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7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7105 Spiritual Spells
  1. power of the ancient ones
  2. summon the dead god
  3. Incantation of the old gods
  4. Empowering Spell
  5. Meditation to gain energy
  6. luck and prosperity on house + self
  7. Magic Mixies Summon Spell
  8. Binding Spell
  9. Home Blessing Candle
  10. Breath of Fire

#181 - power of the ancient ones

a spell to call and honor the ancient gods, and invoke their power.
You may need:

  • your voice
  • an offering (usually bread and honey)
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    You may need:

  • your voice
  • an offering (usually bread and honey)
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    Enter a meditative state before calling out these words, if you wish, you may light out a candle and meditate with that. Once in an altered state of consciousness, recite the words, feeling and focusing on the energy around you. Be sure to leave out an offering afterwards.

    The Hymn

    They are lying down, the Great Old Ones.
    The bolts are fallen and the fastenings are placed.
    The crowds are quiet and the people are quiet.
    The Elder Gods of the Land
    The Elder Goddesses of the Land
    Have gone to sleep in heaven.
    They are not pronouncing judgements.
    They are no deciding decisions.
    Veiled is the Night.
    The Temple and the Most Holy Places are quiet and dark.
    The Judge of Truth
    The Father of the Fatherless
    Has gone to his chamber.
    O Ancient Ones!
    Gods of the Night!
    O Bright One, GIBIL!
    O Warrior, IRRA!
    Seven Stars of Seven Powers!
    Ever-Shining Star of the North!
    Stand by and accept
    This sacrifice I offer
    May it be acceptable
    To the Most Ancient Gods!

    Invocation of the Powers

    Spirit of the Earth, Remember!
    Spirit of the Seas, Remember!
    In the Names of the Most Secret Spirits of NAR MARRATUK
    The Sea below the seas
    And of KUTULU
    The Serpent who sleepeth Dead
    From beyond the graves of the Kings
    From beyond the tomb wherein INANNA
    Daughter of the Gods
    Gained Entrance to the Unholy Slumbers
    Of the she-fiend of KUTHULETH
    In SHURRUPAK, I summon thee to mine aid!
    In UR, I summon thee to mine aid!
    In NIPPURR, I summon thee to mine aid!
    In ERIDU, I summon thee to mine aid!
    In KULLAH, I summon thee to mine aid!
    In LAAGASH, I summon thee to mine aid!
    Rise up, O powers from the Sea below all seas
    From the grave beyond all graves
    From the Land of TIL
    To SHIN
    House of the Water of Life
    Pale ENNKIDU
    Hear me!
    Spirit of the Seas, Remember!
    Spirit of the Graves, Remember!

    Added to on Jan 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #182 - summon the dead god

    text taken from the book of Urila, used to summon the dead and forgotten god, a very dark and powerful spell. ONLY FOR ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS.
    You may need:

  • voice
  • an altar space where you wont be disturbed
  • a candle
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    You may need:

  • voice
  • an altar space where you wont be disturbed
  • a candle
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    The Dead
    must be called in the Four Directions, and in the Four Spaces for, not knowing where It
    is, the Priest must needs take especial care that he call everywhere, for the Spirit may be
    in flight.
    And a Dead God may be also summoned, and the formulae is that which follows. It must
    be spoken clearly aloud, and not a word changed, else the Spirit of the God may devour
    thee, as there is no Food and no Drink where they are.
    And it must be called in a secret place, without windows, or with windows only in one
    place, and that should be in the Northern Wall of the place, and the only light shall be of
    one lamp, set on the altar, and the lamp need not be new, nor the altar, for it is a Rite of
    Age and of the Ancient Ones, and they care not for newness.
    And the altar should be of a large rock set in the earth, and a sacrifice acceptable unto the
    nature of the God should be made. And at the time of the Calling, the waters of ABSU
    will roil, and KUTULU will stir, but unless it be His time, he will not Rise.
    And this is the Conjuration of the Dead God:
    May NAMMTAR open my eyes that I may see . . . . . . . . .
    May NAMMTAR open my ears that I may hear . . . . . . . . .
    May NAMMTAR open my nose that I may sense His approach.
    May NAMMTAR open my mouth that my voice will be heard to the far reaches of the
    May NAMMTAR strengthen my right hand that I shall be strong, to keep the Dead
    under my power, under my very power.
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Words of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    I summon and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
    I summon Thine eyes to behold the Brightness of my Wand, which is full of the Fire of
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    By the Four Square Pillars of Earth that support the Sky,
    May they stand fast against Them that desire to harm me!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
    I summon Thee and Thine ears to hear the Word that is never spoken, except by Thy
    Father, the Eldest of All Who Know Age
    The Word that Binds and Commands is my Word!
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    I summon Thee, and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the Bowels of the Earth!
    And this shall be recited only once, and if the God do not appear, do not persist, but
    finish the Rite quietly, for it means that It hath been summoned elsewhere, or is engaged
    in some Work which it is better not to disturb.

