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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Altar Blessing
  2. Lost Object
  3. Have a lover return
  4. Powerful A Love Spell
  5. Protection Charm
  6. Attract a new friend
  7. Empathy
  8. 2D to 3D
  9. Make a Perfect Guy Love You
  10. Friend Protecting Spell

#2661 - Altar Blessing

To bless your Altar space.
You may need:

  • Your Altar need to be set-up
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    You may need:

  • Your Altar need to be set-up
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    Waving your hands over your Altar whilst Chanting...
    ''From the Mystic light
    To fertil foundations
    On the shores of the waters
    Out of hopes and dreams
    On the wings of wine
    Of light and inspiration
    With the inner flame kindled
    Divine spark and gleam
    Back to light
    For manifestation swiftly fulfilled
    Moves the unseen
    By the moon
    The stars and the sun
    By the Gods
    The Godesses and the Ancient Ones
    Blessed be this Altar
    And all here on
    Good for all
    And harming none''

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    #2662 - Lost Object

    If you've annoyingly misplaced your car keys, favorite earrings, ect
    You may need:

  • Quiet place
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    You may need:

  • Quiet place
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    Sit in a quiet place and visulize the lost object surrounded in a golden light.
    now picture a silver thread attached to said object whose end is in your hand.
    Then begin to reel in the object as you would a fish til you have it in your hands (in your minds eye).You should fingd it the next day.
    If you need something alittle stronger, Light a candle to St. Anthony, do the above visulization but this time say
    Tony, Tony, come on down,
    and find the thing that can't be found.

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    Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
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    #2663 - Have a lover return

    The spell is used to send a message to your ex so they come back to you
    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Incense (love drawing)
  • Cigar
  • Picture of person
  • Fine quality paper
  • Red ribbon
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    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Incense (love drawing)
  • Cigar
  • Picture of person
  • Fine quality paper
  • Red ribbon
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    This spell needs to be performed on the night of the New Moon, it is also recommended to start this around 22:00 as the persons mental defence is lower on a night time.

    Using the paper, write the persons name lengthwise and then fold the paper lengthwise. Light the paper and use the flame to light the candle wick, then allow the paper to burn out.

    Light the incense, and beside that place the picture of your ex, then light the cigar and take a puff and breathe it onto the picture and each time you blow recite the following: -

    ''Come back (targets name) come back, I mean you no harm, I mean you only good, that you will love me, as I know that we should''

    Keep doing this until the cigar is gone, then extinguish the candle by snuffing it out. Take the red ribbon and tie it around the picture of your ex, keep it safe out of sight. Save the remains of the candle, and repeat this spell each Monday night while the moon is waxing, until your lover returns to you.

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    #2664 - Powerful A Love Spell

    Spell has been in family Grimorie for years adn has worked like a " charm " ;)
    You may need:

  • 4 red candels
  • rose wand
  • rose incence
  • salt- 4 protective circle
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    You may need:

  • 4 red candels
  • rose wand
  • rose incence
  • salt- 4 protective circle
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    1. Cast protective circle with salt and/or protective spell
    2. Place candels around you and light them,they are representing -air,earth,fire & water
    3. light the rose insence
    4. chant... '' As i call upon Pranxtor, spirit of fire and love.
    Anticipatroan Ificialibrator Inarum, Muraniro Tarbila Ci Finaroty Apicitna! help me Pranxtor, Oh mighty one, Put this boy/girl__________ into almighty love with ___________
    (in the spaces call out the names of the people relevant)
    5. As you are chanting wand the wand around your head
    6.blow out all of the candels adn as the smoke rises say... '' up, up and away! ''

    do spell outdoors
    visualise the people together
    cast a protective circle!!!!


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    #2665 - Protection Charm

    This ritual is to be used if you need of protection in your life. This spell cannot be done on the new moon.
    You may need:

  • Neackle
  • 3 White Candles
  • Bowl of river water
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    You may need:

  • Neackle
  • 3 White Candles
  • Bowl of river water
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    Put the bowl of water under the moon light, be sure that the moon is reflected on the water, light the candles and put them in triangle shape around the bowl, put the neackle in the bowl and say:

    "I, put the neackleon the moon waterand make this neacklecharm of protection in future problems.So mote it be."

