Spell Ideas

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Spell Ideas
Post # 1

Hi, I'm finally returning to magick, and attempting to pursue it with a passion. Do you have any suggestions on good spells to start with for ideas of:

Love spells

Beauty Spells

Being More Attractive



getting my mom to let me go to a friend's brithday on 19/11; it's a major thing for me to be at a birthdayparty.

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Re: Spell Ideas
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Welcome back to magick! A genera idea to start with spell casting is protection spells, but that is just my opinion. I share this opinion because I think it is crucial for us to be able to avoid from unwanted & harmful energies that could effect what we do.

There is a great thread that could help as well:

Beginner Spell Ideas by Misanthropy: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=926442
Troubleshooting Spells by Weatherwax: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=846276
The Basics: Expanded by AwakeTooLong: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=483942

Magic is a tool that can aid us in achieving our goals. It helps influence the energy around us. It is possible through magic for your mom to let you go to your friend's party, but not through control. You could help put her in a happier-more positive mindset and environment. Everydaywhether it be from communication, facial expressions, body language, etc we are influencing our own mindset & environment. In turn, we also influence the people around us as they influence their environment too.

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Re: Spell Ideas
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

All spells are going to be listed under the "Spells" tab on the site. I would try to stick to five star spells because there is definitely some fluff in the lower rated ones. Mainly, things to look out for have to do with something claiming it can allow you to shape-shift or change something drastically overnight. That's usually a good indication that it was written by someone with a limited understanding of magic.
As for specifics, that would be up to you. It's hard to just pick out a love spell or beauty spell from all the ones listed there without knowing more about what you're specifically looking to accomplish or change with it.

As far as revenge spells, those will be listed in there too. Just be very careful with these. Many Wiccans follow the rule of three, that whatever you put forth will come back to you times three. I personally, just believe thatfocusing on negative thoughts and energy can be bad for your mental health anyway. A lot of times, I've found, when I think I want revenge, what I actually need is just space and peace to deal with what I've gone through.
But the spells are there if you want to look through them.

They also have peace spells and spiritual spells listed there, see if any of them appeal to you. Personally, I find that having a creative outlet helps a lot too. Simply writing or drawing to deal with what I'm thinking or even doing a tarot spread to assess my own thoughts on the matter. The CelticCross spread is very goodforthat. Playing music is another great one. A lot people find that creating their own peace spells is a very good outlet in itself because there is an element of creativity to it and you can customize it to suit the issue you're trying to deal with.

And finally, for your mother, you might just try talking to her and explaining why this is so important to you. Ask her why she doesn't want you to go. There may be more to this than you realize, such as even just having other plans that she feels very strongly about. If you want to try something magical along with this, a honey jar spell to sweeten her mood wouldn't hurt, but usually something like this has a non-magical reason, and probably a non-magical solution.

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