Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies

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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I have always been terrible at any form of journalling, be it for dreams, a book of shadows, astral journeys, or the classic 'dear diary'.

It feels kind of ironic because I love sharing and discussion, and I can get rather verbose on even the most mundane of topics. In my days of hanging out on Mirc I was especially notorious for hitting the chat scroll character limit three times over.

But, the instant I step outside of discussion and get into monologue territory everything shuts down and my thoughts stop coming out. Even structured formats like a book of shadows, with prompts and cues, are a struggle for me. Not for a lack of trying either. I currently have a shelf with two journals, three sketchbooks, and two binders. Each one with about three entries before going to blank pages.

I guess the bright side is I've had a few repetitions under my belt to build a format I like... even if it goes largely unused, and far less complete compared to your suggestions Mrs. RedHood.

The first section would be reserved for reference information I would find that I then want to remember. Symbols and meanings, numerology or astrology factoids, noteworthy ways particular authors describe an idea or concept, particular workings (or interesting parts of workings), meditations, that sort of thing.

The next section would be more self-reflective. Thoughts, worries, realizations, habits I repeat, dreams, etcetera.

And my third section was typically a catch-all between writing down significant events or choices I've encountered, unusual interactions with people or animals, and my reflections on those events or explorations into their possible meanings or lessons.

All in all, I guess my habits are a bit free-form by design, or would become so as thoughts would tumble into eachother on their way out. ...That is when I could get them to move to begin with.
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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: / Beginner
Post # 4

My Book of Shadows is a banged up moleskin journal that I have started only writing in about once a year, or when anything significant and magical happen. I keep different notebooks for different things. I have a notebook for learning and recording any and all information about different subjects, and a grimoire for spells and kitchen witch recipes. My Book of Shadows for me is simply a magical journal with a dedication page and a small synopsis on how I got started. There is no wrong or right way to do your book. It's a very personalized tool, so do what works for you.

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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
Post # 5

Mrs Redhood, I really like the way your herbal book is set up.

My personal books are written mostly in hard cover journals either lined or unlined that I usually pick up from the local charity shop. They are relatively cheap and serve the purpose of a spiritual journal.

Some of mine have self drawn illustrations within, others do not. Some have a title or cover page like a regular book.

I do not really focus on aesthetics much in any of them. My main goal is simply to have books to write thoughts down.

I have 5 or more currently going. Some serve the purpose of being books dedicated to a specific topic.

I have one I write in on divination with capnomancy.

One is a cosmetic as well as cooking recipe book.

I have one dedicated to hedge and cottage witchcraft.

One dedicated to traditional Catholic folk practice.

And my most recently bought is dedicated to the topic of spirit work.

Then I have two set aside that I write things down in generally: recipes, spells, offering lists, tarot and oracle divinations, little bits about practices which interest me, etc.

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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

Very nice post. I have two books of my own, one for herbs and then one for everything else. I never thought to add an herbal cookbook section, however. I love the idea. I'll be looking into adding one for sure.

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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: / Novice
Post # 7
As I think about this, I wonder if it is helpful to have two books. One clean, organized binder you can add to and shuffle around, and another 'toss away' notebook you can carry with you.

The notebook can be small and portable, for scratching down thoughts, discoveries, doodles, grids, and formulas as you encounter them. Then you can re-write and organize the information at your leisure. Sort of a magical equivalent to a sketchbook.
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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
Love the way you organized your book of shadows I separate mine with sections for example the cover, index, wicca, divination, herbs, crystals etc. but and fill it up as I learn more every book of shadows is different and personalized for you every book is different
Blessed Be
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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9

One method that I've always liked is using those plastic inserts that you can put printer paper in for reports and such. I have a pdf version of my BoS that I've typed up and printed out. I use a 3 ring binder and then just move or re-organize as I need to. You can do this with handwritten pages as well. Write everything out, put it in the paper holders, and then put those in your binder. I personally think it helps with and makes organization so much easier.

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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
Post # 10

I've heard of this and I think I might do that! The idea I have is that I plan on having kids one day and not only do I want a nice big at home library of witchy books, I want to make my own. I was thinking of keeping my BOS a binder for now and then when it gets full, make it into an actual book

I also considered making pagan children books because I'm extra

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Re: Book Of Shadow 4 Newbies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

A BoS is a great way to keep track of your daily magical life, but of course one need not have to write in it everyday. A Book of Shadows is literally a book of what you have cast combined with what you have experienced. They may contain your own original writings as well the research you have done and applied to your craft. I have several books that contain the knowledge I have gained over the years. One is filled with herbal knowledge both for culinary and medicinalpurposes. Healing and protection being my main focuses in daily practice I have a lot of journals filled with crystal, stones, and metal information as well as my own research. Another is devoted to ritual experiences both as a solitary practitioner and as a member of a small or large group. Just keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to construct your BoS.

Many Blessing <3


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