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Post # 1
The WCA is now open for everyone (under 16 that is!) Here's how it works. You must be 16 years or younger to join. You must also be a legal resident of North America, South America, or Centeral America. Under some exceptions we can expand. Once you have joined you have seven days to email a picture of yourself to wcaheadquarters.nickerson@gmail.com as proof that you are indeed under sixteen. Now here's how you join. First, log onto www.no1mustknow.webs.com. You may need to refresh the page a few times before it opens. Next click on "HERE" Then click on the "W" in "were" Then click on the "C" in "computer" Then click on the "A" in "applied" It should now take you to a blank page with two rectanges on it. In the top rectangle type "member" In the bottom rectangle type "dragonfire" Click "submit" Then click on "HERE" again. If the "HERE" happens to be a broken link, let me know and I will send you a direct link to the site. I am the President of the WCA and I am 13 years old. When you get to the main page, click "enroll" then fill out ALL of the information. Read ALL of the rules and regulations before joining. If you can't open the page I can send you a direct link.
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Post # 2
I've change the age limit to eighteen and below. As long as your not derranged or worship the devil and can be a resposible wo/man about being a member I'll let you in.
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Post # 3
To let you all know, the WCA is a secret community of young witches and wizards so that they can communicate with eachother and practice magick no matter where they are in the U.S. It is not dumb, and I have two words for all that think it's dumb....SCREW YOU! I'm only accepting members that are willing to participate and enjoy the WCA. Thank you.
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Post # 4

this is ludicrous, you would keep people out because they "worship the devil"??
do you understand nothing?

you are captured by your christian view of magick.....free yourself and view the world as it is.....Grey!

satanists do not view satan as an evil god, but a loving yet demanding one. go do some research before you make statements such as that.

also what is this about

this is a message i recieved from moonlight about the WCA

"Subject : WCA
Message : Look. I don't want to "rule the world" or anything. I just hide the site because the nonbelievers of magick could gain access and treat us as outcasts because they don't understand magick nor believe in it. Once the WCA is well and established, there will be elections. I just want to help it get there. I'm not being influenced by Harry Potter or KND or any of that stuff. I just want there to be hope for those who wish to practice magick without being dissed or anything.


wow, you think that people who dont believe in magick will come in droves and make fun of you?

ohh and the word non-believers is most often used by cults....just to let ya know.

im sorry, but it seems odd to me that a person that doesnt still thinks that satan is evil is making a "secret community".

you realize that most witches are not afraid to announce it on the internet, because who will judge them except for trolls??

im sorry, but lose all the secrecy, all the "government", all the hopsital stuff (do you even know how much it costs to run one?)

just make a website and let people join, dont act like we are still stuck in the 1500's.

get over the harry potter obbsession, everyone can do this....infact most people believe in this to an extent, whether it be "mind over matter", "aura's", "ghosts", "reincarnation", or "visualization".

society is moving slowly towards a pagan perspective.

stop this hiding business.

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