7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Ward Off Psychic Vampire Attacks
- Escape the Earth
- To Summon Cute Girls
- Protection Chant
- Speed
- Make Your Future Parents in-law Like You
- Go To Sleep Routine
- Heal Acne
- Reduce Negativity
- Journey Into Dreams
#5341 - Ward Off Psychic Vampire Attacks
Rub each candle with the oil and say :
' I ward off negativity in my home, work and everyday life.
No evil or negativity shall enter here.'
Picture a white light around you and as it increases to full intensity, picture it surrounding your home and work place/ school. Now say :
' Psychic vampires in the night
Psychic vampires who destroy my life
Destroy no more of what i achieve
Destroy no more of what i receive
Negativity is not welcome
Evil is not welcome
In me, around me or the people I love.'
Repeat this 3 times, then allow the incense and candles to burn themselves out.
#5342 - Escape the Earth
Imagine your world. Imagine what it looks like and its wildlife. Make anything happen. (Eg:wars, feasts, births, and deaths) Clense your mind for a fresh result. Chant as you escape the real world, "Gods and goddeses, make my world. Help me escape reality! This is my will so mote it be!" If you want to enter your world again. say, "Mata mata Muko muko Huku huku!"
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5343 - To Summon Cute Girls
'' As I/we say so mote it be!
Cute girls I/we now wish to see!''
#5344 - Protection Chant
#5345 - Speed
Cast this spell the night before you want your speed.
"I wish to have greater speed
Because tomorrow that's what I need,
I would like to be faster indeed
Because tomorrow that's what I need"
Repeat 7 times before you go to sleep.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5346 - Make Your Future Parents in-law Like You
Tell them that you deeply love their child, and you will never hurt them. Tell them you love them too, because they are your second set of parents. Be gentle. Be convincing.
If you are a woman, go shopping with his mother and buy her lunch. If you are a man, go to sports games with her father.
Dress nicely, not too sexy, not too fancy. Don't say things like 'Babe' and 'Sexy', say things like 'My dear' and 'Darling'. Do not swear around her parents. Call her mother 'Madame' or 'Miss' and her father 'Sir'.
Give your fiance daily calls, and call her/his parents to give them the impression that you care about their well being. They will do exactly the same thing back. They should love you by the time the wedding comes around.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5347 - Go To Sleep Routine
First, lay on the bed, lay your head on the pillow, cover your body with the blanket and hold the fluffy cat to your chest until he/she purrs. Second, breath in and out gently. Third, sing softly:
"I shall sleep. Because thou sing me to sleep with thou gentle purring. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep"
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5348 - Heal Acne
Day: Wednesday or Friday (Optional) Hour: Mercury or Venus (Optional) Chant: “I’m tired of having these pimples bursting from my skin, rid me of these blemishes so I can finally win. Heal my acne I have now quickly, prevent me from having it in the future so I don’t look sickly. May this spell not reverse or put upon me any curse. With harm to none, so mote it be.” Visualize: The acne beading up like water and falling off onto the floor where it splatters and washes away. Then Visualize a red light pulsating through your body and preventing more acne from forming.
#5349 - Reduce Negativity
Day: Thursday or Saturday (Optional) Hour: Saturn or Jupiter (Optional) Chant: “I wish to lead a stress free life here on out, let me banish all negativity in my life without a doubt.” Visualize: The negativity as dark spots on your body that are being sucked away, either into a black hole or into the earth to be eradicated. Then your chakras spinning and emitting a light that envelopes your entire being. Chant: “My negativity is gone, replaced by the eternal light of happiness and positivity. This light will destroy any negativity near me in the future and replace it with positivity. May this spell not reverse or put upon me any curse. With harm to none, this spell is done. As I have said it, so mote it be.”
#5350 - Journey Into Dreams
Take the sheet of paper and draw a crescent moon onto it. Fold it hamburger style and write: "In the night, dream delight. Nights help me, I need you". Fold it again hamburger style and write "nightopia".
Tuck it under your pillow and sing: "In the nights, dream delights, I want to see you standing there". If the melody is repeating in your head, nights is waiting for you. Go to sleep and you should awake to a nightmare. Escape to the light and you'll fall into the dreamgate. Your journey goes from there.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.