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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Cloud Magic
  2. To Love Again
  3. Love Potion and Spell
  4. Draw Down The Moon
  5. Stop Someone From Annoying You
  6. Charming an Object
  7. The Mental
  8. Psychic Vampire
  9. Love Potion Spell
  10. Musical Love Spell

#2671 - Cloud Magic

Make shapes in the clouds. Best when raining
You may need:

  • Tree to climb
  • strong imagination
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • Tree to climb
  • strong imagination
  • voice
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    Climb to the top of a tree knowing what you are going to make out of the clouds. throw your hands up and say: Clouds so high above me, Make me a ____(what your going to shape) for all to see!

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    Last edited on Nov 05, 2022
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    #2672 - To Love Again

    If your heart is broken sing these words to gain your lost emotion back again.
    You may need:

  • Small blue candle
  • Small red candle
  • Small white candle
  • Small pink candle
  • Big white candle
  • 6 rose petals
  • Small bowl
  • Water
  • Matches
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    You may need:

  • Small blue candle
  • Small red candle
  • Small white candle
  • Small pink candle
  • Big white candle
  • 6 rose petals
  • Small bowl
  • Water
  • Matches
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    Slowly pour the water into the bowl and drop each petal one by one into it. Set the blue and white candle on the left side of the bowl (blue furthest from the bowl) and the red and pink one on the right (Pink last on the furthest side). Big candle goes behind the bowl.

    Sing this song and light the candles in this order and do the actions in order too. "The bitter taste of tears I've cried (blue). The emptiness of love, divides (white). All this pain, I know not when (red). My broken heart will love again". Dip your finger in the water.

    "I whisper now and sing so fair". Drop water from finger to put out one of the candles. "My last love seemed not to care". Put another candle out. "As the moon shines down on my despair". Put another candle out. "Please let me love again".

    Put away all ingredients when you are finished.

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    Last edited on Jul 28, 2016
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    #2673 - Love Potion and Spell

    A spell that will attract the correct love for that point in your life.
    You may need:

  • Two Mandrake roots
  • Cup Betel nuts
  • Rose petals from 5 roses
  • 1 tsp Anise oil
  • 1 tsp red pepper
  • 3 tsp Sweet almond oil
  • 3 tsp Honey
  • Pinch of catnip
  • 2 drops Musk oil
  • Lock of hair
  • 1 tsp white suger
  • Red wine
  • Glass Jar
  • 2 red candles
  • Hot plate or small fire
  • Pot
  • wooden spoon to stir with.
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    You may need:

  • Two Mandrake roots
  • Cup Betel nuts
  • Rose petals from 5 roses
  • 1 tsp Anise oil
  • 1 tsp red pepper
  • 3 tsp Sweet almond oil
  • 3 tsp Honey
  • Pinch of catnip
  • 2 drops Musk oil
  • Lock of hair
  • 1 tsp white suger
  • Red wine
  • Glass Jar
  • 2 red candles
  • Hot plate or small fire
  • Pot
  • wooden spoon to stir with.
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    Cut the very tip of the mandrake root to expose the meat. Light the red candles and begin the potion by boiling the red wine. Boil all ingrediants in red wine for five minutes, then cook on low heat. As the potion brews, stir it 13 times and chant at length:

    ''With this rhyme,
    with these words,
    I call the power of
    the universe forth,
    Bring the love that
    is best for me,
    In this time I ask
    of thee
    Be he kind or be he wise,
    Romantic he'll be
    till the end of our time
    I do now bring one who will love,
    and care for me as a lover should
    and when we are done and it's time
    to move on,
    no tears will be shed,
    our sadness gone
    I now invoke the law of three,
    This is my will,
    So Mote It Be!''

    Allow the potion to brew for a total of thirteen minutes. Upon the thirteenth minute, put out the heat and allow it to cool. Bottle it and place it on your altar. Repeat the candle lighting everynight, and as you say the chant, shake the bottle.
    On the night of the full moon, place the jar center altar. Call upon the goddess and ask her to hear you. Draw down her power and direct it into the jar. See the potion explode with red and pink light as it is overfilled with the loving power of the mother. The ritual is done.
    Take the jar into your room and keep it on a shelf. Every night continue the candlelighting, shaking, and chanting until the love you have called comes to you. It should not take very long.
    Keep in mind this is not a spell for a permanant relationship as you can tell by the words. It wil nevitably come to an end. You can re-word this, change ingrediants, etc to fit your desire. DO NOT ABUSE IT.

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    #2674 - Draw Down The Moon

    To be done on a full moon to enhance magickal powers
    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • 4 tealite candles for each element
  • 1 Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • 4 tealite candles for each element
  • 1 Mirror
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    Start by lighting the four candles and placing them at each direction (North, South, East, West) and cast a circle.
    Sit between the candles, facing the moon. Meditate on the moon for a couple minutes, just let her light fill you up.

    Hold the mirror on your lap, catching the Moon's reflection and point it so it bounces off the moon and points to you. Let it absorb into your skin and your mind and your soul. Once you feel powerful, begin to chant as many times as you wish:

    ''Mother of the moon
    the past and the soon
    The light of the night
    Come to me tonight.''

    This spell is rather simple but works amazingly. I did it on the last full moon and my senses are amazing now.

    If you have any questions, ask me.

    Blessed be x
    Chaos PyroDragon

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    #2675 - Stop Someone From Annoying You

    A spell to cause someone annoying to become friendly instead.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Small jar with lid
  • Honey
  • 1 white candle
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Small jar with lid
  • Honey
  • 1 white candle
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    Write your targets name on a slip of white paper. Place it into the small jar with the lid. Cover the paper with honey, then seal the jar tight. Place a small white candle ontop of the lid and burn it.

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    #2676 - Charming an Object

    Use this to charm an object.
    You may need:

  • Object
  • Paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Object
  • Paper
  • Pen
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    Take the item and write your enchantment onto the item using the pen. Put the item in the center of a pentagram and chant three times, "levo dox neo drodo". Before you remove the item, put a dot at the end of whatever you wrote.

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    #2677 - The Mental

    This Spell is a mental spell with the intention of getting a certain somebody's attention. This isn't against anybody's freewill because this is just a Suggestion Spell rather than a controlling-the-situation-type Spell.
    You may need:

  • Your Concentration
  • Your Mentality
  • Your Focus on your desired attender-to
  • Your Willpower
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    You may need:

  • Your Concentration
  • Your Mentality
  • Your Focus on your desired attender-to
  • Your Willpower
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    1.) Focus your own attention on the individual whose attention you wish to grab.

    2.) Mentally repeat this Spell:

    "Within my mind I say this Spell, To make it clear that I date well. Follow me, talk to me, ask my name; Do something to show that you are game."

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    #2678 - Psychic Vampire

    Rid one's self of psychic vampires.
    You may need:

  • Two white candles
  • Your favorite smelling incense
  • Sea salt
  • Your favorite type of oil
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    You may need:

  • Two white candles
  • Your favorite smelling incense
  • Sea salt
  • Your favorite type of oil
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    Your altar should have on the upper right hand a white candle representing the god and at the upper left side a white candle to represent the Goddess. In the middle there should be sea salt in a cup or cauldron with boiling warm water the incense should be at the very bottom facing towards you.

    Take your oil and anoint each item on you altar. With the candles you want to start in the middle and rub up, and to go down start in the middle and rub down while anointing say these words:"I ward off any and all negativity, in my home, work, school, and in my everyday life, No evil or negativity shall enter here."

    After you've anointed every item picture a white light around you when you feel like the white light is over powering picture the white light hovering over your home, work, school, when you feel ready say these words:

    "Psychic vampires who lurk in the night
    psychic vampire who try to destroy my life,
    destroy no more of what I have achieved,
    destroy no more of what I have received,
    negativity is not welcome
    evil as well is not welcome
    in me, around me, or around people I love."

    Say this out loud or to yourself but say it enough times so you feel it has worked. When you are done picture the white light around you and your home work school etc... and let the white candles and incense burn until it goes out by itself.

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    #2679 - Love Potion Spell

    A spell to attract love from others. Romantic love or friendship love.
    You may need:

  • Love Potion of any kind
  • Candles, Roses, incense, etc. If you want. Just to add to the mood.
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    You may need:

  • Love Potion of any kind
  • Candles, Roses, incense, etc. If you want. Just to add to the mood.
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    Take the love potion and dab it on your wrists and neck. Chant strongly: "I will capture your lips with a sway of my hips I will capture your eyes with the skin of my thighs Love me passionately, Love me strong Love me pure, love me long Let your love shower me. Goddess, let it be!!" Hope it works for the best.

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    #2680 - Musical Love Spell

    Simple yet Powerful spell to bring a lover back.
    You may need:

  • parchment paper
  • red pen or writing utensil
  • lighter or matches
  • full moon
  • a song or piece of music that expresses your desire and love
  • white candle
  • pink candle
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    You may need:

  • parchment paper
  • red pen or writing utensil
  • lighter or matches
  • full moon
  • a song or piece of music that expresses your desire and love
  • white candle
  • pink candle
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    1. Cast Your Circle and call the elemental guardians.
    2. Light the white candle and place upon your altar. Meditate and pray to your personal God/dess for their assistance in your spellworking. let the candle serve as an honor to them which will burn until the flame dies itself.
    3. Using the red ink, write the name of the person u wish to attract to yourself. It is very important that you write the full name and infuse the person's energy into the paper. Simply writing the name John could lead to some very unexpected and multiple results for example. This is advice from my own personal experience. Include a short verse or lyric of the song you are using that expresses your desires and feelings best.
    4. Ask each element individually to bless and power your spell. Sprinkle water, wave through incense, pass over flame, and sprinkle salt etc. upon the piece of parchment. Light the pink candle as a symbol of love.
    5. Holding the piece of parchment, begin playing your selected musical piece. As the song plays, meditate on the feelings it inspires within u for your lover. Imagine your love and desires manifest in reality. Send those power and emotions down through your arms and out of your hands into the parchment. Infuse the parchment with energy for the duration of the music.
    6. When the music has completed take your parchment and the lighter or matches outdoors, somewhere with an unobstructed view where the light of the full moon can touch every inch of you.
    7.Give thanks to the moon, and ask that she may use her power to aid your cause if it is her will. Hold the parchment up so that she may read it, and infuse it with her energy.
    8.Using the lighter or matches, light the edge of the parchment until it catches flame, holding it until is completely consumed and let the ashes scatter on the wind. It may be necessary to light the parchment more than once to ensure it is completely consumed. As the paper burns, imagine the flames releasing the power of the spell into the world. Envision those arcs of energy on a dead straight path to your lover, and as they arrive encircling them with your true will. Remember the sound of the music, imagine that person suddenly feeling the same desires for you as they have inspired in you.
    9. Bow to the moon and thank her for her help. Return to your altar.
    10. Thank and release the elemental guardians uncast your circle. You may now blow out the pink candle. But remember to let the white burn itself out as an honor and thanks to your personal deities.

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    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters