Twin Flame union advice

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Twin Flame union advice
Post # 1
Hi everyone,
I've been separated from my twin for a year and a half. I'm the chaser and the one that is more spiritual. I didn't even know they were my twin until this past December. I've heard the word twin flame but never did that much research, though when I learned how twin flames relate to each other, it seemed to match what I was going thru, also in the tarot reading the ten of cups showed up. One time we even had a twin telepathy moment of saying a four word phrase at the same time. Since I found out, I've been clearing negative energy between the both of us and asking arch angel Michael to cut cords of negative people in our lives. I surrendered back in August and haven't reached out until yesterday, just wishing a happy birthday... Still no response, which makes me think I still have to clear negative energy. Can anyone please give some advice on how to get to the union? Thank you.
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Re: Twin Flame union advice
By: / Novice
Post # 2
There are a couple of things to bear in mind when this sort of thing is happening. First, Twin flames, Soul mates/partners, and the like are indeed people you usually end up worting with over the course of multiple lives. But that doesn't walays mean you are 'destined' to work together in every one of your incarnations. Or for even for the entirety of any specific life. Individuals can and do have experiences they need to encounter on their own as well.

It may be that for now there are different people that you are working with to learn or experience something specific, in which your twin flame isn't the best one to make it happen. Or conversely the same might be true of your twin. Or the separation itself, especially with your twin flame being so close by, is a lesson in and of itself. People can become too used to the presence of another, which can turn cooperation into dependance or even an outright crutch. So the point of the barrier might be a lesson in letting go of some dependance you might be feeling. To help you learn something about your own strength character and ability.

Try spending some time in Self-examination, and work on discovering why you feel it is so important that you connect with this other person. It might provide a revelation. Or at least some insight.
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Re: Twin Flame union advice
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I'm no expert on twin flames but my understanding is they're different from soul mates. They are very similar people who elevate each other spiritually/emotionally/mentally but it's not all lovingly. Twin flames cause friction, you might see a mirror image of yourself in this person, and yet find working together difficult, yet it's this challenge that brings to the surface what each of you need to work on and therefore grow. I would stop forcing yourself to connect with your twin flame. Work on what you discovered when with this person [which appears to be clearing away negative energy, but you might also wish to look into shadow work to heal aspects of yourself you keep locked away] and leave them alone to work on whatever you brought to the surface when you two were together. When the time is right you should 've brought together again, but I feel you are too focused on them and are missing the lesson, until you learn it you'll continue to suffer the same cycle.
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Re: Twin Flame union advice
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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