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2951 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2951 Health Spells
2951 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2951 Health Spells
  1. summon the dead god
  2. Empowering Spell
  3. Finding Lost Items Spell
  4. Meditation to gain energy
  5. Healing candle spell
  6. Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain)
  7. Health & Mental Issues Removal
  8. Effigy Poppet Curse
  9. new healing spell
  10. Belly inflation and stickyness.

#141 - summon the dead god

text taken from the book of Urila, used to summon the dead and forgotten god, a very dark and powerful spell. ONLY FOR ADVANCED PRACTITIONERS.
You may need:

  • voice
  • an altar space where you wont be disturbed
  • a candle
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    You may need:

  • voice
  • an altar space where you wont be disturbed
  • a candle
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    The Dead
    must be called in the Four Directions, and in the Four Spaces for, not knowing where It
    is, the Priest must needs take especial care that he call everywhere, for the Spirit may be
    in flight.
    And a Dead God may be also summoned, and the formulae is that which follows. It must
    be spoken clearly aloud, and not a word changed, else the Spirit of the God may devour
    thee, as there is no Food and no Drink where they are.
    And it must be called in a secret place, without windows, or with windows only in one
    place, and that should be in the Northern Wall of the place, and the only light shall be of
    one lamp, set on the altar, and the lamp need not be new, nor the altar, for it is a Rite of
    Age and of the Ancient Ones, and they care not for newness.
    And the altar should be of a large rock set in the earth, and a sacrifice acceptable unto the
    nature of the God should be made. And at the time of the Calling, the waters of ABSU
    will roil, and KUTULU will stir, but unless it be His time, he will not Rise.
    And this is the Conjuration of the Dead God:
    May NAMMTAR open my eyes that I may see . . . . . . . . .
    May NAMMTAR open my ears that I may hear . . . . . . . . .
    May NAMMTAR open my nose that I may sense His approach.
    May NAMMTAR open my mouth that my voice will be heard to the far reaches of the
    May NAMMTAR strengthen my right hand that I shall be strong, to keep the Dead
    under my power, under my very power.
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Words of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    I summon and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
    I summon Thine eyes to behold the Brightness of my Wand, which is full of the Fire of
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    By the Four Square Pillars of Earth that support the Sky,
    May they stand fast against Them that desire to harm me!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
    I summon Thee and Thine ears to hear the Word that is never spoken, except by Thy
    Father, the Eldest of All Who Know Age
    The Word that Binds and Commands is my Word!
    I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
    I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
    I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
    I summon Thee, and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
    I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the Bowels of the Earth!
    And this shall be recited only once, and if the God do not appear, do not persist, but
    finish the Rite quietly, for it means that It hath been summoned elsewhere, or is engaged
    in some Work which it is better not to disturb.

    Added to on Jan 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #142 - Empowering Spell

    Use this spell to grant yourself more power, but be sure to properly ground yourself before.
    You may need:

  • A Clear Mind
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    You may need:

  • A Clear Mind
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    Simply chant "infinita virtus in me influit. confirma me. conforta me. ditans me."

    Added to on Jan 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #143 - Finding Lost Items Spell

    I don’t know if this counts as a spell because it is more like a chant. It is Japanese and please keep repeating the spell as you look for your item. This only works for things you have lost.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
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    As you are looking for your item say:

    Tanuki ga koketa

    pronounce it tah nu kee gah koh keh tah

    Keep repeating it while looking.

    Added to on Jan 08, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #144 - Meditation to gain energy

    A way to meditate what will give you energy for spells!
    You may need:

  • Ability to make a psi ball
  • Candle (if you want)
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    You may need:

  • Ability to make a psi ball
  • Candle (if you want)
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    Sit in a meditation position (legs crossed hands on your knees) in the middle of a room with no sound, close your eyes and take deep breathes. Once you are reloaded make a psi ball and hold it out in your hands. Keep on taking deep breathes and keep in the same position, one your arms feel tired imagine you suck in all the energy from the psi ball into your body. Once done put yours hands back on your knees, keep your eyes closed and maintain your deep breaths. If done correctly you should feel tingly or feel like your magical energy is restored, enjoy!

    Added to on Dec 28, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #145 - Healing candle spell

    A spell using candle magick with the intention of healing.
    You may need:

  • Pin, or somthing else sharp
  • Green or white spell candle
  • Essintal oil (I recomend eucalyptus)
  • Tarragon
  • Lavander
  • Black salt
  • Rosemary
  • Candle holder or plate
  • Lighter/matches
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    You may need:

  • Pin, or somthing else sharp
  • Green or white spell candle
  • Essintal oil (I recomend eucalyptus)
  • Tarragon
  • Lavander
  • Black salt
  • Rosemary
  • Candle holder or plate
  • Lighter/matches
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    This healing candle is one I have used before, and is a good introduction to candle magick.

    Start by carving your intention into your candle using the pin, or something else. The intention for this spell is healing, so write this word into the candle, while setting the intention of who the healing is directed towards. You can also carve in sigils to match your intentions.

    Second, anoint your candle with your essential oil of choice. I recommend eucalyptus for healing. If you don't have that, try lemongrass, lavender, or another oil associated with healing. (Make sure to double check your sources if you are researching this :))

    Now roll your candle in your tarragon. Tarragon is a great herb for healing, and if you don't have any, you can get it cheap at any grocery store. Then roll your candle in the lavender and rosemary. Keep your intentions in mind as you do this.

    Place your candle where you will be lighting it and make a circle of black salt around it, to protect both the spell and your target for the spell. Now light the candle.

    Leave the candle burning until it burns down to a very small stub, making sure to keep intentions strong. Take the stump once the spell is complete, and sleep with it close to your pillow for a couple of days.

    Blessed be!

