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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Sour tea curse
  2. The Dragon's Great Rite
  3. Mojo Message
  4. A peace and relaxation potion
  5. Super Strength
  6. Godly Powers Draining spell(used by the sorceress Medea) tested
  7. Reveal your True Desires in a Dream
  8. Magic Floor Wash
  9. Healing Spell
  10. Pain Reliever

#121 - Sour tea curse

A curse to make your enemy realize their wrongdoings
You may need:

  • Lemon tea
  • Lemon juice
  • Chili sauce
  • Any herb/ingredient with a bitter, pungent or sour flavor profile. Examples: sorrel, lime, onion, mustard seed, caraway
  • A poppet or anything representing your enemy
  • A plate
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    You may need:

  • Lemon tea
  • Lemon juice
  • Chili sauce
  • Any herb/ingredient with a bitter, pungent or sour flavor profile. Examples: sorrel, lime, onion, mustard seed, caraway
  • A poppet or anything representing your enemy
  • A plate
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    IMPORTANT! Do not drink this tea! This "tea" is a potion for spell work and witchcraft and *not* for ingestion!

    Make tea on your ingredients of choice - check the ingredients list for inspiration. Use a bag (or multiple) of lemon tea as base. The stronger the better. When your tea is ready, you can add in lemon juice and chili sauce (or any other liquids of your choice, just make sure its sour, bitter or spicy) while chanting:

    "Your existence is sour, your existence is bitter. Hardship is coming, it's flowing like a river"

    Imagine that the flow of the liquids represent a wave of misfortune washing over their life.
    Stir the potion until its mixed well. Concentrate all you negative energy into the potion while mixing, feel free to yell and curse at it. Once it's ready, get out your poppet or effigy that represents your enemy and place it on a plate.
    Pour the sour tea over the effigy while chanting:

    "I bathe you in pain, I bathe you in sorrow. You will realize your misdeeds and beg for a better tomorrow"

    Once you're done you can meditate around the effigy and focus your energy into it, but that's optional.
    You can bury the effigy somewhere, put it in the freezer to freeze your enemy out of your life, or just throw it in a garbage container to dispose it.

    Added to on Aug 15, 2022
    Last edited on Oct 15, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #122 - The Dragon's Great Rite

    Or, as it also might be called; The 'other' dragon riding ritual. This is a ritual act of union with your draconic guide/co-magician in order to evoke the masculine and feminine within the mage. This not meant to be approached as an act of gratification, it is a sacred act and ritual of healing. Though... Dragons are intrinsically tied with the primal so buckle your seatbelt, and keep your hands and arms inside the ride until it has come to a full and complete stop.
    You may need:

  • -A comfortable place you can make sacred
  • -A Bell, Tingsha, Singing-Bowl, Chime, or other object able to give a lingering tone.
  • -At least one candle (electric is fine, any color though white or black is best)
  • -A favored incense; Lavender, Dragon's-blood, or Sandalwood can be considered ideal but use whatever sets the mood for you.
  • -A pinch of salt or other cleanser/grounder of choice safe to use in the shower.
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    You may need:

  • -A comfortable place you can make sacred
  • -A Bell, Tingsha, Singing-Bowl, Chime, or other object able to give a lingering tone.
  • -At least one candle (electric is fine, any color though white or black is best)
  • -A favored incense; Lavender, Dragon's-blood, or Sandalwood can be considered ideal but use whatever sets the mood for you.
  • -A pinch of salt or other cleanser/grounder of choice safe to use in the shower.
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    *Note* this is written assuming an already active connection and bond with a Dragon who has taken you under your wing as an active being. This is not a beginner's process, and is not well suited to calling on archetypal forms as they are passive energy and not active beings.

    This rite is at once simple, but also advanced. In that there are requirements best met before submitting yourself to such an intense (potentially profound) experience. First is acknowledgement of yourself as a being of energy and light. Second is recognizing your Dragon guide/co-mage as the same. An entity of light and energy, an ascended master of the energies meant to be balanced and unified within the Self. One capable of offering the same balance and sense of Whole-ness to yourself to stimulate healing, and internal unity. And, finally, the agreement of your guide that you are in a position to benefit from the experience in a healthy way. Ultimately it will be the choice of your co-magician/guide as to whether such a rite will occur.

