new comer

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new comer
Post # 1
can someone please help me with magic and what kind of magic is the best to use I just need help and im wondering if it is possible to use multiple types of magic
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Re: new comer
By: / Novice
Post # 2

those articles should help you get started. they're basic information and techniques required for spell casting. magick is a natural energy, spells charge this energy and direct it onto a path to bring a desired change. this change must be natural because the energy is natural [you cannot fly, transform, grow wings, turn invisible, or anything else found in the sites Fantasy and Trick sections]

also, the energy used in spells is neutral, it is the cater who gives it a positive or negative charge. this is also why magick has no colour, only intent. if you want to know 'what kind of magick is best to use' you should reflect on it yourself. many will run up and say 'don't cast curses!' while i agree curses are wrong, this is my opinion, it is not your opinion. i suggest learning more about magick before casting a curse or any spell as the best of intentions can and do backfire. think long and hard before casting, a spell fuelled by emotion is powerful, but most of the time without logic.

you can mix and match as many types of magick as you please provided your path allows for it. magick all comes from the same place, but should you deem certain spells wrong, you should not cast them. good luck to you.
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