Types of Magic

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Types of Magic
Post # 1
So im new to the site, and well I don't know what kinds of magic there are. I read some books so I know witchcraft, voodoo, Egyptian Magic, elemental magic, and Words of Power. I think there's more types of magic.
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Re: Types of Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
there are so many it's too long to list them all. you have the basic ones like love, luck, wealth, but you also have sub-categories like candle magick, potioncraft, herbalism, or crystal work. you would also have paths like Reiki which isn't spell related per-say, but it's an energy healing so it would count as a for of magick. then you have paths like voodoo, kitchen witchery, green witchcraft, and others which are either a religious path or lifestyle that uses magick but in certain ways. with kitchen witchcraft you would incorporate magick into your cooking or household in some way for example.

it is also noteworthy that magick has no colour. 'black' and 'white' are simply 'positive' and 'negative'. again, though, it's not this simple, as a spell you might think is one can turn out to be another if you scratch the surface. a spell to heal a friend may seem positive, but if you o not tell your friend, or your friend doesn't want you to cast a spell, and you do it anyway, it becomes negative as you forced your will over theirs. some paths would be completely against this [see Wicca] while others feel if it's for the greater good, its alright to trump free will sometimes. try finding a book or perhaps a website or article that lists the different types to give you a jumping off point if you're interested. i'll list some paths bellow:

colour, symbol, runes, knot, poppet, blood, sex, folk, faerie, kitchen, healing, potion, dragon, Reiki, crystal, herbal, sigil, divination, tarot, weather, curses, protection, pendulum, numerology, astrology, necromancy, Satanism, Wicca, Luceferian, Norris, Shamanism, Celtic, Druid, Germanic, defense, demonology, Hoodoo, and candle to name a few paths and spell types.
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