flames into existence.

I suggest meditation and the practice of moving energy in, around, and out of the body. Breath in the fresh air and inhale the new positive energy into your lungs, feel your blood increase in dissolved oxygen content rejuvenating all of your cells, carry that energy into all the corners of your body. Send it to your hands and fingertips, your legs and toes, even give your spleen some love. Push any negative energy out of the body through the bottoms of the feet or the root chakra if you are in lotus position. You can even breath out negative energy as well. Incense which is a representation of air and fire may help to guild you on your meditative journey.

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