Successful White Magic?

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Successful White Magic?
Post # 1
Hi everyone! :) I've done some spells in the past but I'm starting back up again now. I'd like to know what White Magic spells you've done that have been successful? And what you did to achieve it if it did work. If not just tell me what spell you did that worked! White Magic only please! :)
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Re: Successful White Magic?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Magick doesn't really have a colour, it is energy, it is all the same, your intent is what changes the outcome.

You will find most people have the best experiences with spells they write themselves, due to the connection they have to the spell. Personally I have found much success with healing assistance and business spells.

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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 3
I figured as much. Magic being all one color, but I just have a fear of accidently meddling in the wrong form. I know about the three folds law and I also try to lean away from spells that can cause something bad in return.
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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 4
While magic doesn't have an actual color, "white" and "black" are simply terms to denote its effect. White magic often has a healing effect, while black often has an effect detrimental to the target's health. Some people just feel more comfortable or at home with one of the two branches.
As for what white magic spells I have successfully cast, here is one that I have found especially useful:
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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 5
Thanks Julius! I never thought about it that way; and thanks for the link. :)
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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 6
Intent! it's all about what you intend, what are you trying to accomplish with the spell, is it something you know is good? right? ethically? morally? use your conscience, trust it, if your intentions go against it, you are likely doing what you might consider dark magic, if it's not, its more in the white magic. but like everyone said, it's a spectrum, white and every kind of grey imaginable, then black. For instance, what if your wish is to make a love spell, or a love potion or some such, these are often posted as very flowery, happy, cutesy spells, but if they are being used to sheerly manipulate someone's own free will to bend to your own desires? you can imagine the karmic threefold results of something like that, probably black-ish magic, but it's the intent that counts, what you are actually trying to do.

white magic spells that we have had some success with? well I think I would say a simple moon water healing, on the full moon, put out a container (I prefer covered so you don't gets bugs and whatnot in it haha) full of spring water, or the closest and most natural you can come by, let it absorb all of the moons light for the night, and then over the next 9 days, rub a little on your third eye(this just helps to heal and open your third eye, to further be receptive to healing, and to help be aware, mindful and heal one's self as well) and the back of your neck, as well as any other areas that may be injured or targeted with this healing, sit for 5-10 minutes and focus on the person, or yourself getting better while either both meditating, or you meditating while they just simply relax. use your will, your intent, focus it on them, or you, getting better, envision what it would feel like if the injury or ailment in question didn't exist anymore, how relieved, natural, whole and all very they would feel being healed push or pull or do whatever you need to do to make that feeling a reality, WILL it into existence. try to do this once or twice a day, hell three times wouldn't hurt but I normally stick with two, once in the morning and once at night, as well as for every Reiki session I do for clients. Nine days of this should help you in your goal, but like most magic you can try to make a version of it that suits yourself, insert your own practise and intent into it and make it your own! This one works wonders for me, and it can for you if you want it to :)

Good luck, stay safe, be positive, and think critically :D
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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 7
Thanks EclecticSolo! :) this is one of the best healing techniques I've seen in a while. Definitely will try it! :)
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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 8
Magic is colored by intent, painted by your emotions. If you wish to heal others, then its something that comes from the heart, you cant heal others with selfishness in your heart-just like you can't harm others with love. So basically you have to be just and rational in your spells, otherwise they wont work and/or backfire.
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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 9
Hello, your request is as simple as any thing if you are ready and have believe you will surely get what you want. white magic is traditionally referred to the use of supernatural or magic for good and selfless purposes.white magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious so to get started you have to send your full name and details in other to consult the god's of magic. with that been said, my magic is free. so i'm happy to tell you that so many guys have become powerful god's of white magic through my training with no stress..
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Re: Successful White Magic?
Post # 10
If by "white magic" you mean healing magic, then my intuition has recently led me to a very, very simple and very, very effective spell. I still haven't found what the "limits" are for this, as I've only done this three times. Anyway!

All you need to do is take a white tealight candle and gently press or rub the area you wish to be healed. You will want to focus on how the candle is absorbing the sickness, the pains, or whatever, and once you feel like the candle has been "connected" to the ailment, set it on your altar (or other place where it won't be disturbed) and light the wick. Let it burn out completely. By the time the candle burns out, the problem should either be completely healed or significantly better.

So far I've used it for a sore throat I had, that silly moment when I rubbed my eye directly after dealing with hot peppers, and when my dog had a seizure. I won't say that the candle healed him (the dog) of his seizures completely, but I will definitely say that out of all of the ones he's had in the past five or six years, he's never had one that went so well!

I would imagine that you could use any white candle you would like, and you could probably also use a different healing color, if you would like. ^_^

WARNING: The following is just theoretical junk on karma and the Threefold Law, and not entirely relevant to the question at hand.

Since no one else has really said this, I guess I will ^_^ In many ways, the Law of Threefold Return does not exist. There are countless witches who have reported hexing people, and even going so far as to murder with magic--and they never see any Divine backlash. In the Western world, we've almost butchered the actual meaning of karma. To many, karma is where if you do something bad, you will get bad in return. But that is not true. The Law of Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. And, as you can piece together, the Threefold Law is heavily dependent on the incorrect meaning of karma--and, thus, the Threefold Law is incorrect itself.

However, I study a lot of astro-numerology, and I can say that I strongly believe that those who harm others WILL receive karmic debt, and unless they atone for their sins in this life, that karmic debt will create pesky--or even major--"blocks" in their next lives. These blocks do not mean that bad things will happen to them (because, so long as you are a living being, bad things are going to happen to you, and it doesn't matter what you've done or haven't done), just that they will have to work harder in some instances to get their desired results.

But, both astrology and numerology are complex, and I can't really explain every little thing in a couple of paragraphs xD
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