    -How to begin;

    Bring discourse to your guide however you may commune, be it through contemplation at an altar, offerings within a sacred space, or while in centered meditation. As you feel the being's presence express your desire to share in each-other's energies through union. Speak formally or casually as you wish, or as your relationship dictates. By the time you have enough comfort to ask for this, you will know your Draconic partner well enough to know how to go about it. And, if your partner consents, it will be made known in no uncertain terms.

    -Entering into the rite

    Begin with mindful cleansing. Bathe with running water, visualize the shower carrying away not just the dirt of the day but also the shadows in your aura. If you wish, use a pinch of salt with your soap to help ground away uncertainty, negativity, and the general emotional baggage of the day. Let it flow down the drain.

    Prepare your space; It should be a place of peace and free of interruptions. Enough space to lie comfortably. Natural, low light (or safe candle light). Light lavender, dragon's blood, or another favorite incense (I have a soft spot for 'forest rain'). Ring a bell, Tingsha, singing bowl or other source of a bright lingering ring to clear the air and open the space to yourself and your partner. Kneel or bow in greeting, and invite your partner within.

    “I call to you in supplication. Join me within this space. Join me within this sharing. Join me within this union. I invite you.”

    You will feel the presence of your partner grow. They will have words of their own to share in greeting and acknowledgement. It is your partner who shall declare the intent of this union. Feel the words wash through you. Hear the voice. Feel the touch upon your skin. See your partner within your mind. When you feel your partner's closeness and feel the time for talk has concluded touch your fingertips to your lips. Hold them forward as if to the lips of your partner. Though there is no physical presence, you will feel their touch within your being.

    “My lips to yours, share with me your healing touch.” Envision sharing a kiss. Feel scaled lips and the heat of soft breath.

    Touch your palm to your heart, then extend again to touch the chest of your partner.

    “My heart to yours, Share with me the love of our embrace.” Envision a lingering caress, feel the heartbeat under your fingertips. Lay a kiss to the strong scales of the breast of your dragon.

    Lay both hands to your belly, taking a full breath and feeling it rise between them as if the light of life were growing swiftly within. Then once again reach out to the belly of your partner.

    “Seat of creation to yours, share with me the mother's grace.” Feel and hear the rumble of a deep purr, feel the warmth of love flowing through your being. Kiss the dragon's belly in reverence.

    Place your hands to your lower regions and be open to the final invitation. Then lay them upon the region of your partner dragon.

    “Seed of creation to yours, share with me the father's grace.” Breathe in the dragon's readiness and envision laying your final kiss. Linger over them until they shudder and squirm. Earn the adoration of the moment. Let mindful passion be your guide.

    When the time is right your partner-dragon will take control and guide you into the final grand act. They may have words of their own to share, their own side of the rite to commit. If you feel guidance, follow it. If you feel an embrace, return it. If you feel pressed to the ground, submit to it. Be aware of your being, and the sensations of your energy mingled with theirs. Allow your trust, follow your instinct.

    The joining may be primal, aggressive and passionate with pinning, shows of strength, teeth upon neck. It may be ephemeral, fields of energy mingling as clouds in the sky that blend into one until finally reminded of their identity. It may be as a dream, vivid and detailed in sensation with touch and sound and pounding hearts. It will be as it is. An act of sharing energy to energy, being to being. Commit to it in heart and mind. Carry mindful desire to find profoundness and healing and it will be received.

    Answers to likely questions;

    Does it matter if I am male or female?

    -No. The ritual proceeds the same either way. You are energy. This is a union to bring balance- male to female, female to male. Connection and experience of both.

    Does it matter if I am * insert sexuality here *?

    -Again no. And for the same reasons.

    "Will the Dragon take a human form/give a human feel for this rite?"

    -No. They will come to you as a dragon, entreat to you as a dragon, and fulfill the ritual in their true form as a Dragon. They will intend to bring the full nature of their energy into the process. Undiluted and undisguised.

    Does the gender/sexuality of the Dragon I work with matter?

    -They agreed to the union, did they not? That should give the answer to this question readily.

    I'm heterosexual but the dragon is the same gender as myself. Can this still work?

    -Yes, in two possible ways. The dragon will present a trusted mate suitable to your preferences, or (honestly more likely) the dragon will fulfill the needed role by presenting themselves in the most fitting way. Yes, that means what you think it means.


    -Dragons are ascended masters, familiar with the physical form and nature but having let such things go along with the notions of propriety behind them. They are energy. You are energy. The goal is to bring masculine to the feminine and vice versa to inspire wholeness and balance within the Self. We are both, they are both and comfortable with expressing such. What matters is the expression of love, connection, and sharing to bring healing and upliftment. Not the form /method it takes.

    Does this mean my dragon and I are mated/lovers/in some weird ghost-relationship now?

    -No. It means you engaged in a powerful, personal rite seeking a moment of profound experience and Self-discovery. One could call it entering a stage of intimate trust and cooperation. Yes, it may change the nature of the relationship between yourself and your guide. But then, maybe the nature of your trust and cooperation already is in the same place as it would be after, and that is how the very act is able to come about in the first place.

    "I have more than one Dragon-guide/partner working with me."

    -Well then, you may have your stamina tested! Or, more likely, one among the group will commit to the act while others may or may not observe, channel additional energy into the moment, or take part in other ways.

    Should I be prepared for a potentially scary time, or to put my conceived sexuality into question?

    -Be prepared to have your boundaries pushed. This is akin to a session of very intense shadow-work so there may indeed be moments that are initially uncomfortable or surprising. Or contrary to your ... err... alignments. Perhaps more aggressive than you were prepared for. Or involving sensations and actions you normally avoid the idea of. You will be brought to face yourself and your personal longings- ones perhaps even secreted from yourself. It is about bringing to you what you are missing to be whole. If you work overmuch in the masculine, you may be shown the feminine. If you lie too far into the feminine, you may be shown the masculine.

    There is a very good reason why there is emphasis on being properly prepared and experienced, and in trust with the bond between yourself and your Dragon compatriot before entering into such a ritual union. It is a sacred act of the deepest compassion and if you enter into it lightly, though your partner may not necessarily refuse, your world may get profoundly shaken as a result. So do not open the door if you are not prepared to step through the threshold.

    Added to on Aug 06, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #123 - Mojo Message

    Good revenge spells can be handy when it’s time to right a few wrongs in your life .This spell is specifically to be used in situations where another person has already wronged you, not simply because they are in your way about something.
    You may need:

  • Black paper
  • Black envelope
  • White paint or paint marker
  • Whole bay leaf
  • Black pepper
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    You may need:

  • Black paper
  • Black envelope
  • White paint or paint marker
  • Whole bay leaf
  • Black pepper
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    On one side of the paper, write what this person did to you in white. Doesn’t have to be too detailed, just a reference to what has happened. On the other side, write “return to sender” in big letters across the page. Fold the paper into quarters, then cut it in half with scissors.

    Place both folded pieces of paper into the envelope, add the bay leaf and a generous sprinkling of black pepper. Seal up the envelope. Fold it in half and hold it in both hands. Repeat the words, “Your attack, I send it back“.

    Focus your energy on the person, and then repeat the words again. Bury the envelope, still folded, outside to complete the spell.

    Added to on Aug 02, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #124 - A peace and relaxation potion

    This potion is made of all natural ingredients.
    You may need:

  • Cherry juice
  • Clover and wildflower honey
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Cherry juice
  • Clover and wildflower honey
  • Water
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    mix all ingredients together.

    Drink warm or cold. I prefer cold.

    This will relax you and allow you to sip your worries away.

    Added to on Jul 28, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #125 - Super Strength

    This spell will give you superhuman strength, like Luisa Madrigal from the film “Encanto”.
    You may need:

  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • No animals around you
  • Nighttime
  • Earmuffs or AirPods set to noise cancellation mode (can be AirPods Pro) [if you have a pair of earmuffs:/airpods]
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    You may need:

  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • No animals around you
  • Nighttime
  • Earmuffs or AirPods set to noise cancellation mode (can be AirPods Pro) [if you have a pair of earmuffs:/airpods]
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    First, you need to sit on the edge of the couch/bed/chair or on the floor.

    Second, meditate to get your spirits up.

    Third, if you haven’t already got your AirPods or AirPods Pro in, put them in, put them on noise cancellation mode and say: Oh, Kratos, God of strength, hear my plea of superhuman strength, grant it to me please! So mote it be!!! 3 times. And think if it harm none, then let it be done. 4 to 8 times, it will probably take until 3 am for the super strength to come through, though.