    Added to on Nov 30, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #146 - Honor Your Ancestors (Samhain)

    If you want to honor your ancestors this Samhain, this is a simple spell for that. This can be done alone or with a group—as a single rite or part of a larger ritual. Actions are in italics AND parenthesis.
    You may need:

  • Three small offerings (like a charm, a dime, etc) which are personal to you and your family/ancestors
  • Offering dish (if you're doing this inside)
  • Small fire (or 3 small candles inside a fire-proof container if you can't have a real fire)
  • Parchment paper with your message to your ancestors written on it (requests for aid, etc) (best if this is prepared beforehand)
  • Photos of your ancestors (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Three small offerings (like a charm, a dime, etc) which are personal to you and your family/ancestors
  • Offering dish (if you're doing this inside)
  • Small fire (or 3 small candles inside a fire-proof container if you can't have a real fire)
  • Parchment paper with your message to your ancestors written on it (requests for aid, etc) (best if this is prepared beforehand)
  • Photos of your ancestors (optional)
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    Take several deep breaths. Focus on those who have come before you, on their branching connections to you. Remember that you are the result of the love of thousands.

    Light the fire/three candles. When you are ready, say:

    "Through the shadows of living memory

    And out across the gulf of time

    I call now to my Ancestors:

    Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)

    Great-grandparents of yesteryear,

    And all honorable forebears,

    Across the ages, can you hear

    As I call to you this night, to share

    The eve together in good cheer.

    Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)

    For again I recall that it was only

    Through your distant voice,

    Through your ancient anarchy,

    And through your every choice,

    That I stand here, wild and free.

    Hear my/our prayers and accept this tribute, (give offering)

    Our connection is again renewed,

    Here on this night with the veil so thin.

    Through all the years that interlude,

    You're with me, here, within.

    To you, I give my gratitude.

    That I might see this day,

    Informed by your vision,

    —Old Ones, this I pray!

    That I might understand this day,

    Guided by your wisdom,

    —Old Ones, this I pray!

    That I might share this day,

    Empowered by your love,

    —Old Ones, this I pray!

    (place message paper in the fire/light it in the candles then drop it in the fire-proof container; be careful not to burn yourself!)

    Ancestors from beyond,

    You are not forgotten.

    We still share this bond.

    Have thee a Blessed Samhain."

    Watch the smoke from your message as it rises and dissipates, knowing your communication has been heard. Let the fire/candles burn down/out (unless you need to do something else—don't leave a lit fire unattended!) and put the ashes outside with the offerings in the dish (preferably in a graveyard, but if you don't have easy access one, don't worry about it).

    Blessed be.

    Added to on Nov 12, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #147 - Health & Mental Issues Removal

    This advice gonna make your life better than ever.
    You may need:

  • Ability to take the action.
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    You may need:

  • Ability to take the action.
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    I feel very bad for those who thinks a spell can loose your weight, or boost your mental health .

    Thats Lol.

    But Yes it is possible to loose your weight and remove your anxiety through an ancient Japaneese technique. To know about that read the link below 👇

    Added to on Nov 04, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #148 - Effigy Poppet Curse

    Once you’ve familiarized yourself with your Shadow Circle and have made contact with either Hecate or Lyssa (or any other dark god or goddess) you should be able to start successfully conducting rituals. The effigy curse utilizes an image or representation (effigy) of the intended victim in the flame of the black candle. The effigy can be anything you wish it to be, their name on a small piece of paper is pragmatic and simple, also keep in mind you’re about to set it on fire. The amount of damage done to the victim is correlated to the amount of energy & rage you put into the chant.
    You may need:

  • Effigy or Poppit
  • Black Candle
  • Fireproof container
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    You may need:

  • Effigy or Poppit
  • Black Candle
  • Fireproof container
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    First: Light the black candle on your altar and place the fireproof container/bowl/plate in front of the candle.

    Second: Take your effigy & set the corner on fire using the candle.

    Third: Immediately drop the effigy in the bowl.

    Fourth: Chant the following aloud.

    This is the time of retribution, I invoke the elements, I summon them, I conjure them to do my bidding, The four watchtowers, grant me thy power, being forth fear, guilt and pain, there shall be submission without pity, I direct my hate against thee, against thee it shall be directed, a hundred-fold is the cost for my anger and pain, Thee shall be wrought with fear, anointed with pain, blinded by me, binded by me, cursed by me, So Mote it be!

    Lastly: Allow the Effigy to burn out, after the fire is out extinguish the candle to conclude the ritual.

    Added to on Oct 31, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #149 - new healing spell

    you can heal your own selves
    You may need:

  • say
  • wand
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    You may need:

  • say
  • wand
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    Added to on Oct 24, 2021
    Last edited on Dec 08, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #150 - Belly inflation and stickyness.

    Inflate your belly
    You may need:

  • 2 or more liters of soda(recommend 5 liters of soda)
  • Lotion
  • Mouthwash(recommend Colgate bubble fruit mouthwash)
  • Water
  • Strand of your hair
  • Cup or bowl
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    You may need:

  • 2 or more liters of soda(recommend 5 liters of soda)
  • Lotion
  • Mouthwash(recommend Colgate bubble fruit mouthwash)
  • Water
  • Strand of your hair
  • Cup or bowl
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    Drink the 2 or more liters of soda(do not go to the bathroom after drinking the 2 or more liters of soda for spell to work).squirt twice into the cup or bowl, then add some mouthwash, and then mix. Then jump up and down 120 times.add some water, a strand of your hair,and mix for the last time. To finish apply to your stomach(do not rub it in just let it set for the best effect.)!

    side effects:

    your clothes will stick to your stomach

    needing to go to the bathroom

    Added to on Sep 28, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2951 Health Spells from Spell Casters