    Added to on Jan 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #183 - Incantation of the old gods

    an incantation seen in the text of Urila, to rise up the void flame, and call on the ancient powers and old gods. a very potent text, not for beginners.
    You may need:

  • your voice
  • intention
  • a meditative space
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    You may need:

  • your voice
  • intention
  • a meditative space
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    I AM the God of Gods

    I AM the Lord of Darkness, and Master of Magicians

    I AM the Power and the Knowledge

    I AM before all things.

    I AM before ANU and the IGIGI

    I AM before ANU and the ANNUNNAKI

    I AM before the Seven SHURUPPAKI

    I AM before all things.

    I AM before ENKI and SHAMMASH

    I AM before all things.

    I AM before INANNA and ISHTAR

    I AM before NANNA and UDDU


    I AM before ERESHKIGAL

    I AM before all things.

    Before ME was made Nothing that was made.

    I AM BEFORE all gods.

    I AM before all days.

    I AM before all men and legends of men.


    NO MAN may seek my resting place.

    I receive the Sun at night and the Moon by day.

    I AM the reciever of the sacrifice of the Wanderers.

    The Mountains of the West cover me.

    The Mountains of Magick cover me.


    I AM before ABSU.

    I AM before NAR MARRATU.

    I AM before ANU.

    I AM before KIA.

    I AM before all things.





    IA! IA! IA!



    Added to on Jan 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #184 - Empowering Spell

    Use this spell to grant yourself more power, but be sure to properly ground yourself before.
    You may need:

  • A Clear Mind
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    You may need:

  • A Clear Mind
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    Simply chant "infinita virtus in me influit. confirma me. conforta me. ditans me."

    Added to on Jan 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #185 - Meditation to gain energy

    A way to meditate what will give you energy for spells!
    You may need:

  • Ability to make a psi ball
  • Candle (if you want)
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    You may need:

  • Ability to make a psi ball
  • Candle (if you want)
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    Sit in a meditation position (legs crossed hands on your knees) in the middle of a room with no sound, close your eyes and take deep breathes. Once you are reloaded make a psi ball and hold it out in your hands. Keep on taking deep breathes and keep in the same position, one your arms feel tired imagine you suck in all the energy from the psi ball into your body. Once done put yours hands back on your knees, keep your eyes closed and maintain your deep breaths. If done correctly you should feel tingly or feel like your magical energy is restored, enjoy!

    Added to on Dec 28, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #186 - luck and prosperity on house + self

    Just a quick luck, fortune, prosperity, and money spell for when it's raining.
    You may need:

  • A bowl
  • Coin
  • Rain
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    You may need:

  • A bowl
  • Coin
  • Rain
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    When it's raining put a bowl out and place a coin in the center.

    Wait awhile maybe even a day and then take out the coin. It should still be raining or close to the end of the rain.

    Save the coin and check often on the bowl, leaving it outside.

    When the spell is done there will be a leaf in the center of the bowl.

    Take out the leaf.

    I put the coin and leaf together on my altar but you can put it anywhere as long as they stay together.

    Keep the coin and leaf until the leaf completely turns brown and dries out completely.

    Added to on Dec 25, 2021
    Last edited on Jan 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #187 - Magic Mixies Summon Spell

    Ever wanted to create a magical pet? Well, now you can
    You may need:

  • A couldron
  • A Potion bottle with water
  • A bag of Sound Dust
  • A Glimmer Star
  • A Magic Feather
  • A Fizz Flower
  • A Creation Crystal
  • A scroll with a name
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    You may need:

  • A couldron
  • A Potion bottle with water
  • A bag of Sound Dust
  • A Glimmer Star
  • A Magic Feather
  • A Fizz Flower
  • A Creation Crystal
  • A scroll with a name
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    Pour the water into the couldron, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times

    Water for life, stop all the strife. Water to Grow, Make my Magic Aglow!

    Pour in the sound dust to give the Mixie its voice, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap tap tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times

    Dust for sound, and say it loud

    Add in the Glimmer Star to add sparkle to the Mixie's eyes, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times

    For a glint that will be known near and far, time to drop in the Glimmer Star

    Add in the Magic Feather to grant the mixie its wings, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times

    One magic feather for flight, keeping it airborn day and night

    Drop in the fizz flower to color up your Mixie, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times

    Give it color with the flower that fizzes, if you know it, you're a wiz!

    Drop the Creation Crystal to speed up the process of creation of your Mixie, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times

    A Crystal for creation, use your imagination!

    Write the name you want to give your Mixie on a scroll and drop it on the scroll, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times

    With a scroll for identification, (insert chosen name here) shall be your name, what a halation!

    remove the wand from the couldron and say the magic words

    This spell from finishing is a step away, so now there's one last thing to say "Magicus Mixus!"

    if the spell goes right, you'll have a new friend

    Added to on Dec 20, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #188 - Binding Spell

    To stop someone from committing harm usually performed.
    You may need:

  • . Mirrors
  • . Yarn (black, white, or red are preferred)
  • . Parchment paper
  • . Photograph of the person you are binding
  • . Candle (white or black is best)
  • . Pen
  • . Matches
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • . Mirrors
  • . Yarn (black, white, or red are preferred)
  • . Parchment paper
  • . Photograph of the person you are binding
  • . Candle (white or black is best)
  • . Pen
  • . Matches
  • Salt
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    Here we go. Write the name of the person you wish to bind on the piece of parchment paper. If you want to stop them from a certain behavior, you can also write that down on the paper. If you have a photo of the person, get that, too. It helps.

    Now place the paper and photo between the two mirrors, with the mirrors facing inward toward each other.

    Wrap the yarn around the mirrors, tying a knot with each pass. As you tie the knot . When you’ve run out of yarn, tie it off.

    Dig a hole. It doesn’t have to be super deep, but it feels good to dig deeper. Again, repeat your intention as you go. Place the mirrors inside the hole with the final knot facing up, and if you want to spit on it, that’s up to you.

    Light the candle, and let the wax spill onto the mirrors/yarn, focusing on your intention, and sealing the negativity within. When the candle burns out, bury it with the mirrors. When the hole is covered, pour a circle of salt around it to trap the bad vibes there. Turn your back on the spot and vow to never return.

    The Spell

    By air and earth, by water and fire, so be you bound, as I desire. By three and nine, your power i bind. By moon and sun, my will be done. Sky and sea keep harm from me. Cord go round, power be bound, light revealed, now be sealed.

    Added to on Dec 03, 2021
    Last edited on Dec 08, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #189 - Home Blessing Candle

    A home blessing candle working.
    You may need:

  • Candle holder, mirror disk
  • Floating candle
  • Herbal powder, powdered herb of choice
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Candle carving tool
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    You may need:

  • Candle holder, mirror disk
  • Floating candle
  • Herbal powder, powdered herb of choice
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Candle carving tool
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    A floating candle is used due to the size for writing.

    To begin: Carve the word bless onto the candle. For my working I used a white floating candle. Dress the candle with sandalwood oil or another oil you feel the spell calls for. Take care to get enough oil around the carving. Sprinkle next your powdered herb around the lettering on the candle. This can even accentuate the word carved. Peace herbs are great for a blessing working. In example, powdered lavender flower. Now that your candle is dressed place it on a mirror disk. Light the candle with intent of bringing blessings into your home or space.

    Added to on Nov 24, 2021
    Last edited on Nov 24, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #190 - Breath of Fire

    Breath of Fire is not some random spell with a flashy name. It is a simple but highly potent spell that can enhance the ki essence in your body. It is also called "Kapalbhati" in India. This should be done on a daily basis before any ritual or spellcasting.
    You may need:

  • Clear Mind
  • Empty Stomach(Preferably)
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    You may need:

  • Clear Mind
  • Empty Stomach(Preferably)
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      Contract your abdominal muscles, forcefully, creating an exhale, by pumping your stomach muscles in and out, hard and fast, but controlled. Air will enter the top part of your lungs by itself. Use the rapid contractions of your abdominal muscles to inhale and exhale with this exercise. The contractions should be rhythmic. Practice a few times, and get a feel for it. Do 20 in a row, in and out, using your abdominal muscles in rapid succession, and at the end of the 20th breath, exhale, inhale and fill your lungs, contract your anus, lower your chin to your chest, hold your breath as long as you comfortably can- DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF! 4. Exhale slowly.
    The above constitutes one round. The exhalation should be brief, and the inhalation should be passive and longer. Rounds are increased by adding the number of pumping with your abdominal muscles. First, try doing three sets of 20 pumping and then after some time, increase to 30, then 40 until you are doing 60.


    DO NOT perform this exercise if you are pregnant, have problems with high blood pressure, have a hernia or any other physical problems involving your abdomen.

    Added to on Nov 24, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7105 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters