Christian Wicca

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Re: Christian Wicca
Post # 2
Same with me, I am and always will be Christian but I also feel a draw toward magic. I consider myself more of a Druid than Wiccan since God's presence being in nature works with my beliefs. That's just me though do what works for you.
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Re: Christian Wicca
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

In my opinion one cannot be both Christian and Wiccan.

The two religions are very, very different in their beliefs and practices. For example, to be Christian one has to believe in Jesus as your savior. Wiccans do not believe in Jesus, nor do we believe that we need to be "saved" by anyone. We are responsible for our own actions and the consequences of those actions.

Generally when I hear someone talk about being both Christian and Wiccan what they really mean is that their religion is Christianity but they also like to cast spells. Wicca is not about casting spells. On the other hand, Witchcraft is about casting spells and doing magic. It is a magical practice rather than a religion. So it is perfectly possible to be a Christian Witch.

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Re: Christian Wicca
Post # 4
I believe myself to be highly educated in Christianity and I know that casting spells and taking any part in divination is strictly against the Christian morality. There are scores of bible passages that clearly disallow use of magic and non-christian ritual.
But just as there are Christian whores, I suppose there can be Christian witches. Jesus sat with the prostitutes, the homosexuals and the tax collectors. I don't see why he wouldn't sit with the witches if they accepted him.
Just know that it is not Christian practice to do magic. It will definitely not be accepted in Christian circles and, according to Christian theology, you will be judged harshly for your actions after your death.
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Re: Christian Wicca
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Hey, Moses did great magick! So did Jesus. Calling them miracles makes them no less than magick. And many churches still do rituals considered magickal practices. Look at all those candles! And what is the incense burning used for? Christians took pagan holidays and made them their own, to ease the people's transition. I mean, what do eggs and bunnies have to do with the crucifying and resurrection of Jesus? And no where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Jesus's birthday, no where..
The Bible has been mistranslated so many times, that we do not get it all. Love unconditional is Law. That's it. That does not mean love all they do. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would it not be great if we cared for each other?
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Re: Christian Wicca
By: / Novice
Post # 6

No. Easter is not a pagan Holiday. Hares were long associated with those faiths. There was a belief in hares having virgins births. Also, it's erasure of the Jewish influence, you know the religion where Christianity branched from, to say it came from paganism. Look into the passover seder, this is where the egg came from. It's also not magic unless the culture/religion itself deems it as so. There was also no stealing or taking of holidays in general, who do you think were the converts?

You can definitely practice witchcraft as a Christian. Start researching folk magic practices, especially those of Britain, and you will find that the magical practices were greatly influenced by the people's faith. There are also blogs you can find on tumblr by searching "Christian Witch" which will help with an understanding of modern practice.

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Re: Christian Wicca
Post # 7
I appreciate Lark's answer as well. Blessed Be.
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Re: Christian Wicca
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Merry Meet,

There are those who practice "Christian Wicca" so if it feels right for you then go for it. My main question to you however is why. What is it about Wicca you like, and why do you feel the need to combine two religions? There is no wrong answer, but you should be able to answer why you feel this way even for your own personal satisfaction. Most Christian Wiccans I have met want to be Christian and cast spells, which isn't a "Wicca" exclusive concept, therefore "Christian Witchcraft" might work better by definition, though sound too "devil worshippy" for most.

While Wicca is rather fluid and can mold to personal view, there are still a few things at its core which makes it Wicca. A God and Goddess for example, the balance of male and female energies is a key component of the faith. Christianity on the other hand states "I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before Me" which creates a problem meshing the two together. Also, while not all Wiccans cast spells, the bible makes some anti-magic stands that further contradicts the term. Go ahead and forge your own path, just be aware of the two religions.

Blessed Be.
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Re: Christian Wicca
Post # 9

I am new here.

I can see Christianvalues as such may have been taught by a man. But I don't believethat he was divine,anymore. I have been reading some deep research and it all points to Jesus' divinity being added long after that fact by church leaders to control followers. I have read that the story of a virgin birth was taken wrong, in that the correct word was maiden not virgin. There are so many inconsistencies. How can any one be sure, as there are no writing of Jesustill 60 years after his death? Even the Romans ( who kept meticulous records ) fail to mention him or an incident that is quoted in the bible.

I really don't know, I will have to believeor not believefor myself and keep it at that. sorry if I am off topic.

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Re: Christian Wicca
Post # 10
I agree with lark too, you need to choose your path you cannot be both a Christian and a wiccan
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Re: Christian Wicca
By: / Novice
Post # 11
@ asatru1 did you even read Tadashi's post? he didn't claim any of the nonsense you spouted. he asked why the original poster was interested in the path because Wicca is a religion not spell casting, and if she wanted to be a Christian who casts spells, she should call it 'Christian Witchcraft' [quote: '...want to be Christian and cast spells, which isn't a "Wicca" exclusive concept, therefore "Christian Witchcraft" might work better by definition, though sound too "devil worshippy" for most.'] he also never said Wicca wasn't a religion. heck, Lark said very much the same thing [quote: 'Generally when I hear someone talk about being both Christian and Wiccan what they really mean is that their religion is Christianity but they also like to cast spells']

@ Germinimich the answers pretty much been provided for you along with a slew of personal opinions, but Wicca and Christianity are two different religions, but if you can find a way to weave the two together into a path that works for you, go for it.
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