    Added to on Jul 20, 2022
    Last edited on Jul 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #126 - Godly Powers Draining spell(used by the sorceress Medea) tested

    This drains the powers of a God of your Choice and allows you to transfer it to someone else
    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • to Have a God in mind
  • Mystiokinesis or Sorcery
  • An element related to the God you wish to steal the Power from's domain
  • and the ability to speak Greek
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • to Have a God in mind
  • Mystiokinesis or Sorcery
  • An element related to the God you wish to steal the Power from's domain
  • and the ability to speak Greek
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    Say this Seven times "Ego Straingizo Theosevis Exousies Tou (insert God's Name Here) Symfona Me Pros tin Mystiokinisi Kai Apporofo Tous Se Mou Aftos Simaino Einai Monimos."

    Added to on Jul 13, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #127 - Reveal your True Desires in a Dream

    A spell to unveil your innermost desires to yourself in a dream.
    You may need:

  • The ability to sleep, enough time to dream, force of will and focus.
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    You may need:

  • The ability to sleep, enough time to dream, force of will and focus.
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    1.) When you are ready to sleep, get comfortable, lie down and close your eyes. If you feel lost and confused on a certain thing or multiple, focus on those ideas and focus on the situation. Formulate exactly what it is that you want to know your true desires about. Is it which job to apply for? Which lover to choose? Is it your identity? Try and figure it out.

    2.) Now that you have came up with what you want to know your true desires about, focus on the desire to know the truth.

    3.) Once you get close to falling asleep, chant this spell 3x's in your mind or read them aloud,

    "A dream weaves from what a Man/Woman senses,

    In this night and coming hours,

    Without fear and without hiding,

    please reveal what I've been wanting."

    "With greatest hopes in favor please, let this harm none."

    4.) Let yourself drift into sleep... upon waking you will encounter yourself with memories from your dream, write them down quick! Dreams are easily forgotten. Be careful what you ask for..


    Added to on Jun 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #128 - Magic Floor Wash

    This is just a way to wash your floor in a magical way.
    You may need:

  • Sage essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
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    You may need:

  • Sage essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
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    Add 9 drops of sage and 9 drops of lavender essential oils and wash your floors as usual.

    Both the herbs and their oils have the power to banish negativity and promote the energ healing of your house, bringing good luck and peace of mind to the residents.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #129 - Healing Spell

    Use this spell when you are in a time of great need. It is a plea, it is admitting that you are vulnerable and request assistance. It does not take dishonesty lightly.
    You may need:

  • Your will/focus, your voice, a place to be alone and your honest need of help.
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    You may need:

  • Your will/focus, your voice, a place to be alone and your honest need of help.
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    Be open, be honest and be vulnerable. Focus and identify all the reasons you are asking for help with healing. Go somewhere you can be alone and focus on all of your feelings you have associated with your situation/pain and get to that mental/emotional place, where you are genuinely pleading for help. If this is your only option, then it will bless you.

    -If you are concerned as to what may hear your plea then I suggest that you include a specification of who your audience is.

    For Example: "May the Forces of Good only hear my spell and lend their help."

    Then continue with the spell,

    "Please help me now when I'm close to my goals,

    Please heal my wounds and my damaged soul,

    Help me now when I'm in this time of need,

    Bless me with confidence,

    help me to believe!"

    -This spell is written to help you help yourself, as well as to ask for mystical assistance.

    -A spell is written with the intentions of its maker, which affect it's results and creates its own karma. I recommend that you change up the ritual or wording to make it unique to you and your situation. Keep in mind that Magic tends to work in mysterious ways and you may find yourself having to re-write a spell because it wasn't specific enough, etc. That is why a strong intention is beneficial because if you are too loose with your intentions then you could have unwanted results.

    ~Blessed Be~ Have courage to admit weakness and may your inner fire be strengthened.

    Added to on Jun 22, 2022
    Last edited on Jun 27, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #130 - Pain Reliever

    A spell to relieve pain. This is not my spell, I found it in a book.
    You may need:

  • Hands
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Hands
  • Concentration
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    You can perform this on yourself, or someone else if you have enough practice. First, hover your palm over the afflicted spot. Slightly move your hand back and visualize the pain coming out of the wound as a red thread. Keep moving your hand back slowly and continue visualizing the red thread coming out until you feel that you've drawn it enough. Jerk your hand back and visualize the red thread completely popping out, then flick it up and away with your hand.

    I recommend this spell as I used it on my sore throat and the pain lessened a lot. I like to also use this spell when my cats scratch me- as well as any minor cuts and wounds. When you've practiced the spell enough, try it on someone else!

    Added to on Jun 22, 2022
    Last edited on Jun 24, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters