aspiring ki fighter

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Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 5
well. the author of Dragon ball did base a lot of what you saw on stuff like ki. so i am not surprised at how similar it does sound

Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 6
It is great to note that you do value the basics. Going out there to combat all 'evil forces' seems like a lot of work. But then again I don't think any two people define evil identically. With that said I don't think you can combat all 'evil'. Maybe the evils that directly affect you can be influenced but if something involving evil has no connection to you at all I don't see how you can play any part.
And Dragon ballz is fiction.

Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 7
dragon ball is fiction, but hey. It's a really good show--therapeutic even. and plus some of the stuff here looks remarkably similar to what i have seen. And it is what inspired me to learn how to use ki to begin with.

Re: aspiring ki fighter
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I applaud your desire to combat evil. For whatever its worth, I would recommend starting more locally. Make the lives of those around you better for having you in it. Call out hypocrisy and be a good friend.

It may seem small or trite but it really isnt.

good luck!


Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 9
I plan to start at home helping make my city crime free. There are a number of small gangs that have been responsible for most of the crime. I plan to find their leaders and blind their ability to do harm using a potion i apply to my hands that binds anyone who shakes my hand to me.

The command I'll give them is simple: "never do crime again"

do that to them, and they'll no longer be able to function as a criminal, they'll no longer be a threat to anyone, and without their leadership, their gang will stop functioning and dissolve on its own accord.

I am a believer in giving all a second chance

Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 10
I absolutely agree it may take longer than a lifetime to even recognise all 'evil' involved in one's immediate surroundings. It is not a small thing, requires concentration and continued consistency.
But CSonredna I can only assume that you do acknowledge that the 'potion' you mentioned is only theoretical.

Re: aspiring ki fighter
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
You have shown very little understanding of human nature so far. You also come across as very naive and your thinking is geared towards adopting very idealistic ways of approach. Life does not work like that.

There is not a single cure for "evil", which can be imposed by one person on billions across the world. You are taking yourself too serious and you are ought to get hurt and very disappointed.

You cannot rewire a brain geared towards violence by just a handshake and or potion and you cannot extract their pain and anger for few minutes.

Please understand that your goal is not realistic and please do not get yourself killed before reality hits home.

Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 12
I may not be able to rewire their brains, but their violence can be bound. I myself am autistic, so I have difficulty understanding human nature. The way I think is linear and straight forward. I do my best in trying to understand, but never really have any success--except on paper anyways given I am a writer.

I am also a believer in discretion is the better part of valor. I never take any unnecessary chances that will bring about the end of my life.

The work I have chosen to do will help guarantee that people will continue to live in their own world, and their children staying carefree and happy.

I plan to fight the good fight. Fighting hard for everyone so the fact of them living a life of peace continues to be a possibility.

Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 13
I should say the name of the field of work I'll be doing is counter-insurgence.

Re: aspiring ki fighter
Post # 14
yes. good luck

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