ohr61's Profile

Member Info
Name: ohr61
Location: New England
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 21 Jan 2025
Membership: Member
Coven Title: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
Where shall I begin? My true name is Orison, which interpreted means, a respectful, fervent prayer to God. I had black hair as a boy, with a brown pigment on the back of my head, which a woman once said was a sign of being touched by an angel before birth. Since early childhood, I've had a sense to feel and see what some deem as the dead around me. Death is nothing more than shedding this shell we're housed in, and advancing in life, as we never fade out. I suppose if you label me, I'd deem myself as a sensitive, aka, psychic medium. I am currently searching to find a portal back in time. I have specific dates picked out. I believe traveling back is possible, and not some fantasy. I have a desire and calling to help people who suffered calamity, redesign life's course and avoid the pitfalls and mistakes they first time encountered in the past. I truly believe that "with God, all things are possible," thus becoming closer to probability and success.