I need help..

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I need help..
Post # 1
Hey my names is Tamara. My boyfriend is having paranoia but he suffers from visions. To my fellow wiccans and witches I reach out to help me on identifying this issue. He sees a set of twins one male and one female and they are completely black. But the weird thing is they have their mouths sewn shut and their heads sewn like. And they have red eyes. Tell me am I dealing with the devil or any other black magic. Thank you
Wish all the best- Tamara
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Re: I need help..
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Honestly, it sounds like he needs professional help. Of course there could be causes to this, but no one can be absolutely sure, but he should definitely go see a therapist, because a paranoid psychosis aided by visions needs to be treated as soon as possible.

And if it was a curse, or negative energy influencing him, simply cleanse the area after doing a banishing ritual, and due a protection spell to keep negative energies out.

I hope he gets the help he needs.
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Re: I need help..
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
You are going to get varying opinions because this site has many different religious views which will affect how they define such encounters. For me I prefer more information such as did the paranoia precede these visions or start after them, was he feeling sick or depressed, when you say vision do you mean waking or sleeping, etc... I believe in the supernatural and I believe in evil while at the same time I like to evaluate a situation first as to whether there are any non-supernatural explanations. As stated above I would first concentrate on his mental health unless you see some other signs that it is truly a spiritual phenomenon.

I am not one well versed on symbology but the sewn shut appearance of these twins could be trying to convey some meaning to him be it pyschological or spirtual in nature. Considering you mentioned the devil you may or not be religious. If you are and this is evil at work I might try the simple approach of seeking help from the/a higher power. You could also look into protection, cleansing, and banishing in terms of a magick based approach. Caution and a calm mind are always best when dealing with the unkown be it mundane or magickal.
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Re: I need help..
By: / Novice
Post # 4
There are a qouple of questions that might add some context to what is going on;

Is this image coming repeatedly? IE; every day... once or twice a week, once a month, etc? And how long has this been going on for?

If it is recurring, is there any pattern to it? Does it always occur during the same time of day, or during specific times of stress, during meditation, etc? What about places. Where is he when this happens?

What specifically happens. Does the vision do anything, say anything or otherwise move or act in any particular way? Is there any sense of a message trying to be conveyed?

Have you tried telling the entities (if they are entities) they were not welcome, and waz thefe a reaction?

Have there been any suspected physical manifestations, like moved objects, marks or scratches, thumps/bangs that can't be debunked, etc.

If there is an entity (or entities) involved it definitely seems it wants your boyfriend's attention. But other than appearing frightening it doesn't seem like an attack. That is unless thefe are missing details. Other than the basic fear and surprise one would predictably have, Are there any feelings of attack or vulnerability? When under attack it can create sensations of cold, weakness, shakiness in the muscles. Also emotional states not normal to you. Like feeling as if you were starting to have a panic attack when you know you don't have reason to. Or sudden sadness, or feelings of dejection or vulnerability.

One thing to bear in mind as well is that just because something appears frightening or agressive doesn't always mean that it is. Not purposefully anyways. The image could be more symbolic, or an entity looking for mischeif, or maybe it is a negative memory tied in with the history of where you are living.

Try your best to stay calm, and investigate what is happening trom as many angles as you can. Explore the different meanings behind the details of the vision. the child, the sewn mouth, red or blooded eyes, twins, and so-on. See how the pieces fit together when compared to your boyfriend and his current state of being both spiritually and mundanely.

In the meantime; If there is ever a sense of immediate (or in progress) attack, Both of you would be best served in following whatever practice you have to remind yourselves of your personal authority. And use it to declare that the entity is not permitted to bring harm. Remind yourself that only you have authority over your mind, body, and energy. No other force has the ability to take, control, or harm what is intrinsically yours.

I hope this helps. ^_^
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