Tea Leaf Readings

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Tea Leaf Readings
By: / Novice
Post # 1
This is a forum about tea leaf readings. Personally, I drink tea all the time but mostly loose leaf teas (no tea bags -.-)and it's not always easy to find a tea with the complete leaf but if you do, make sure to try this! It's worth the trouble.
Well first you have to brew the tea, then the person who is having their tea leaves read to pour out their own cup of tea. It is traditional that only the first cup of tea poured from the teapot should be read, as it ensures that there are enough leaves for an adequate reading.
Whilst drinking the cup of tea the individual needs to think about whether a specific question needs asking, if there is no specific question then they should think about the future. They need to drink until only about a teaspoon of tea remains in the cup, twist the cup three times anti-clockwise, and then put it down on the saucer for 20 to 30 seconds.

The cup should be placed upright on the saucer, and the reader should relax and gaze into the cup. They need to think about which leaves are attracting their attention. Some leaves can be read literally, others are symbolic, always use intuition as a guide.

The top of the cup and the rim indicates the present, here and now. The middle section indicates the next few weeks. The base of the cup indicates the time between three to six weeks away. To the left of the handle indicates the past.

When a shape is seen in the tea leaves, instinct should be used to decide upon the meaning of it. Instinctive reactions are frequently correct and can give an accurate image of the past, present, and future.
Voodoo History.
You remember slavery in the U.S. and Haiti right? Well that?s how it spread. It originated from West Africa and is still practiced in Benin today. In Africa all the Loas, spirits, were the Gods and Goddesses. It was savage looking to the slavers so they didn't like it. But in Haiti the Catholic influence changed it. They called the Gods and Goddesses Loas. They also believed in one God. The Catholics didn't mind because the spirits represented a lot of saints. When the creoles from Haiti came to Louisiana it changed more and mixed with Hoodoo. Louisiana Voodoo is a lot different from Haitian. It has more focus on the saints, because New Orleans is Catholic central, Hoodoo, and Li Grand Zombi, snake god. Haitian Voodoo is more focused on the religion then the magick. Hoodoo is different from LA Voodoo because the magick in Hoodoo is run on superstition and LA Voodoo is run on the sprits power.

I don't take credit for this work.. It was done by one of the members on this site, and if I recall well, it's a member from the Path of the Shaman but he might of left. I'm not sure who it is anymore. Sorry.

Re: Tea Leaf Readings
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This is a great post, I was want to add something. If your cup has a handle, begin there and read clockwise. If your cup has no handle, begin reading from 12 o'clock.. Make a mental note to divide your cup into 3 section: rim, middle and base.

The rim is above the tea level when you first poured your tea.

The base is the level of tea left before you dumped out the remainder

The middle section is the area between the rim and bottom.

Let your subconscious guide you, there is no "wrong" way to do tasseomancy

Re: Tea Leaf Readings
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

i love this and i will try it immediately

Re: Tea Leaf Readings
Post # 4

Re: Tea Leaf Readings
Post # 5

This is very good, I will make sure to try this, kudos

Re: Tea Leaf Readings
Post # 6
I'm so upset my comment didn't go thru... I don't even remember what I said. UGH. /:

Re: Tea Leaf Readings
Post # 7
how do we know the meaning like i did it and i got a tree

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