Ouija board adventure

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Ouija board adventure
Post # 1
Last night, against my better judgement, I decided to have a go at a ouija board I had previously made out of cardboard. I used a copper coin as a pointer and a scented red candle. Initially, I wanted to speak to my spirit guides. Nothing happened. I put it away. at around midnight, I started again. This time I was more persistent. My hands were moving the pointer to yes, however I do not know whether I had actually contacted something or because of me being nervous it was just my hands shaking.

Quite skeptical and also really tired, as I had had a few beers that evening, I put the board away and went to sleep. I had weird dreams all night about being chased around my backyard by demons.

I woke up this morning, and the first thing that popped into my mind was that I needed to try another session with the board.

Any thoughts on this mysterious evening would help thanks
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Re: Ouija board adventure
By: / Novice
Post # 2
From what you have posted, I have one conclusion. You have called a dark spirit/entity into your home. You see, if not used correctly, ouija boards can cause alot of trouble. Not to mention your dream of being chased around by demons. If I were you, I would find a banishing/home cleansing spell, one preferably involving the use of a sage smudge, and using the spell to cleanse your home. And after, burn the cardboard Ouija board. You should only use a ouija board if you know what you're getting into, because a Ouija board is essentially a magnet for spirits. Next time, get a Ouija board made out of real wood, oak or ash for example. Then, cast a protective barrier/circle around yourself and the board to block out dark entities and dark spirits. Then you can use a ouija board safely.
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Re: Ouija board adventure
Post # 3
Thanks, I ll be doing another ouija session this evening, let you know how it went
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Re: Ouija board adventure
Post # 4
I would use pendulum cause they are safer
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Re: Ouija board adventure
By: / Novice
Post # 5
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: Ouija board adventure
Post # 6
My honest opinion is for you not to mess with anything you can not comprehend. Dabbling in things has gotten more people into more trouble. Yes I speak from personal experience from a wreckless stage I went too through. You are just going to do it anyway so I digress.
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