Take away Anger and Pain

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Take away Anger and Pain
This is to release anger & pain. Beginners seem to have good luck with it. For a chant use the same candle colors, repeated at least 3 days preferably 5 days in a row at first, then when ever needed. If using as a spell, it will work better if repeated 3-5 days in a row. It can also be combined.

Casting Instructions for 'Take away Anger and Pain'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Dish to put burning paper in
  • If you want to use elemental candles feel free to surround yourself with them.
  • Candle color:
  • ( black
  • ( or more white
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Dish to put burning paper in
  • If you want to use elemental candles feel free to surround yourself with them.
  • Candle color:
  • ( black
  • ( or more white
Write on the paper:
Take my anger take my pain, wash away like a gentle rain.
Put my anger into flight, let it go- stay out of sight.
Angers gone so to my pain, born again by this witches flame.

At the bottom of the paper in a circle shape write the runes of your choice or a pentagram. Feel it all draining out of you and going into the flame as your doing this spell.


Added to on Apr 24, 2014
Part of the Black Cross Library.


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A simple healing for your emotions. It can help you work through them, so you can use this to write letters to people who have wronged you as part of a cord cutting. You could also add wood and herbs with cleansing, healing or peace energy to the fire to further enhance the spell.

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