Vampires / werewolves?

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Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 7
Ah, good point...I know how kids think. "Rawr, Imma vampire!" Other kids: o_o Okay coolio? -shuns-
Well, they could always home school their child..? It would be safer to tell the kid farther along the age line though. Some reason the whole idea of school and socialism didn't come to me in that subject. If only there was a little vampire school somewhere for kids like that...o_o Imma feel so weird if there is and I don't know it. Oh well, lol.

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 8
Actually, that would be cool if there was a school for vampires! Someone needs to do this. lol

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 9
It would be a lot easier on the Vampire/lycan kids. I mean homeschooling wouldn't give them a chance to play with others...or react with them. But in a school like that, they will be able to develope their skills and make friends that will understand their needs and stuff. It is a great idea! There would just be the problem of stupid people wanting to destroy it...-thinks-

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 10
Ugh, ya... people do have an irrational fear of things that they don't understand. Not to say that I'm not one of them from time to time. lol But to overcome those fears, one must get to understand them in the first place. But not a whole lot of people think that way, unfortunately.

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 11
Actually, I'm sorry to say this, but in my opinion, anyone can become a psychic vampire. Psychic vampirism is based off a need to feed off the energy of others. You can simply start out by taking energy from others and over time become addicted to doing so. Just because you are addicted to it, does not mean you need it to survive, it is an addiction and can be kicked like any addiction can. However this is harder for those whom have do so for years as well as those who cannot handle the empty feelings they get inside when trying to stop feeding off of the energy of others. I can also say I have yet to meet anyone who could prove they are a sanguine vampire and need blood in order to survive. The same goes for a werewolf. I have met a person with a wolf-soul, but that is different from an actual werewolf in that they are physically *human*. Honestly, in my opinion it would make no difference if someone wolf-souled and a energy vampire had children. At most they would probably simply be more open to both possibilities.

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 12
Yeah, I've noticed... I used to be afraid of many things, but that was because I used to get attacked by...well, almost everything. I learned to protect myself and I only fear a few mirrors. Uh, anyways, maybe it could be a school for vampires and other non humans, but only they would know about it. But wonder how one could do that...Wishful thinking I guess, lol.

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 13
A "psychic vampire," (or "energy vampire," if you prefer,) does not do anything that cannot be done by ANY halfway-competent energy worker. It's just that most of us have better ethics than to take energy from others. Especially if we have been taught that there is more than sufficient energy for any legitimate purpose that is freely available to us from sources such as The Earth Our Mother.

And I've yet to see any person claiming to be a vampire who was able to manifest any supernatural abilities whatsoever.

No transforming into the shape of a bat or wolf, no ability to summon and command hordes of rats, no disappearing into a mist and passing through barred windows and keyholes. And no rising from the dead. I have to say here that I for one am extremely disappointed by all of this. It's false advertising, is what it is.

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 14
" It's just that most of us have better ethics than to take energy from others."

I disagree with this. Technically we all take energy and give energy to each other, whether we notice it or not, and how large a quatity, depends on you. Energy touches others energy, even in a simple conversation we leave behind energy. As we are connected to each other, through links we have a transfer of energy. Also, quite a few of those considered to be psychic vampires do not realize they are so. It has nothing to do with ethics in this case, because they don't even realize what they are doing. Also do not assume your ethics are better than others simply because you choose not to harm others by taking energy. I have taken energy from people in the past, that does not make my ethics or morals screwed up. Please, don't drag moral rightiousness in where it does not belong.

(Sorry if none of this makes sense, I will go over and repost anything that did nott after I sleep.)

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 15
okay so ... i once read a book that told of the life of a born vampiric child and it also includes wraiths but thats off topic. this book goes on to tell of her life at this school that is chalked fool of made vampires. and of course how in the world are you going to keep people froj finding out that a large amount of the worlds supernatural beings have gathered in one small location. someone will try to kill them all. this book id called Evernight, and i'm not sure who the author is but im sure you can find out. im sure this will describe your ideas about school somewhat perfect. some parts withstanding. i wish not to say so as not to ruin your reading expeiriences, i am a very enthusiastic reader so if you want details just message me. kk

Re: Vampires / werewolves?
Post # 16
Yeah, the energy in the school would be way to strong... It would be a very risky thing if not done right...Heck, but ideas are sometimes just ideas, lol.

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