Help to rid evil spirit

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Help to rid evil spirit
Post # 1
A friend of mine went to a haunted house for halloween. His brother took something from the house and now my friend has had alot of weird things happening in his house. Something was attached to the trinket his brother took and now it's in my friends house
He doesn't feel threatened by it, but does want it to leave
We have tried a cleansing but it hasn't helped. What can we do ?
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Re: Help to rid evil spirit
Post # 2
The item itself could be of great importance to the previous owner of the now haunted house, the spirit that is in your friends house now may have just been guarding it. If you want the spirit gone, have the brother return the item back where he got it, then do the cleansing. If the item isn't return, bad things can start happening to the person who stole it, affecting your friend as well.

I think this should be transferred to Spiritual Creature section of the forum or Misc Topic.
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Re: Help to rid evil spirit
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Spiritual Creatures from Welcome.
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Re: Help to rid evil spirit
Post # 4

I would suggest divination to determine if the spirit in question would indeed like you to return the item or if perhaps there is somewhere you can take it that would appease him/her. In doing so they should no longer be upset and will most likely leave your friend alone. That and an apology would probably help. Taking things that are not yours even in the case it belongs to someone whom is deceased might upset them. How would you get someone who is alive to forgive you? You'd probably offer a sincere apology and a kind gesture. They might even let you keep the item and just want your help with something else. So this is why I would highly recomend emploring divinationary methods.

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Re: Help to rid evil spirit
Post # 5
The only problem with giving it back , is that it can't be found. It was brought to my friends house and no one has taken it well no human hair taken it. We have all searched and torr his house apart. Things are happening to my friend now. He tried a cleansing last night, so bowl shattered , the bedroom door slammed, and he heard laughing. He seen a filmy subject in the hallway in front of door. He's been having weird dreams that I'm not convinced are dreams. I think he's unknowingly walking around outside , going thru the woods,etc. He dreamt that last night and woke up to Mudd all over his house and shoe .
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