This spell should be performed during a waxing moon on a night, on which you can see the moon. It should be performed outside or with an open window facing the moon. Take the candle and point it to the sky. Imagine yourself thin. Carve the wish into the candle. Light it while saying: Tonight I come to you young Moon Help my efforts to not be in vain help me now to lose my burden may I lose so you may gain. Let the candle burn down then throw it away.
This can help, but be sure to have a healthy diet and exercise routine to help it. Weight loss spells help motivate and reduce cravings, not make the pounds vanish overnight.
This might set your intention, but it needs more effort. If your reason for weight loss is simply ''to be thin'' it is not the best motivation for weight loss and can result in an eating disorder. To look better because you are not comfortable in your body is a valid reason, but because society wants you to be thin sets you up for failure. Deep down, it is not your reason to loose weight, it is the judgement of others. You are giving your power away. Meditate on the reasons why you want to lose weight. This could include to feel comfortable in your physical form, more energy, improved health, even an outfit you love can be a reason. Telling yourself you are fat and cannot be fat because other people do not accept you is not. Next, plan what you will give up and what you will replace it with. You will give up an hour of screen time and you will do an exercise you enjoy. You will give up fries and replace it with salad. Weight loss spells can work, but they are not instant, and they require more planning and effort from you than, say, a luck spell.
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