Herbs and Magic

CovenNatural Magick ► Herbs and Magic
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Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 5
Cohosh, Black : It is used in spells to increase potency, protection, love, and courage.
Coltsfoot : It is used in spells to promote love and psychic visions.
Columbine : It is used in spells to promote love and courage.
Comfrey : It is used to promote safety while traveling and to attract money.
Copal : It is used in spells for love and purification.
Coriander : It is used in spells for love, healing, and health.
Corn : It is used in spells to promote luck, divination, and protection.
Cornflower : Promotes psychic awareness.
Cotton : It is used in spells to bring rain, good luck, healing, and protection.
Cowslip : It is used in spells for healing, youth, and treasure seeking.
Crocus : It is used in spells to promote love and psychic visions.
Cumin : It is used in spells for exorcism, protection, and faithfulness.
Curry : It is used in spells for protection.
Cyclamen : It is used in spells for lust, fertility, happiness, and protection.
Cypress : It is used in spells to promote protection, healing, comfort, peace, and longevity.
Daffodil : They can be used in spells or rituals for love, luck, and fertility.
Daisy : They can be used in spells for lust, passion and luck.
Damiana : They can be used in spells for lust, passion, love, and psychic visions.
Dandelion : They are often used in spells for divination, wishes, and spirit communication.
Datura : They can be used in spells to induce sleep, break hexes, and protection.
Deer's Tongue : They can be used in spells for lust, passion, and psychic awareness.
Devils Bit: They can be used in spells and rituals for love, passion, lust, exorcism, and protection.
Devils Shoestring : It is used in spells for luck (especially in gambling), protection, power, and success in employment.
Dill : It can be used in spells for lust, good luck, protection, and to attract money.
Dittany of Crete : It is used in spells and rituals assocaited with astral projection and manifestation.
Dock : It is used in spells for healing, money drawing, and fertility.
Dodder : It is often used in knot magic and spells for divination and love.
Dogbane : Love spells.
Dogwood : It is used in wish and protection spells.
Dragons Blood : It is used in spells and rituals for exorcism, love, potency, and protection.
Dulse : It is used in spells for lust and harmony.
Dutchmans Breeches : Love spells.
Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham

Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 6
Ebony : It can be used in protection and power spells.
Echinacea : It can be used to strengthen spells.
Elder : It can be used in spells for protection, sleep, healing, prosperity and exorcism.
Elecampane : It is used in spells to increase psychic powers, love, and protection.
Elm : It can be used in love spells.
Endive : It is used in lust and love spells.
Eucalyptus : It is used in spells for protection and healing.
Eyebright : It is used in spells to increase psychic and mental abilities.
Fennel : It can be used in spells for protection, healing, and purification.
Fenugreek : Money and wealth spells.
Fern : It is used in spells for beauty, luck, wealth, protection, health, and exorcism.
Feverfew : Protection spells.
Fig : It is used in spells for fertility, divination, and love.
Figwort : It is used in health and protection spells.
Flax : It is used in spells for beauty, protection, money, healing, and psychic abilities.
Fleabane : It is used in spells for purity, exorcism, and protection.
Frankincense : It is used in spells for exorcism and protection. It also promotes spirituality.
Galangal : Related to the ginger plant. It can be used in spells for protection, health/healing, money, and lust/love.
Gardenia : It is used in spells for love, spirituality, peace, and healing.
Garlic : It can be used in spells to protect against theft, general protection, exorcism, lust, and healing.
Gentian : It is used in spells for power and love.
Geranium : It can be used in spells for fertility, protection, love, and health/healing.
Ginger : It can be used in spells for success, money, power, and love.
Ginseng : It can be used in spells for wishes, beauty, healing, love, lust, and protection.
Goats Rue : It can be used in spells for healing and health. Goats Rue (Galega officinalis) should not be confused with rue (Ruta graveolens) . Goats Rue is often used in medicines. Rue, is an irritant and can cause contact dermatitis if handled without protective clothing.
Goldenrod : It can be used in spells for money and divination.
Golden Seal : It can be used in spells for money and healing.
Gorse : It can be used in spells for money and protection.
Gotu Kola : Often used for meditation purposes.
Gourd : protection.
Grain : protection.
Grains of Paradise : It can be used in spells for wishes, good luck, money, love, and lust.
Grape : It can be used in spells involving garden/nature magic, fertility, money, and mental powers.
Grass : It can be used in spells for protection and to increase psychic powers.
Ground Ivy: divination.
Groundsel : health and healing.
Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham

Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 7
Hawthorn : It is used in spells for chastity/purity, fertility, and happiness.
Hazel : It is used in spells for protection, good luck, wishes, protection against lightening strikes, and fertility.
Heather : It is used in spells for protection and good luck.
Heliotrope : It can be used in spells for healing, psychic dreams, money drawing, and exorcism.
Hemp : It is used in spells for psychic visions, meditation, healing, and love.
Henna : It is used in spells for health/healing.
Hibiscus : It is used in spells for divination and love/lust.
Hickory : It is used in spells for legal matters.
High John the Conqueror : It is used in spells for success, money, love, and happiness.
Holly : It is used in spells for general protection, protection against lightening strikes, good luck, dream magic, and balance.
Honesty : It is used in money drawing spells and in spells to ward off negative energies/influences/entities.
Honeysuckle : It is used in spells to draw money, protection, and psychic abilities.
Hops : It can be used in spells for sleep and healing.
Horehound : It can be used in spells for protection, mental powers/awareness, healing/health, and exorcism.
Horse Chestnut : It can be used in spells for money and healing.
Horseradish : It can be used in spells for exorcism and purification.
Horsetail: It is used in spells for fertility and according to folklore it was used for snake charming. However, I wouldn't advise you to try to charm snakes with it for obvious reasons.
Houseleek : It can be used in spells for good luck, protection, and love.
Huckleberry : It is used in spells to remove hexes, bring good luck, protection, and dream magic.
Hyacinth : It can be used in spells for protection, love, and happiness.
Hydrangea : It can be used to break hexes.
Hyssop : It can be used in spells for purification and protection.
Indian Paint Brush : It can be used in love spells.
Iris : It can be used in spells for purification and wisdom.
Irish Moss : It can be used in spells for good luck, money, and protection.
Ivy : It can be used in protection and healing spells.
Jasmine : It can be used in spells for money, love, and psychic dreams.
Jobs Tears : It can be used in spells for wishes, good luck, and healing.
Joe-Pye Weed : It can be used in spells for respect and love.
Juniper : It can be used in spells for theft prevention, protection, health/healing, love, and exorcism.
Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham

Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 8
Kava-Kava : It can be used in spells for good luck, protection, and psychic visions.
Knotweed : It can be used in spells for binging and health/healing.
Ladys mantle : It is most often used in love spells.
Ladys slipper: It is most often used in protection spells.
Larch : It is used in spells to ward of thieves and for general protection.
Larkspur : It is used in spells for health and protection.
Lavender : It is used in spells for protection, sleep, chastity, purification, peace, longevity, happiness, and love.
Leek : Is is used for exorcism, protection, and love.
Lemon : It is used for love, purification, friendship, and longevity.
Lemongrass : It is used for lust spells and spells to increase psychic awareness. This plant is also believed to have the power to repel snakes.
Lemon Verbena : It is used in spells for love and purification.
Lettuce : It is used in spells for love, divination, sleep, chastity, and protection.
Licorice : It is used in spells for love, fidelity, and lust.
Life Everlasting : It is used in spells for longevity and healing/health.
Lilac : It is used in spells for protection, beauty, and exorcism.
Lily : It is used to negate love spells and in protection spells.
Lily of the Valley : It is used in spells for happiness and to improve mental abilities.
Lime : It is used in spells for love, protection, and healing.
Linden : It is used in spells for good luck, sleep, love, and protection.
Liquidambar : Protection spells.
Liverwort : Protection and love spells.
Loosestrife : Peace and protection spells.
Lotus : Protection spells.
Lovage : Love spells.
Love Seed : Love and friendship spells.
Lucky Hand : Good luck, protection, protection during travel, money, and employment.
Mace - Psychic Powers and Mental Powers
Magnolia - Fidelity
Maidenhair - Beauty and Love Male
Maple Fern - Luck and Love
Mallow - Love, Protection, and Exorcism
Maple - Love, Longevity, and Money
Marigold - Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Legal Matters, and Psychic Powers.
Marjoram - Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, and Money
Mastic - Psychic Powers, Manifestations, and Lust
Meadow Rue - Divination
Meadowsweet - Love, Divination, Peace, and Happiness
Mesquite - Healing
Mimosa - Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, and Purification
Mint - Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, and Protection
Mistletoe - Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, and Exorcism.
Moonwort - Money and Love Moss - Luck and Money
Mugwort - Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, and Astral Projection.
Mulberry - Protection and Strength
Mullein - Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, and Exorcism
Mustard - Fertility, Protection, and Mental Powers
Myrrh - Protection, Exorcism, Healing, and Spirituality
Myrtle - Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, and Money
Nettle - Exorcism, Protection, Healing, and Lust
Norfolk Island Pine - Protection and Anti-Hunger
Nuts - Fertility, Prosperity, Love, and Luck
Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham

Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 9
Oak - Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, and Luck
Oats - Money
Olive - Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, and Lust
Onion - Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, and Lust
Orange - Love, Divination, Luck, and Money
Orchid - Love
Oregon Grape - Money and Prosperity
Orris - Love, Protection, and Divination.
Palm, Date - Fertility and Potency
Pansy - Love, Rain Magick, Love, and Divination
Papaya - Love and Protection
Parsley - Love, Protection, and Purification
Passion Flower - Peace, Sleep, and Friendship
Patchouly - Money, Fertility, and Lust
Pea - Money and Love
Peach - Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, and Wishes
Pear - Lust and Love
Pecan - Money and Employment
Pennyroyal - Strength, Protection, and Peace
Peony - Protection and Exorcism
Pepper - Protection and Exorcism
Peppermint - Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, and Psychic Powers
Persimmon - Healing and Lust
Pimento - Love
Pine - Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, and Money
Pineapple - Luck, Money, and Chastity
Pistachio - Breaking Love Spells
Plum - Healing
Poke - Courage and Hex Breaking
Pomegranate - Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, and Fertility
Poplar - Money and Flying
Poppy - Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, and Invisibility
Potato - Image Magick, and Healing
Prickly Ash - Love
Primrose - Protection and Love
Purslane - Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, and Happiness
Quince - Protection, Love, and Happiness
Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham

Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 10
Radish - Protection and Lust
Ragweed - Courage
Raspberry - Protection and Love
Rattlesnake Root - Protection and Money
Rhubarb - Protection and Fidelity
Rice - Protection and Fidelity
Roots - Protection, Power, and Divination
Rose - Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, and Protection
Rosemary - Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, and Youth
Rowan - Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, and Success
Rue - Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, and Love
Rye - Love and Fertility
Saffron - Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, and Psychic Powers
Sage - Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, and Wishes
Sagebrush - Purification and Exorcism
St. John's Wort - Health, Power, Protection, Strength, Love, Divination, and Happiness
Sandalwood - Protection, Healing, Exorcism, and Spirituality
Sarsaparilla - Love and Money
Sassafras - Health and Money
Savory, Summer - Mental Powers
Skullcap - Love, Fidelity and Peace
Senna - Love
Sesame - Money and Lust
Shallot - Purification
Skunk Cabbage - Legal Matters
Slippery Elm - Stops Gossip
Snakeroot - Luck and Money
Snakeroot, Black - Love, Lust, and Money
Snapdragon - Protection
Solomon's Seal - Protection and Exorcism
Sorrel Wood - Healing and Health
Southern Wood - Love, Lust, and Protection
Spanish Moss - Protection
Spearmint - Healing, Love, and Mental Powers
Spiderwort - Love
Spikenard - Love
Star Anise - Psychic Powers, and Luck
Strawberry - Love and Luck
Sugar Cane - Love and Lust
Sunflower - Fertility, Wishes, Health, and Wisdom
Sweetgrass - Calling Spirits
Sweetpea - Friendship, Chastity, Courage, and Strength
Tansy - Health and Longevity
Tea - Riches, Courage, and Strength
Thistle - Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, and Healing
Thistle, Holy - Purification and Hex Breaking
Thistle, Milk - Snake enraging
Thyme - Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, and Courage
Toadflax - Protection and Hex Breaking
Toadstool - Believed to bring rain.
Tobacco - Healing and Purification
Turmeric - Purification
Turnip - Protection and bringing an end to relationships.
Uva Ursa - Psychic Work
Valerian - Love, Sleep, Purification, and Protection
Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to Earth Enchantments ~ Ellen Dugan
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner -> by Scott
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews - Written by Scott Cunningham.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Written by Scott Cunningham

Re: Herbs and Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 11

Great information, thank you for sharing :)

Re: Herbs and Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 12


There is so much good information in this that I cannot let it sink under masses of forums.

Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 13

There is so much good information in here. This is one of Misa's older posts from before I took over. But for those looking for a good herbal corrospondences chart, she already had much of it layed out for you. It's right here in our own little space. How wonderful! <3

Re: Herbs and Magic
Post # 14


This is a great thread for those who use herbs in their practice!

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