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    #2666 - Attract a new friend

    This spell is to be use if you are lonley and need a friend in school, a new job or just a new friend.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
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    I'm alone, I need
    a friend, a friend
    who will be there
    with me all the
    time.So mote it be

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    #2667 - Empathy

    The ability to recognize an understand the states of mind, beliefs, desires, and feelings.
    You may need:

  • nothing the special word for the broke people
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    You may need:

  • nothing the special word for the broke people
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    First get Comfortable and relaxed then charged the physical body with Prana Energy,

    Close your eyes and visualize someone you know standing in front of you, make eye contact with this person.

    Stretch out your feelings Telepathically and feel the other person's feelings.

    Next Telepathically feel the feelings of the person, this helps you understand them more make peace in the world.

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    #2668 - 2D to 3D

    If you want a puppy, but can't have one draw a picture of it and it will be real.
    You may need:

  • Drawing
  • Write the qualities of the thing on the same paper
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    You may need:

  • Drawing
  • Write the qualities of the thing on the same paper
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    Chant: "This thing that I have drawn, have made, needs to be real at last. Made 3D and real. I will feel (his/her) light up at my presence, I will see (him/her) come to life, let light, rain, earth, and moon bring (him/her) to life." Leave the drawing outside for a week where it will not be disturbed, and let nature grow over it, whoever you drew should appear in your dreams for 3 days, then they will should appear where ever you put the paper.

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    #2669 - Make a Perfect Guy Love You

    Make the man you love perfect and love you.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • Picture of guy
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • Picture of guy
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    Light the candle. Put the picture in the flame, as it burns chant: "He is not perfect, he is not clean, he doesn’t love me, he barely knows me. Make this man who’se picture I’ve burned, a new man, a fresh man. Now make him love me, so I command, so mote it be".

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    #2670 - Friend Protecting Spell

    Creates and magic shield of energy around one of ur friends, to protect them from harm and evil.
    You may need:

  • White candles x10
  • Pink/red candle 1x
  • Strong will
  • Clear mind
  • Strong belive that it works
  • Be outdoors when you cast the spell where you see the moon and feel a connection the the elements.
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    You may need:

  • White candles x10
  • Pink/red candle 1x
  • Strong will
  • Clear mind
  • Strong belive that it works
  • Be outdoors when you cast the spell where you see the moon and feel a connection the the elements.
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    Friend protection spell:

    "Spirit of the moon borrow me some of your power untill the end,
    so that i can with the power of my love protect a friend,
    (friend name) is her name in my heart forever,
    I place this sheid of magic on her so that she never,
    will get hurt by any harm from this world or another,
    spirits of the earth you are life and all the plants mother,
    spirits of the water you are healing and the cleansing power,
    spirits of the wind you are the ruler of the sky and you can go higher than any tower,
    spirits of fire you are death and destruction but you are also light,
    I'm asking you spirits of the elements to come to my aid to help my friend in her fight,
    I ask for your powers to guard and help my friend in any time of need and make all evil go away,
    and guide her as she make her way troght the day,
    I place this shield upon her as a protection from my heart,
    so that there will always be from me a part,
    with the power of the three,
    So mote it be."

    1.Put the candles in a circle on the ground.
    2.Sit down in the ring.
    3.Put the red/pink candle in front of you.
    4.Light all the candles.
    5.Clear your mind.
    6.Start chanting the spell.
    7.Visualaise the enegry come from the moon and from the nature in to your heart and soul.
    8.Visualaise the magic shield being crafted in your mind.
    9.Visualaise the shield move from your hands to your friend.
    10.Visualise the shield flying around your friend protecting her from all harm.
    11.Then thank the spirits for their aid and blow out the candles the red/pink one last.

    Keep the shield in mind and evry time you see your friend you can close your eyes and visualise the shield around here so that the spell will stay strong.

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    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters